Question about Castlewood and enrollment


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 22, 2006
I know it is off topic, but I was digging around on VHSL reference and noticed that Castlewoods enrollment was listed at around 450. This surprised me so I looked at the VHSL website and they too have it listed at ~450. As far back as I can remember Castlewood was always tiny, like around 200 students.

So is this an error on VHSL part or do these numbers seem accurate. Basically..what happened? LOL
Castlewood has never been around 200. They were in the 250-275 range for a while but have been over 350 for about 6 years
Thanks guys. 311 seems reasonable..but to jump by 140 students in a two year period seems a tad much. Lol most schools seem to lose that many, Castlewood is bucking the trend!
Thanks guys. 311 seems reasonable..but to jump by 140 students in a two year period seems a tad much. Lol most schools seem to lose that many, Castlewood is bucking the trend!

It sounds like they're opting for procreation instead of recreation in Castlewood. o_O
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