Three in a row for Bird! 22-19.


VaPreps All State
Jun 5, 2001
Orange, Virginia
Incredible game. Tuscarora was awesome. The injuries to their linemen were crushing.

I honestly have no idea how Bird won it. At the end of the first quarter I would have told you the Huskies would win 50-0.

One thing for sure. Bird has played some awesome teams in the finals the past three years.

I was so impressed with both teams today. Tuscarora is going to be trouble for everyone for years to come. I love their scheme.
Seen lake Taylor beat LC bird and it could have been a blowout. Would like to see LT. play ocean lakes for all
After the middle of the second quarter, the momentum had shifted to Bird. I would like to see the rushing yards that Reimer had in the second half. I guess it was under 50. No disrespect to Tuscarora but with the number of blowouts, they were wore down by the Bird ground attack.
The problem was THS had 4/5 lineman play both ways fatigue hit em hard lol
A lot of kids go both ways in high school . Birds defense won the game by doing what they had to and that was stop reimars
Nothing to talk trash about, guys. Both teams did what they do and it was a great game. Somebody wins and somebody loses a game like this. Bird made their extra points, Tuscarora didn't. A different spot here or there by the refs and the whole thing could have changed.

I am pleased the Skyhawks won the game, but Tuscarora did nothing wrong and could have easily won it with one more break.

I really thought it was a great game between great teams and I honestly thought the Huskies were going to blow them out when it was 13-0. I should know better by now.
It was a well played game. I honestly think if tusky's #55 and their fullback don't get hurt tusky wins easily. Not a fan of either team but it clear to see the tides clearly turned when those injuries occurred. Tusky went from getting about 7 ypc to ~3. Congrats to LC on a great win, wish we could've seen both teams at full strength for the whole game.
I don't know how to put this without it sounding like smack talk, but Bird's opponents tend to end up injured a lot, it seems. When we tell you they're the most physical team in the state we're not blowing smoke. They are going to hit you hard for 48 minutes.
This post was edited on 12/13 7:35 PM by GilliamRatings

This post was edited on 12/13 8:07 PM by GilliamRatings
Tuscarora's got nothing to be ashamed of. Great community; great kids; great school; great sports. They'll be back and they're good at a lot of other sports. Just keep watching the paper this winter and spring. You'll see them mentioned in just about everything. They definitely had one great girl's cross country team!
Tusky had the best student section on the day. They put em on the big screen and those kids were going wild haha

I got there at the start of the second when they scored on a nice drive after a wide open screen pass to Reimers. After that drive though they just weren't able to run the ball that well especially up the middle on Bird defense.

How about that touchdown pass they scored on with 5 seconds left before the half though. Huge. Thought that was going to give them enough momentum into the second half to take over, but Bird played a good game and looked comfortable running the ball today against Tusky defense.
Big thing was Bird didn't have to sell out and load up the box to stop the run, so when Reimers found a crack they had DB's to clean up and hold him to a reasonable gain. Reimers probably got a lot more initial contact in the backfield today than he's used to.
Congrats to Bird once again on a great game. Its good to see them win the scarf game for a change as well by playing disciplined football. It would be scary to see them do that more often. And the injuries are just part of the game as we all know. Bird lost there DE (6'4 260) in the first half as well as he was hit by a Bird player.

This was pretty much the same as the past 2 State wins as Bird was down to Ocean Lakes and Briar Woods before coming from behind to Physically take control. That was a big TD Tuscarora scored before half but it only gave them momentum in the locker room as the game is played by the kids on the field. It was the Huskies last score and I don't think they got inside Birds 20 yard line the rest of the day.

Bird Coaches made the adjustments in the 2nd Quarter on Riemers and that was pretty much it for him running all over the 434 other than a few catches ( I know he had his fill of Rayshard Ashby #24 for Bird) Congrats to him on his Gatorade player of the year award
Coach Burnette shared those same sentiments after the game. He said he doesn't know that they would have won but it certainly changed how the play of their game.
Love what Bedwell said after the game. He said something to the effect we might not play pretty, we don't have the prettiest locker rooms, etc... but we are the most physical team and we play that way every game and that is why we are successful.
I thought their student section was pretty impressive myself. They let themselves be heard all day long.

As for that touchdown right before half I have seen a lot of teams use that to rally behind and win. I remember a touchdown in 1999 right before the half in the Division 6 final when Varina had clearly owned the first half. Hylton came back in that second half with momentum and confidence and I think we saw how that ended.
Congrats to Bird not bad for a "down" Bird team. You guys were the toughest team we played all year and when Salem fans were trying to compare how physical they were to you guys I just kept quiet because they must've been dreaming. As the OL/DL coach I know just how physical you guys are up front. Congrats on the win and I hate that we won't keep the series going next cycle.
How could you not love that kind of HS football game?

The game had more "plot twists" than a daytime soap opera. Tuscarora looked unstoppable early on and I thought that fumble on the opening kickoff and the two subsequent scores might be too much of a disadvantage for Bird to overcome since the Huskies would get the ball to open the 2nd half. The Huskies were doing a good job of stuffing the FB and Mines kept running into his back. I kept waiting to see him bounce outside of that block; I thought Wright did a better job of that when he came in the game. I was surprised when Bedwell sent his punter back out there after the second 3 and out considering he had almost whiffed on the first punt. But a weakness turned into a positive for the Skyhawks with the recovery.

When Bird went up 14-13 and it looked like they might have found a way to stop Reimers, I wondered if Tusky would falter. Give their QB a lot of credit for scrambling out of trouble and making a nice throw into the endzone while running left. Based on the first half, we might have thought there would be more offensive fireworks in the second half. Obviously we got a defensive struggle instead. I love the wheel route and that was a great call and good execution for Bird. I read in the paper that they ran it 20+ times in practice this week without success, but called it in the game anyway. That might be mad genius coaching. I also loved the pass play that THS ran in the first half with the roll out and throw back to Reimers. That's a nice play and a sweet catch. Reimers is a heck of a player and athlete. We noticed he finished with bandages on his right arm and leg so he must have gotten scraped up. I'm looking forward to watching the film to see what Bird was doing differently to get to Reimers in the backfield. Was it adjustment or injuries on the O line as has been suggested? I was just glad to see a close, hard fought game. What a nail biter for both teams! Tuscarora had a great crowd and they actually got the normally too quiet Bird fans to make some noise. Congratulations to the Huskies for a great season and to the Skyhawks for another state championship!

One of the fun things about football and posts on this board and elsewhere are the "if/then" statements and the "what if" posts. Most every game's outcome could be different with a different bounce here or there, or a catch or tackle that should have been made, or a penalty that should or should not have been called. And while Gilliam has proven that it is possible to predict the games with a pretty good success rate, there is always room for surprises. As they say "that's why we play the games". On any given Friday night or Saturday anybody can be beaten. Does that make you better than the team that you just beat? Maybe. Does that make you better than the teams that your opponent beat? Maybe. Obviously for some folks the fun is in the debate.
Re: How could you not love that kind of HS football game?

You've got to be a little lucky to win three in a row, or just unbelievably outclass your opponents. I think Bird is a little lucky, and I don't mean that to be disparaging, but they have some close playoff wins in their run.

24-20 over Hermitage in 2012 when they were down 20-10, with less than 6 minutes to go. They don't win that, this whole thing doesn't even get started.

14-10 over Ocean Lakes in state final. The Dolphins looked like they were going in with about two minutes to go, to score the winning touchdown, when a kid decides not to do his assignment and gamble on what play was coming, and he makes a monster stop on 4th and 1.

7-3 over Salem in 2013 when Salem looked like they were going to kick a field goal to make it 6-0 with just a little time left on the clock. A big field goal block sets them up with the ball at midfield and they manage their only drive of the game to score in the final 3 minutes to win.

35-28 over Briar Woods in 2013 when Briar Woods had a 21-6 lead well into the third quarter and it appeared Bird had no answer for their offense. Somehow Bird mounts a comeback with a couple of key Briar Woods players injured and wins it.

25-23 over Highland Springs in 2014. The Springers had their best squad, maybe ever, and Bird slugged it out with them score for score and somehow does enough at the end of the game to get a field goal try and they hit it to win.

22-19 over Tuscarora in 2014 when anyone watching had to figure Bird was in trouble after that first couple of scores by the Huskies. The Skyhawks didn't look like they'd be able to stop them at all. Again, their opponents get a couple of injuries to key players, Bird makes some adjustments, and somehow the Skyhawks are dancing when it's over.

Now, I know you make your own luck sometimes, but they've won 14 straight playoff games, and there's six that could have went differently with out having to "what-if" very much. I also am a big believer in heart and determination and I think Bird had those things, for sure, but nevertheless, so did those six teams Bird "snuck" by. They've got the bounces (plays) when they needed them, but those coin flips don't always come up heads, and the Skyhawks only went 1-2 in those types of games in the regular season. But it's kinda like playing craps in Vegas, get those sevens out of your system on the come out roll so that they don't kill you later on when it really matters. So, I'll always be amazed by what Bird has done, I don't think any individual achievement is quite as amazing as the fact that they've been good enough to give themselves a real chance three years in a row, but I am under no delusion that in any of the three seasons it couldn't have ended differently for them.

That's why next July when you come to these boards someone is going to post a thread titled, "Can Bird Make It Four in a Row," and I, a big Skyhawks fan, knowing they've got a whopping percentage of these kids back, knowing they had some kid transfer in from somewhere who can supposedly do great things, knowing that they've still got an intact coaching staff, will respond, "Probably not." There's 51 other teams going for that title so making anyone a prohibitive favorite is probably not smart. Still, I'm giving them the best chance of the 52 teams, as historically, 50% of the teams to win three in a row, have made it 4. (Small sample size--only 4 teams did it before Bird).

Assuming Bird or any team will get it done, is just a slap in the face of the probability Gods. A lot's got to go right to get a state title even if all the pieces seem to be in place when the season starts.
Re: How could you not love that kind of HS football game?

ABSOLUTELY, it takes some luck to win a state championship; some teams need it more than others. If Tuscarora had rolled over Bird with hardly a scare this season, one could assume that they were just that much better than every other team they faced. It takes luck just to keep all of your key players healthy throughout the season. There didn't seem to be much of that luck going around judging by the number of big names sidelined this year. Sometimes those injuries reveal the future, if the backup emerges as a star, or character if the backup plays above his level, or just a team's depth. You are right to point out that the teams that don't win it all have a lot of heart too. Those Tuscarora kids playing in memory of their defensive coordinator as well as playing for themselves should be tremendously proud of what they accomplished even if they did not reach their ultimate goal.

In some ways, the close calls you mentioned and the ones in the regular season as well, make the three-peat an even more remarkable accomplishment. Coach Bedwell said it best when he said that they aren't pretty. The "W"s all look pretty in the win column though. I know we would like to see more of them at Deep Run.

So based on historical data, there are even odds that Bird will win a 4th state championship next year? And based on raw data they have a 1 in 52 chance of winning the state championship? I would say the "true" odds are a little less than the former and a lot better than the latter. In any case, I wouldn't be too eager to bet my money against the Skyhawks.

Already can't wait for next year.

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