New VHSL Rule

Any word on what it is? Saw the tweet earlier & was wonder what it is and how will it effect things going forward
the VHSL Executive Committee spend all of their meeting in February trying to come up with transfer rules, this has to be the result of that. I have seen anything is writing yet.
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For those who are curious about the Transfer Rule Changes, I noticed the discussion on the most recent Membership Meeting Agenda.

The Agenda is dated March 7th under Agenda/Minutes at this link: The Agenda is for the meetings dated March 13th and March 14th. The totality of the Agenda for both days is posted in the one document.

There's a little bit regarding the proposed transfer legislation on Page 12 of the Agenda and then there are several pages discussing the legislation beginning on Page 16.

Now, I don't know if the transfer legislation passed as-is as the minutes of these meetings are typically (if we're lucky) posted at a later date.

But for those who wanted to decipher pretty much what is going to happen, grab a beverage and a snack and settle down to read it.
Some of the details need to be ironed out but I mostly like what they're trying to do. Going to be some heavily effected teams in the next couple of years. Schools with a truly established community around football sports will thrive. You definitely won't see some of these miraculous turnarounds that we've seen the last couple of years. I think what will for sure stop is seeing dudes who already got offers leaving for another team.
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28A-7-2 Transfer Rule Exceptions (Submitted by Executive Director) (Recommended by a vote of 31-0 on February 4, 2025) PURPOSE: Delete the Wise County Exception which no longer is applicable.

. (1) A student shall become eligible for interscholastic competition after he/she has been enrolled in the school for 365 consecutive calendar days. Exception: If a student transfers during the summer and remains ineligible for the entire subsequent school year, he/she would become eligible beginning with the fall season of the following academic year.

If students transfer, they cannot play sports for a full academic year?

I understand the VHSL wants to tighten the rules, but if parents are forced to relocate for job or family reasons, why must the child pay that price? Am I misunderstanding it?
28A-7-2 Transfer Rule Exceptions (Submitted by Executive Director) (Recommended by a vote of 31-0 on February 4, 2025) PURPOSE: Delete the Wise County Exception which no longer is applicable.

. (1) A student shall become eligible for interscholastic competition after he/she has been enrolled in the school for 365 consecutive calendar days. Exception: If a student transfers during the summer and remains ineligible for the entire subsequent school year, he/she would become eligible beginning with the fall season of the following academic year.

If students transfer, they cannot play sports for a full academic year?

I understand the VHSL wants to tighten the rules, but if parents are forced to relocate for job or family reasons, why must the child pay that price? Am I misunderstanding it?
From what I’m reading that’s the punishment for a transfer that doesn’t meet the criteria. The big one being your whole family needs to move and vacate your house in the previous district. (And cannot be renting it out to any family member) My question is what happens with parents who divorce or separate? There are too many plausible scenarios where I think this rule can be challenged on that gray area. However, it’s a giant step in the right direction in curbing recruiting
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28A-7-2 Transfer Rule Exceptions (Submitted by Executive Director) (Recommended by a vote of 31-0 on February 4, 2025) PURPOSE: Delete the Wise County Exception which no longer is applicable.

. (1) A student shall become eligible for interscholastic competition after he/she has been enrolled in the school for 365 consecutive calendar days. Exception: If a student transfers during the summer and remains ineligible for the entire subsequent school year, he/she would become eligible beginning with the fall season of the following academic year.

If students transfer, they cannot play sports for a full academic year?

I understand the VHSL wants to tighten the rules, but if parents are forced to relocate for job or family reasons, why must the child pay that price? Am I misunderstanding it?
So you mean a child's parents have to move with him from Alabama or NYC, or wherever 🤔. That's so not fair. Who ever heard of a concept 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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We have a lot of used car salesmen in coaching. Selling dreams that are greater than 75% not going to happen. We have to hold these school districts accountable, who have residency officers who get paid to investigate RESIDENCY. Can’t go having Pookie Man, who more than likely wouldn’t have passed the background check if the district would’ve actually screened him, on your coaching staff leading these kids to transfer into your program because he coached them in youth league and go messing their future and eligibility up. Yes, kids and parents hold some accountability, but start fining these school districts for hiring any and everybody to lead our kids. High school sports, prisons and graveyards would be in a much better place if WE (the adults) actually put the children’s best interest first.
We have a lot of used car salesmen in coaching. Selling dreams that are greater than 75% not going to happen. We have to hold these school districts accountable, who have residency officers who get paid to investigate RESIDENCY. Can’t go having Pookie Man, who more than likely wouldn’t have passed the background check if the district would’ve actually screened him, on your coaching staff leading these kids to transfer into your program because he coached them in youth league and go messing their future and eligibility up. Yes, kids and parents hold some accountability, but start fining these school districts for hiring any and everybody to lead our kids. High school sports, prisons and graveyards would be in a much better place if WE (the adults) actually put the children’s best interest first.
Some of these youth coaches think that when they move up to high school that because they coached them in youth, then that automatically makes them "their kids" and that they go with them to whatever school they coach at. Years ago, I coached youth in King William. I had kids from multiple counties, who played for me. But when I went onto coach at the highest school ranks, I didn't have those kids transferring in just because I coached them in youth. Not because some may not of wanted to, but because I knew the rules and played by them. Crazy concept, I know 😆. Yet, years later I'm still close with many of these kids, because I still made a difference in their lives, and I did it the right way.
We have a lot of used car salesmen in coaching. Selling dreams that are greater than 75% not going to happen. We have to hold these school districts accountable, who have residency officers who get paid to investigate RESIDENCY. Can’t go having Pookie Man, who more than likely wouldn’t have passed the background check if the district would’ve actually screened him, on your coaching staff leading these kids to transfer into your program because he coached them in youth league and go messing their future and eligibility up. Yes, kids and parents hold some accountability, but start fining these school districts for hiring any and everybody to lead our kids. High school sports, prisons and graveyards would be in a much better place if WE (the adults) actually put the children’s best interest first.
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We have a lot of used car salesmen in coaching. Selling dreams that are greater than 75% not going to happen. We have to hold these school districts accountable, who have residency officers who get paid to investigate RESIDENCY. Can’t go having Pookie Man, who more than likely wouldn’t have passed the background check if the district would’ve actually screened him, on your coaching staff leading these kids to transfer into your program because he coached them in youth league and go messing their future and eligibility up. Yes, kids and parents hold some accountability, but start fining these school districts for hiring any and everybody to lead our kids. High school sports, prisons and graveyards would be in a much better place if WE (the adults) actually put the children’s best interest first.
Someone said Varina had some kids coming in. Will this rule affect that?
Not talking about anyone on here particular but what’s even crazier to me that everyone loves to harp on these transfers and we hear nothing about how these coaches have been wild’n. Hanover’s baseball coach and AD just stepped down due to controversy. Kettle Run has all that stuff going on with their former coaches. James Wood’s AD? It’s just flabbergasting.
Dirtbags everywhere unfortunately. Parents gotta stay vigilant. Sucks for people who dedicate their careers to teaching/coaching the right way because we are the ones who get the negative looks from parents.

I’ve stopped allowing myself to ever be in a situation that could be weaponized against me in the future. Only way to fully protect yourself is to draw bold boundary lines, even when it’s ridiculous overkill. You never know when someone might lie in a therapy session about a situation. Gotta be impossible to accuse. I wait in my car when there’s only one kid left to get picked up. And I make sure I’m on camera.

Obviously the school divisions and parents have a different perspective and responsibility than the “good” teachers/coaches because everyone doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.
What's good is people are getting caught, getting fired, and often getting arrested. Don't fool yourselves into thinking the only criminals that exist are the ones sitting in jail. This stuff happens all across the country and always has but how many times did you hear about people getting caught when you were growing up because I sure don't remember many if any. Getting this stuff into the light is how you get these people fired and, if applicable, arrested/convicted. Best thing parents can do is teach their kids to speak up and speak loudly.
Not talking about anyone on here particular but what’s even crazier to me that everyone loves to harp on these transfers and we hear nothing about how these coaches have been wild’n. Hanover’s baseball coach and AD just stepped down due to controversy. Kettle Run has all that stuff going on with their former coaches. James Wood’s AD? It’s just flabbergasting.
The Hanover baseball thing is starting bother me for real. Something so bad happened that you get suspended in the off-season and a district like Hanover is willing to pay 100k for some "training"??? Coach stepping down after 1 game has to mean this thing is bigger than what we can imagine and they've not let a single detail out? Too many people INCLUDING THE PARENTS are complacent with nonsense happening as long as their Little John gets a piece of the pie. Lets call it what it is, the parents could've all pulled their kids but being a part of that championship program was more important.
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The majority of Hanover county is a total mess. There’s no competent leadership to be found, just elected & appointed officials placating whiners and desperately trying to maintain an impossible status quo. Hanover HS is a microcosm of the entire county and school division. Terrible leadership and absurdly misplaced priorities.
The majority of Hanover county is a total mess. There’s no competent leadership to be found, just elected & appointed officials placating whiners and desperately trying to maintain an impossible status quo. Hanover HS is a microcosm of the entire county and school division. Terrible leadership and absurdly misplaced priorities.
It’s wild to me how, career wise, Hanover is often looked at as the superior school system to work for in the 804. Every place is going to have its pro’s and con’s but I’ve heard some things about that division and it ain’t good!
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. (1) A student shall become eligible for interscholastic competition after he/she has been enrolled in the school for 365 consecutive calendar days. Exception: If a student transfers during the summer and remains ineligible for the entire subsequent school year, he/she would become eligible beginning with the fall season of the following academic year.
The wording is off…first sentence sounds like no 9th grader in the state is eligible now 🤣
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It’s wild to me how, career wise, Hanover is often looked at as the superior school system to work for in the 804. Every place is going to have its pro’s and con’s but I’ve heard some things about that division and it ain’t good!
Worked in it for five years. If your building principal is good, it can be ok. But the leadership at the division office is scary bad. And it gets worse as you go up the ladder and beyond.
28A-7-2 Transfer Rule Exceptions (Submitted by Executive Director) (Recommended by a vote of 31-0 on February 4, 2025) PURPOSE: Delete the Wise County Exception which no longer is applicable.

. (1) A student shall become eligible for interscholastic competition after he/she has been enrolled in the school for 365 consecutive calendar days. Exception: If a student transfers during the summer and remains ineligible for the entire subsequent school year, he/she would become eligible beginning with the fall season of the following academic year.

If students transfer, they cannot play sports for a full academic year?

I understand the VHSL wants to tighten the rules, but if parents are forced to relocate for job or family reasons, why must the child pay that price? Am I misunderstanding it?
The wording on this needs to be elaborated upon