Question about next year's ('17) Regional playoff format

mike salem

Nov 2, 2009
I was reading an article about William Byrd’s appeal being denied to move to 3A for next cycle and it got me thinking about next year's regional format. Region IV will consist of 12 teams: Amherst, EC Glass, Jefferson Forest, LCA, Charlottesville, GW Danville, Bassett, Pulaski, Blacksburg, Salem, William Byrd, and Carroll Co. I assume each Region will be allowed to determine the number of teams that make the playoffs for each sport, as it is setup currently.

In 4A right now 28/52 teams make the playoffs for football. Has anyone heard the way Regions will work for football playoffs next year, or is that still TBD? I'm assuming 6-8 teams will make each Region. I hope this Region will not vote to do 6 teams. (which is the equivalent of what they have now)

The current 4a West playoff system is probably insufficient. (depending on what your idea of playoff worthy is) Last year 2 (7-3) teams were excluded from the playoffs. I really think 7 wins is playoff worthy, even if that means a 6 win team or two gets in.

Last year 8, maybe 9, of these teams were fighting for (6) playoff spots. This year 10 look like possible candidates.(at this early stage anyway) So what have you guys heard, or what do you think anyway?
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