No. 1 Centreville expected to still be without RB A.J. Turner

What is the nature of RB A.J. Turner's injury?

There hasn't been any explanation on his injured wrist, when it happened, where it happened, how it happened, and why it is taking so long. It was hoped that he would be ready for the Gonzaga game in Week 1, but he has missed 5 games so far, and the Westfield game will be the sixth game. Does anyone have the answers?
My guess is they are preserving him since C'ville is doing quite fine without him. No need to play him and risk the chance of him re injuring his wrist. I bet he's out until the playoffs.
Re: What is the nature of RB A.J. Turner's injury?

What I have heard or rumored to be: Happened early in the year. Was to be in cast for six weeks, weeks of rehab and then see if completely healed. 8 weeks is today I think. guess we will know more next week.
Originally posted by CantBeatEm:
My guess is they are preserving him since C'ville is doing quite fine without him. No need to play him and risk the chance of him re injuring his wrist. I bet he's out until the playoffs.
Yeah, Centreville is going to be fine heading into the playoffs without him. I'd imagine the same thing - even if he isn't cleared to play because of his injury right now, they would still hold him out until the playoffs or maybe the week 10 finale against Robinson. Almost a blessing in disguise since Turner will give an already tough Cville team a serious boost in the playoffs.
Its like any other injury on a young athlete, you hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Kids bodies react differently and heal at different speeds. You take a cast off after having the injury immobilized and if it has healed properly then he can begin to think about playing again. If it has not healed correctly, there are additional steps that need to be taken. No one is going to rush this exceptional athlete back when in reality the team is doing fine. He has such a great future ahead of him that to play earlier than directed would be insane. He will play and when he does look out, he has kept himself in great shape and will have an immediate impact as soon as he is cleared to play.

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