You know, I may not like it, but if they, (LCA), reclassified a bunch of kids at the last minute, and it was legal, you can not bust their chops for acting within the rules. If they were recruiting right up to the day they were officially accepted into the VHSL, again, they broke no rules.
It's like filing your tax return. There are a lot of really rediculious loop holes that you can take advantage of. Another example, a defense attorney will use anything, including a minor technicality to get some worthless punk off. Both of these methods are well within the rules of law.
What I see as important to the argument is as follows. And you have to apply your own personal values to the first one. What message are they sending to those that they are charged with educating, not just academically, but as Christian followers? Remember, the LCA mission is not the same as the public school mission.
My second concern is "are they following the VHSL rules now"?
Me personally, I will not defend nor support them until I see positive proof that they are true to their principles and are doing things the right way. Or if there is factual, verifiable evidence that they are in clear violation of the rules.
I like to think that most of you extend me at some measure of trust and respect. So if I told you that Mike Salem has purple skin, it would certainly cause you to begin to form an opinion about Mike. My point is that many on here state and profess that LCA is, and has, violated the rules. They very well may have. But until there is irrefutable evidence, they are innocent of any violation of the rules.
Now, the ethical judgement is entirely up to you. But don't confuse that with rules violations. You have to apply you personal value system to that part of the judgement equation. Are they acting in a manner that YOU find is moral and ethical?
Moral and ethic values are yours, and yours alone. A quick exaggerated example; an old hound dog that is limping and won't hunt anymore. Wikki and I would spend a fortune on vet care and in helping make his retirement years happy. The owner/hunter may choose to put a bullet in him. Where you stand on this is neither right nor wrong, it is simply your personal position. Such as it is with how you feel about LCA and LU.