Sad story coming out of Buckingham

Very sad... My condolences to his family, friends and to the Buckingham community. No need for speculation right now. It's time to mourn the loss of a 19 year old young man......
No need for speculation right now. It's time to mourn the loss of a 19 year old young man......

Speculation??? What are you talking about??? He broke into a home and attacked and elderly couple, then attacked a deputy. That's pretty clear cut. Plus they're investigating the possibility of him being involved in four other attacks.

Or, are you part of the crowd that thinks cops are bad and go around shooting people for the fun of it???

I feel sad for the family that they lost a son, but I'm not sad that another criminal is no longer able to run amok and terrorize society.
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The speculation I am talking about has nothing to do with if he did these crimes. I do not appreciate you insinuating that I am part of the anti-police movement. My father in law is NYPD and I served in our military with honor.

My comment about speculation was in reference to why he did these things. Was it just a crime spree, drugs or other issues. I was hoping people would let the information come out and let the family and community who lost a teenager would have some time to digest things instead of it playing out on the internet.

Agree with you G-Dog. Somehow, this young man threw away his life. Nothing can excuse his actions, but there are facts that may explain how he ended up on this dead end road. My heart goes out to the victims, and especially the Officer that was forced to use lethal force.

Thank you sir for serving our country. And thank you to your father-in-law.
Speculation??? What are you talking about??? He broke into a home and attacked and elderly couple, then attacked a deputy. That's pretty clear cut. Plus they're investigating the possibility of him being involved in four other attacks.

Or, are you part of the crowd that thinks cops are bad and go around shooting people for the fun of it???

I feel sad for the family that they lost a son, but I'm not sad that another criminal is no longer able to run amok and terrorize society.
Seriously you need to chill the **** out if you don't know the real story and all that you are saying right now is bullshit so go sit back somewhere with your ignorance.
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Seriously you need to chill the **** out if you don't know the real story and all that you are saying right now is bullshit so go sit back somewhere with your ignorance.

So what is the real story? Was he just walking home and the cops shot him??? So I guess the story from the linked news article is complete BS, then, right???
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Like I said man just chill. The incident started at a store that I visit everyday there's no elderly couple near the store and the house that he supposedly broke into was his aunts house where he was shot so you tell me how wrong the news is. They get paid for stories whether its truthful or not.
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So what is the real story? Was he just walking home and the cops shot him??? So I guess the story from the linked news article is complete BS, then, right???

Wise man once told me, "believe half the things you see and none of the things you hear." News Media isn't always correct, especially in the early stages of things, they are after viewers. Let the investigators do their job and when the pieces of the puzzle are finally in place, we'll take it all in and then come back with opinions. Prayers for that young mans family as well as Buckingham community.
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He made some mistakes that day but this was a great kid in and out of school. Well mannered, very respectful and just a big teddy bear. Something went totally wrong but what ever he did he did not have to die for it. He was in need of help for something turned bad over night. Never been in trouble in or out of school.
BCKnights, I remember him after the Goochland game and how excited he was about the victory. Of course, I hated losing the game but I also remember thinking, this is why I love this game. That young man had tears in his eyes because of the victory and he just kept yelling "we beat Goochland". He showed how much intensity and love that he had for the game. Just thought I would share that memory.......

Again, sorry for the loss and I send prayer's to the family and community......
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He made some mistakes that day but this was a great kid in and out of school. Well mannered, very respectful and just a big teddy bear. Something went totally wrong but what ever he did he did not have to die for it. He was in need of help for something turned bad over night. Never been in trouble in or out of school.

"...Investigators said the 19-year old jumped through a plate-glass window, knocked one of the deputies to the ground and starting fighting with him. That's when the deputies fired and state police said Perkins died at the scene...."

Sorry, but in my opinion, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever happens to you. How are police supposed to determine a person's motives are anything but bad when they are knocked to the ground and attacked by someone? Looking at him, he's huge. I'd be scared poopless if he jumped me and would do everything in my power to defend myself. Sad situation for everyone involved, but with the info provided so far, a line was crossed.
Regardless they knew he had no weapon and they could've tasted him instead. Its 2 officers man you really believe the only way to stop him was to kill him?
Regardless they knew he had no weapon and they could've tasted him instead. Its 2 officers man you really believe the only way to stop him was to kill him?

How would the officers know he didn't have a weapon? Did those officers have tasers? We're talking about split second decisions here. What part of his body was he shot?
Okay let's use a little common since, Dyshawn was about 5'9 285lbs OK so he acrobatically jumps through a window and miraculously lands on top of a cop,(some Jackie Chan type stuff). And you think the shots went off like that huh split second? No he knocked open the screen door that their calling a glass window swinging fist at the cop who obviously can see no weapon. They didn't deny that it was a fight not a stand off a fight. Now if Dyshawn was on top of the cop and the cop he was fighting with did not shoot it was the cop standing there watching the fight that shot him. I don't condone any of Dyahawn's actions at all by any means but he could've been detained without being killed. People from outside of Buckingham are the ones that really pisses me off because you read a headline and make a judgment. We are taking in statements from people who were actually there WITNESSES! These cops can break a fight up between me and you without deadly force. I'm pretty sure if not a taser they had pepper spray hell they got a flash light that will knock out an elephant, don't tell me the only way 2 grown men can stop another is by gunfire. Glad people like you are not cops.
I fought a case back in 2000 in which I shot a guy 1 time I fired twice 1 struck him. The judge dismissed the case as self defense because he had a gun and he told me after 2 shots its no longer self defense and I didn't cross that boundary. Dyshawn was shot 4 times and he had no weapon.
"...Investigators said the 19-year old jumped through a plate-glass window, knocked one of the deputies to the ground and starting fighting with him. That's when the deputies fired and state police said Perkins died at the scene...."

Sorry, but in my opinion, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever happens to you. How are police supposed to determine a person's motives are anything but bad when they are knocked to the ground and attacked by someone? Looking at him, he's huge. I'd be scared poopless if he jumped me and would do everything in my power to defend myself. Sad situation for everyone involved, but with the info provided so far, a line was crossed.

I wanted to stay away but can't resist. I'm not going to go into what happened with Mr. Perkins as I'm not fully aware of the entire situation. What I am very aware of is police training and tactics to subdue "out of control" suspects. First and foremost as an officer of the law, your job is to protect and serve. This means your life could be at risk everyday. If you are unable to become comfortable in situations where your life could be at risk, you should not become a police officer. All these cops in officer involved shootings always say, "I was scared for my life." If that's the case then why are you a police officer? Maybe the state needs to overhaul how they train officers.

Officers in European countries are trained specifically how to handle all situations without gun violence. Unless the suspect has a gun, the officers will never even pull theirs out. If suspect is wielding a knife, officers are trained how to surround and subdue a suspect without killing them. Somehow, in America this tactic of shoot first, tell everyone you were scared second is the best way to subdue suspects. Officers have tasers and officers have pepper spray, use those first!

People always blame the suspect. I'm not saying the suspect was right here, I truly don't know. I do know the officers didn't have to shoot him when he didn't have any weapons. I don't feel bad that a "trained" police officer couldn't defend himself against a 19 year old. People need to stop blaming the deceased and blame the police offices who fail to properly train their employees.
I fought a case back in 2000 in which I shot a guy 1 time I fired twice 1 struck him. The judge dismissed the case as self defense because he had a gun and he told me after 2 shots its no longer self defense and I didn't cross that boundary. Dyshawn was shot 4 times and he had no weapon.

You said it was two officers involved. If I were an officer and I saw my partner being attacked, I would definitely protect my partner first, by any means necessary. You are posting several statements from witnesses, but not stating whether or not officers had any other means at their disposal to subdue Mr. Perkins. Where are you getting your information from, are you a police officer? How is a cop supposed to know if there isn't a weapon just because it's not displayed? I've heard of people attacking someone then pulling a concealed weapon of some sort all the time.

I'm going to await the toxicology report. I have no dog in this fight, just trying to keep emotion out of the discussion.
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I wanted to stay away but can't resist. I'm not going to go into what happened with Mr. Perkins as I'm not fully aware of the entire situation. What I am very aware of is police training and tactics to subdue "out of control" suspects. First and foremost as an officer of the law, your job is to protect and serve. This means your life could be at risk everyday. If you are unable to become comfortable in situations where your life could be at risk, you should not become a police officer. All these cops in officer involved shootings always say, "I was scared for my life." If that's the case then why are you a police officer? Maybe the state needs to overhaul how they train officers.

That makes no sense. All cops will be scared for their life at some point in their career. It's part of the job. Just like the people that join the military.
No I'm not a cop buy I am a military vet who were trained to kill and detain and I know the rules of engagement that's why I beat my case in self defense. Look Dyshawn is gone his actions led to many mistakes on both sides I understand that. My problem is when people who don't know him read what happens and justify his death because those are thuggish actions. Truth is Ive known him since a baby his mother and father were 2 of the most polite and harmless people on Earth and he was just like them. He had perfect attendance, a 3.0 GPA and accepted to College. Never been in trouble in or out of school. On Friday nights when teammates would lose their cool it was 75 calming them down when coaches were halfway on the field yelling with refs it was 75 pulling them back. 2 years ago when Appomattox were beating us 25-13 with 1:30 left in the game it was this kid who cried because fans was leaving early, that's not what a thug does. He was a great kid who had something go terribly wrong in a matter of hrs. Everything he did that day he could've had his day in court and got the help he may have needed. We can go back and forth all day because you seem to think shoot 1st is the right option and cops are not even trained that way but they act a lot that way. He did wrong but he also died wrong and believe me no matter what the outcome be God will give Dyshawn and the cops that killed him their ultimate judgment. What if this was your kid?
No I'm not a cop buy I am a military vet who were trained to kill and detain and I know the rules of engagement that's why I beat my case in self defense. Look Dyshawn is gone his actions led to many mistakes on both sides I understand that. My problem is when people who don't know him read what happens and justify his death because those are thuggish actions. Truth is Ive known him since a baby his mother and father were 2 of the most polite and harmless people on Earth and he was just like them. He had perfect attendance, a 3.0 GPA and accepted to College. Never been in trouble in or out of school. On Friday nights when teammates would lose their cool it was 75 calming them down when coaches were halfway on the field yelling with refs it was 75 pulling them back. 2 years ago when Appomattox were beating us 25-13 with 1:30 left in the game it was this kid who cried because fans was leaving early, that's not what a thug does. He was a great kid who had something go terribly wrong in a matter of hrs. Everything he did that day he could've had his day in court and got the help he may have needed. We can go back and forth all day because you seem to think shoot 1st is the right option and cops are not even trained that way but they act a lot that way. He did wrong but he also died wrong and believe me no matter what the outcome be God will give Dyshawn and the cops that killed him their ultimate judgment. What if this was your kid?

I understand. You knew him, and this was out of character, completely. You are emotionally involved in this. Something happened to him to cause all of this. I have no dog in this, but I always side with the cops until I hear otherwise. Until the toxicology report comes out, all we are all doing is speculating. Let's just agree to disagree. It sucks for parents to have to bury their child. No matter what the situation was.
That makes no sense. All cops will be scared for their life at some point in their career. It's part of the job. Just like the people that join the military.

I'm not saying you aren't allowed to be scared in certain situations but if your first instinct when scared is to pull out a gun and fire it, then you shouldn't have the gun and badge. You should be trained to better handle yourself in those situations.

Military and Police are completely different. Military is sent into hostile territory to carry out specific orders, usually involving killing or capturing "bad" guys. Police officers are called to protect and serve the community, never are they sent to kill so they need to start acting more like cops and less like navy seals. Guys in the military are trained how to handle themselves in "scary" situations. Their are plenty of vets who will tell you they've resolved life-threatening conflicts without opening fire. Why can't the cops do it more?
Before the altercation with the cops he got into a fight with a store owner inside his store who carries a gun on his hip at all times and the store owner used a stick to force him out of his store. You had 2 cops who had to shoot him.
The elderly couple who house he tried to hide in hit him with a chair and drove him off. Again 2 cops had to shoot him.
Yeah of course they justified it but eye witnesses there says the the final report is completely inaccurate with what they put out. But they won't come forward.
Everything here will pan out eventually. Let's keep in mind the tragedy of a young man's life cut short and mourn with his friends, family and community. I have opinions, like everyone else, but now is a time to grieve. He has my prayers.