I wasn’t being confrontational at all, what is confrontational is that every time there is a realignment, people think that Sherando is somehow trying to cheat or something. Especially , when there are 20 other appeals also that nobody is questioning about or making accusations.
Now I don’t work at the school , and in recent times I am not even as close to being around the school on a regular basis any more. However , I am very close friends with the highest administration of Sherando in another informal setting away from the school. These people have superior integrity , and in my belief they would never cheat or purposely miscount students.
Now, I might be able to find out, however I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and won’t be around for a couple of weeks. So , I won’t see them Soon.
But to me here is the question- Do we even know if it Sherando people that are turning in these numbers? Do they just turn these in or are they pulled from a database by VHSL? How is the VHSL getting these figures? I don’t know how the process is started. It would hard for me to believe that the VHSL would just send out a form to each school and tell us how many kids you have. Perhaps, somebody can answer.
Also, it is hard for me to believe that during the appeal process that if the numbers were not correct, that they would win the appeal. Doubt the VHSL is going to see Sherando in any different light than any other school in Virginia. So, whatever happens in that appeal process must be validated and approved because it is legit .
It is true , Sherando is close to the dividing line between between 4A and 5A. It is beneficial for the school to stay in 4A if possible for many reasons , including travel logistics for all sports. So I would imagine once these original numbers get to the VHSL, they want to sit down a review them to make sure they are accurate.
I have nothing to gain or lose when it comes to Sherando . I am getting older and have bigger fish to fry these days. But, it is a fact what I was told about these extra children that are being shipped over to the school and it was part of the equation. I am even close with the bus driver that drives that specific bus. Was there other factors that factored into the student population equation that I don’t know , perhaps so. Or most likely .
Lastly , I assure you, I wouldn’t just randomly post something on here that I didn’t believe to be true. If I was told something , it was told to me. If I don’t know about it , I just won’t say anything.
Have a great day and best wishes to Skyline.