After reading this thread and talking with an administrator, there are probably some things many of us are not considering with regard to a fall football season. I think we all understand that it is more complicated than just reopening the schools and putting a team on the field after two weeks of practice. There are so many variables involved. I will list some that have been mentioned in this thread here, as well as other considerations:
1. Player conditioning/safety.
2. Player physicals and paperwork.
3. Liability and insurance policies.
4. Coach certifications and background checks.
5. Equipment reconditioning and repair.
6. Reworking of schedules (and accompanying transportation requirements, officials, etc.) for a shortened season. It may not be as easy as just dropping the first 2 games to create an 8 game season if some teams in your district play a district game in those two weeks and others do not.
All of the above take time and don't just happen. If a decision cannot be made until later in the summer, trying to restart on Date X and say we will play games 2-3 weeks later puts a huge administrative burden on the school and coaching staffs and may include some things that just cannot be accomplished in 2-3 weeks.
Some other considerations:
6. If fans are allowed, game management policies (concessions, social distancing, etc.) and the necessary increase in staff to implement those policies (more staff, more cost).
7. If limited fans are allowed (family, school staff and game management staff only?) will the cost of executing a game exceed the revenue generated? If not, where does that money come from? What defines family? What about those devoted fans who no longer have kids on the field? For facilities of different sizes, what is the allowable number and who determines that? etc. etc. etc.
8. If the VHSL decides to hold the playoffs there is the potential for certain teams to be at a competitive disadvantage, if they allow some regions to start "on time" and others are delayed due to stated restrictions (like now with the NOVA area remaining under stricter guidance). Or, do they hold off on starting the season until all schools are open and functioning?
I am probably only scratching the surface here but there is a lot to consider. And despite everyone's best effort, if another wave of Covid-19 appears when we reopen, it may all go south again. In the meantime, let's all continue to hope and pray things get better, for more than just football.