New Kent 28, Charles City 6 (Benefit Game- Only one half played)

Well it looks like Coach Edwards from Colonial Heights will get a good test Friday night. I think CC helped NK look good. Even so, I think CH will have a tough time getting the win Friday.
Well it looks like Coach Edwards from Colonial Heights will get a good test Friday night. I think CC helped NK look good. Even so, I think CH will have a tough time getting the win Friday.

Colonial Heights at New Kent isn't until Aug. 31.

Charles City is a young team this year. They are talented but they will have a learning curve to put wins in the column this year.
Thanks bps, I knew CH opened at NK, I just didn't realize that their by-week was their first week.

How many varsity players will CC suit up this season?

I've heard little to nothing about the County's finically struggles of late. I hope they have just adjusted the best they could, and support of their schools, (and the athletics programs), is at least not as critical as it once was. By any chance, did they begin receiving significant revenue once again from the landfill?
Hey DP,

Charles City suited up 20. However, only three or four played significantly last year.

As far as financial help, that's still a situation with the county. It's still affecting the school to an extent, and it can be seen in the athletic department. Coaches really aren't getting paid anything and the pay is only decreasing.

There is stil a lack of trust between the county and the school system, and they haven't taken any significant steps to move in a joint connection.

As far as the landfill, it's still the only big source of revenue for the county, but still isn't making as much as they made years ago.

Hope all is well on your end,

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Hey DP,

Charles City suited up 20. However, only three or four played significantly last year.

As far as financial help, that's still a situation with the county. It's still affecting the school to an extent, and it can be seen in the athletic department. Coaches really aren't getting paid anything and the pay is only decreasing.

There is stil a lack of trust between the county and the school system, and they haven't taken any significant steps to move in a joint connection.

As far as the landfill, it's still the only big source of revenue for the county, but still isn't making as much as they made years ago.

Hope all is well on your end,

Really sorry to hear all of that. The kids deserve better. We can only hope and pray.

Our situation here in Dinwiddie has never been nearly as tough as it is down there. But it may surprise people to know that about 15 years ago the relationship between the schools and the county government was adversarial, and that's giving it the benefit of the doubt. There were no winners. And it hurt the kids most of all. Eventually, because the school board here in Dinwiddie is elected, the citizens said "enough was enough". Most of the school board and board of supervisors were replaced.

It's amazing what can be accomplished when people relax and try to work together. These days, the school system and the county government have an exceptionally good working relationship. Is it perfect? Of course not. Is there enough money to meet the needs? You know better. But at least they try to work toward a solution that keeps everyone working toward a common goal.

My hats off to the coaches and others in Charles City who keep plugging. I doubt there are many coaches who do what they do for the measly stipends they get. But we all have bills to pay and need what money we earn.

I hope things improve in the near term and the good folks in the county can see their dedication pay dividends.