Hayfield back in the news..


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Sep 19, 2021
Think it’s time for VA to crackdown and make the requirements for any head/assistant coaches to work in public education or for that locality’s government. None of that school security/cafeteria monitor bull jive either…If you need a teachers’ license and degree to teach, school counseling, or admin, you should have the same credentials as a coach working with middle/high school student athletes.

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Most localities don’t require a background check for assistants. A lot of head coaches let any and every rec league “coach” join their staff and they just show up to work practice and games. It’s a damn shame. The state of Texas requires every member of a high school coaching staff to be a licensed educator and I believe that should be everywhere.
Think it’s time for VA to crackdown and make the requirements for any head/assistant coaches to work in public education or for that locality’s government. None of that school security/cafeteria monitor bull jive either…If you need a teachers’ license and degree to teach, school counseling, or admin, you should have the same credentials as a coach working with middle/high school student athletes.

I'd like to agree with this but then HS sports would crumble. We can barely fill the buildings with certified people and extending that to the coaches would be impossible. Just need a better way to vet who gets brought on and have a strict no tolerance policy. Which at least in this case seems to be happening. But I think Coach Overton needs to have a complete overhaul to his program before it comes crashing down.
Between Hayfield and Langley and whatever happened at Woodson it's been a wild year for coaches around here.
I'd like to agree with this but then HS sports would crumble. We can barely fill the buildings with certified people and extending that to the coaches would be impossible. Just need a better way to vet who gets brought on and have a strict no tolerance policy. Which at least in this case seems to be happening. But I think Coach Overton needs to have a complete overhaul to his program before it comes crashing down.
Gotta at least monitor who they get to lead our young men. One of Overton’s best players is fighting a gun case now. The accountability aspect of coaching has fallen to winning games, how many kids you can send to college and who can get the best players to transfer to their program. It’s bull jive bro… We’re seeing too many young people have their life taken (literally and figuratively) in our area each day because of lack of leadership. Enough is enough bro. Gotta get real men leading and holding our kids accountable.
I agree that Public School sports would crumble if only licensed educators were allowed to coach. Most of the teachers I know are working second jobs after school for extra income. Coaching stipends wouldn’t cover what they would lose. Hard enough finding quality coaches now, imagine what the on field play would look like if you cut the coaching talent pool in half.

Anytime you work with or around children a background check should be mandatory, volunteer or paid.
I agree that Public School sports would crumble if only licensed educators were allowed to coach. Most of the teachers I know are working second jobs after school for extra income. Coaching stipends wouldn’t cover what they would lose. Hard enough finding quality coaches now, imagine what the on field play would look like if you cut the coaching talent pool in half.

Anytime you work with or around children a background check should be mandatory, volunteer or paid.
Coaching for most sports has become a year-round commitment. Most teachers can't do that and shouldn't be expected to do it.
Coaching for most sports has become a year-round commitment. Most teachers can't do that and shouldn't be expected to do it.
I agree 100%, the right guy for each program always isn’t the guy who decided as a 19-20 year old to go to school to become a teacher or consoler