Saturday's Weather Forecast...Payback is a B--ch!


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
I am sure many of us on here are "regulars" and probably attend a state championship game every year one place or another, even if our team is not playing. So think back to last year, when it was about 70 down in Salem and probably a few degrees warmer than that in C'ville or L'burg for those games.

Well I hope we all enjoyed it. I have not seen an "official" Saturday forecast, but Friday's high is only supposed to be about 28 from what I have heard, and you know Saturday won't be much better, if any. So bundle up and hope your team wins.

As much as I would love to stick around Salem Saturday for the Richlands/Appo game, I imagine I will be more than ready to hit the car when our game is over.
Both teams are red so you can't lose on that bet. Lol