Im saying the kid played scared and needed a heart check that night!
You D1 and played liked that? Yall swva so I wouldn't expect anything else but a thumbs up for Mitchell. Grave was invited to them to and did rather well. He would start for appo no doubt at TE. Our TE is actually being looked at by LU and JMU. Be on the look out for #10 Drew Mann.
What a joke!!! You say richlands loss due to a one man show missing in action?! Ryan u are a trip.
No, I said we lost by 5 TD because our best player was out. We weren't winning that game either way. I've said that since the day it happened. But with 11 on the field, it would have been a closer, more respectable game. He was the only player on our team that had the same speed as y'all, and that was very evident.
How many times do I have to say that Appo team was maybe the best high school team I've ever seen with my own eyes before you quit thinking I constantly put y'all down?
Not everything is a slight against you guys. I've never seen a team win 30 straight and still feel like they aren't respected as much as you try to point it out.