Galax-69 Bland- 6 FINAL

Yea I agree totally I spouted off at the mouth and was wrong for doing so... I guess I should be greatful for the coverage but I was just thinking that someone that specializes in this area would know better than to pick that game like that... But yeah I was outta line a little
Yea I agree totally I spouted off at the mouth and was wrong for doing so... I guess I should be greatful for the coverage but I was just thinking that someone that specializes in this area would know better than to pick that game like that... But yeah I was outta line a little

No harm, no foul. I can be overzealous sticking up for our staff, especially the new guys.

He'll get better in time. Heck, I didn't think that my writing made an ounce of sense until I had three years under my belt.

It's all about development and progress.
Everyone needs put back in line tho. Thanks Rod!!! Lol But yeah va preps has made a great effort trying to include swva in its coverage. Question? Are you looking into including all sports? Is Rfannon going to be that guy? Just curious.
Everyone needs put back in line tho. Thanks Rod!!! Lol But yeah va preps has made a great effort trying to include swva in its coverage. Question? Are you looking into including all sports? Is Rfannon going to be that guy? Just curious.

Primarily, we try to look at football, boys basketball and baseball, but a lot is up to the individual writer.

The discussions with Randy were almost solely based on football as I asked for three articles per week during the season and recruiting/profile articles during the offseason. The harsh reality is that football pays the bills around here.

Randy is an outstanding photographer so I think that we might get some basketball photos/coverage from him to augment the stuff that Matt Hatfield does as Matt heads up our basketball stuff. I know that he is currently looking at making a trip out that way for the Chance Harmon event, not sure what else he has planned.

I would not expect too much around baseball and some of the other sports though. Having said that, we are also open to people providing game reports for games that they attend. Unfortunately, since we run those for free, it's done on a volunteer basis. However, that is how most of us broke into doing this in the first place, so sometimes people grow into something "bigger".

It's been a real struggle finding people out that way and an even bigger struggle finding money to pay them.

For me, the top priority is finding someone to replace me with NoVa coverage which would free me up more to do admin stuff and do more podcasting and one-shot articles and columns.
Like I said just curious. I understand you have to stay where the money is at. There is also some really good baseball played down this way.

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