A bushel of that quality is quite a bit. I do have a crab pot that just sits from the dock in the back yard on the Chester River and it yields quite a bit but you'll just have to settle for my Crab Soup. I "can" quite a lot of it and have plenty to spare. Makes good Christmas presents. By almost all accounts, it's the best they ever had. But everyone has their own taste.Well Shaunty, you are welcome to come south and enjoy some good football any time. But, the cost of admission will be one bushel of Jimmies! (For those same of you with no exposure to the Chesapeake Bay, Jimmies are big, meaty, male Blue Crabs.) I'm making some drawn butter now Shaunty, so get a move on!
I actually prefer the versatilities available with cooking the soft shells but, again, everyone has their own preference.