Tech Fans

We shouldn’t have been in that situation.
1. Why run a fake field goal get the points go up 13

2. Pry let 30+ seconds run off the clock then used a timeout that’s terrible clock management

12 years of mediocrity I’m ready for new everything HC DC AD everyone needs to go except Mines !

This is all true but the reversal was outrageous and done strictly to keep Miami undefeated. You don't spend that long reviewing a call to overturn it. If you make a bad call, you grab your sack like a man and you hold to the decision you make by the rules given to you which is "if there isn't clear evidence, you do not overturn the call" and these refs tucked all their manhood between their legs and did what Daddy ACC told them.
Hated to see the Hokies get CHEATED. College Football as we know it is gone. It’s a bigger business than the NFL now.
I’m not necessarily a Tech fan, but it sure looks like there was an effort to favor Miami. I hate to believe that officials at any level of athletics can be swayed by bias or other reasons, but I wasn’t born yesterday either.

On a lighter note, one of the guys that works for me is a big Notre Dame fan. And his chief tormentor since the loss to N Illinois is all about the “U”! It would have been fun to watch the payback if Miami had lost.
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That wasn’t a catch…the Miami player out of bounds touched the ball making it an incomplete pass plus the ball was clearly moving anyway. Y’all are clearly fans of Va Tech. I’m unbiased. No clue how they called that a touchdown in real time anyway.

How about talking about the dumb coaching decisions to try that fake FG and to waste all that time on the final drive.
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As much as ones fandom says that it was a catch , there was never clear and obvious possession maintained through contact with the ground and a completion of the catch. The ball undoubtedly moved as they jostled their way to the ground, tough break as you all said because tech didn’t have to be in this position and could’ve been playing for the winning fg. It wasn’t a catch and to say that he did come away with the ball clearly when Miami got up and exited the pile with it is wearing maroon and orange colored glasses.

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