VHSL Dead Period

Sep 28, 2022
Random question here, but I was looking at the VHSL calendar for the next few years and noticed that all Dead periods are now a full 2 weeks.

I'm especially curious as to why that was a change made, especially for the Summer dead period. Missing 2 weeks in the middle of summer is a lot of down time right before the football season starts.

Any thoughts?
"Hey, community.... We have a plan to have rowdy ass boys lift and run for 2 hours a day after school with Men that volunteer thier time. "

VHSL- NOPE........ they need a break................

"Its only three days a week"

Next they'll limit how much "full contact" you can have at practice to prepare for a "full-contact" game and season.....oh wait
I would assume so, until the end of the school year they are technically MS.
Doesn't quite work that way, I don't think. The rule reads
During dead
periods, no coaching, observing or contact between a coach(s) or player(s) may occur in
the VHSL member school sponsored athletic team or activity involved.
There may be no
VHSL member school sponsored practice, open facilities, weight training/conditioning, out
of season league(s) or member school sponsored clinics/camps.
The school could no sponsor it in any way, shape, or form. It's not about who is attending, it's about who is running it. I guess a coach could set something up off school grounds but they would then need to secure the facility, buy insurance, etc.
It comes down to insurance. However the contract or agreement or policy is written up the school has liability insurance for the student-athletes.
If someone is running a practice for 8th graders that person or group would have to be insured to use any facility. Now, if you had a club team then the VHSL has no say in the matter. This is how a number of sports get around the dead period.
Another exception would be someone saying "come use my private piece of ground" but then they would be taking the liability risks on themselves.
It comes down to insurance. However the contract or agreement or policy is written up the school has liability insurance for the student-athletes.
If someone is running a practice for 8th graders that person or group would have to be insured to use any facility. Now, if you had a club team then the VHSL has no say in the matter. This is how a number of sports get around the dead period.
Another exception would be someone saying "come use my private piece of ground" but then they would be taking the liability risks on themselves.
Does VHSL have contracts with middle schools? I didnt think Middle Schools were members of the VHSL.
What’s really important is making sure these kids don’t even get a single solitary day off from training or practicing. How on earth are you expected to compete for state titles if you honor the state association rules? Sounds crazy.

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