Rumors, rumors, and more rumors...


VaPreps Rookie
Dec 3, 2019
Blue Ridge Mountains
I heard this 3 times, from 3 different people “in the know”...

The VHSL is seriously considering playing baseball/softball this fall and moving football/volleyball to the spring.

The rational is that it would be easier to do social distancing at baseball/softball since way fewer people attend and the weather is actually better for these in the fall.

If true at all, I suspect that the real reason is that football is the cash cow and no matter the format, HS football gates will suffer this fall.
I can actually see some logic in that, especially considering that those two sports do not involve direct physical contact and it would be easier to distance the spectators. If it happens that way, some people will scream bloody murder but it might not be "too" crazy an idea.
I have also have heard it and was told from that the VHSL discussed it but decided against it because of the fact that the spring sports just got screwed out of a season and if they swap them to the fall, there is a high likelihood that it will happen again and screw the same groups of kids/coaches twice in a row.

This thought process makes sense to me, but I'm glad the VHSL entertained the idea.

Safe to say that there are no easy answers. Heck, the questions change from day to day. But I feel more confident with each passing day that there will be some sort of fall season for golf, XC, and volleyball, even if it is a shortened season because of a late start. Football and comp cheer are still a big question mark. All we can do is hope and practice good social distancing so the numbers keep going down.
So let's say this happens. Will football go back to the fall in 2021???
Add this to the mix. I've heard one option is to play winter sports in January and February, Fall in March and April, and spring sports in May and June. With the abbreviated seasons, there would be no state play-offs.
Add this to the mix. I've heard one option is to play winter sports in January and February, Fall in March and April, and spring sports in May and June. With the abbreviated seasons, there would be no state play-offs.

0% chance that would be done w/o state playoffs. I do see that schedule playing out in regards to the months and seasons. Regardless of whatever system they come up w/ there will be state playoffs as the VHSL needs the money from it to survive.
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I played baseball at a pretty high level, coached on multiple levels and for amyone who has been around the game knows there is a lot of spitting and players constantly go to their mouths to lick their fingers...not just pitchers. Pitcher licks his fingers, grips ball and throws to catcher who then touches ball that has pitcher's saliva on it. That was strike 3. Catcher rolls ball to mound and is then either picked up by umpire or opposing pitcher.....

Very few sports have the capability to follow social distancing and doesn't require shared equipment.

I've talked to several who are trying to get their summer plans approved, but their are sq ft rules, disinfecting of equipment guidelines, players cannot wear any equipment, they cannot touch each other. The guidelines are very strict and if schools are already practicing or doing 7 on 7, and I know they are, it is a rogue move and done without an approved plan by the VDH. It may be local board approved, but I doubt it has VDH clearance.
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Add this to the mix. I've heard one option is to play winter sports in January and February, Fall in March and April, and spring sports in May and June. With the abbreviated seasons, there would be no state play-offs.
Not going to happen. No flopping seasons.
June 25, 2020

VHSL fall schedules for athletics and activities delayed

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – The VHSL Executive Committee met in special session Thursday, June 25 for the purpose of discussing the FY2021 Budget and Fall Sports. With the Commonwealth currently in Phase II and moving to Phase III in the reopening process on July 1, VHSL staff did not bring forth any recommendations for fall athletic schedules. The VHSL Executive Committee did vote to hold additional meetings in July and August as more information becomes known.

“All our efforts are working towards advocating for the opening of sports and activities in a safe and reasonable way,” said VHSL Executive Director Dr. John W. “Billy” Haun. “As we move forward, it would not be reasonable to release at this time a fall schedule or calendar until we learn more about future Phases.

“We are committed to getting this right and getting our students participating in activities,” continued Haun. “I think we can make a much better informed decision once we have more parameters and possible restrictions.”

In other business, the VHSL Executive Committee approved its FY2021 budget by a vote of 35-0-0.


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