Let me preface my rant by saying I appreciate those who officiate, and I also understand there is a shortage of officials. Seems like the only thing parents have a desire to do these days is berate the officials instead of cheering on their team. Now, what has bothered me the entire season is a seemingly (from my eyes and a I do wear glasses) lack of hustle by the officials. I understand the umpire is typically the oldest or most overweighted member of a crew, but come on show some desire. Just plain laziness I'm seeing. Earlier this year a team wanted to play fast but the umpire was so slow in spotting the ball that they had to give up that strategy. Then -- like Saturday's Westmoreland-Rappahanock game -- the crew tossed flags every other play. It took nearly an hour to play the 3rd quarter because of so many conferences by he officials who didn't seem to know the application of some penatlies.! Then Friday night, two teams that run the ball 90 percent of the time got together and there was just one flag tossed the entire night for holding. And it's not like these guys are fresh, young faces.
Maybe I'm overreacting -- and I know some officials whom I consider to be friends of mine -- but this is what I've been witnessing this season.
Maybe I'm overreacting -- and I know some officials whom I consider to be friends of mine -- but this is what I've been witnessing this season.