Will there be a season?

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Those protests that you're showing photos of? 100% peaceful AND legal protests. Freedom, it's a beautiful thing we have here in this nation. Lets keep it that way.

Wanna know what happened the day after this peaceful and legal protest in 1969? I'll tell ya: Washington State Congress passed a bill that would make it a crime to exhibit firearms “in a manner manifesting an intent to intimidate others.” I wonder why. Now your cousins are out here with rocket launchers, wearing armor, and peacefully screaming in cops' faces inside a capitol building during a pandemic. What a beautiful, tremendous thing. Bigly beautiful. I bet their social media says "devout Christian". KAG though.
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@HooSprings cool so you're fine with being selfish and inconsiderate of others. Way to represent the empathy and compassion that the GOP claims to stand for. Great job. :rolleyes:
I’m very much selfish,and I don’t care if I hurt people’s feelings with the truth. if people get their feelings hurt by something I say,or get offended by it,then quite honestly...they need to grow a pair of balls. I do not have sympathy or compassion for people who make stupid decisions. You make the sleep on it. trust me,I laugh at people all the time,and make fun of them,for making stupid decisions. If I hurt your feelings or they feel like I’m bullying them...oh well! That’s the real world,and I don’t sugarcoat anything. I have no filter,and I do not give a damn what people think about me,nor do I have to. Being politically correct is for losers IMO! I like bold and outspoken...Just like my President. As far as this purge, my health insurance premiums has already dropped 15%. Life goes on!
Lots of misinformation in here. Here are what the real medical experts say, up to this point:

The virus is novel. Novel means it's new, not previously recorded, not well studied. No one really knows all the facts of this strand, or strands, of virus yet, including scientists, and especially everyone on here. Anyone that is still making assumptions about it at this point are being willfully ignorant, especially comparing it to the flu. Months after the pandemic began, a very rare but still alarming number of kids are getting MIS-C, an inflammatory condition that can cause organ failure, from the virus. And this is in kids with no pre-existing conditions. So if millions more people end up getting infected over the coming months as we reopen, do we know what will happen next? Can anyone really say with confidence what will happen? If so, send me some lotto numbers.

Masks/coverings are meant to protect other people from catching the virus from you. NOT the other way around. Some people get infected but have no symptoms, have no idea they're infected, and can spread it to other people just from talking/laughing/breathing, and then those people get symptoms or worse. Just look at coverings as another way to express your personality. Just one more item of clothing. They don't have to be plain ol' medical masks. Some folks just don't want to wear a mask because they think it's a sign of weakness, which is plain stupid and more willful ignorance. Orange Face probably doesn't want to wear a mask because it would mess up his orange makeup, and because he wants to stir up more idiots and division. So if everyone cared enough about other people to wear a mask, society would be able to get back to normal much faster. What does it hurt? I'd love to know.

People need to stop acting like folks with pre-existing conditions are sacrificial lambs. So after decades of Americans acting like they're so compassionate, they care about all life, they're "pro-life", they loooove the military, now it's "if they get COVID-19 and die, they probably had pre-existing conditions, so what? Screw them"? All of a sudden, we should let old people die to save the economy? Trust me, real economists are already saying it's not going to speed up the economy any faster.

My mom has cancer, but is surviving. If I go out and some idiot fool with no mask coughs in my face, and I get infected but don't get symptoms, but then I spread it to my mom as I take care of her, and she gets sick and passes, did she pass from the cancer or the virus? Because some folks here are saying that shouldn't be counted with the official deaths. I'd prefer NOT to find out. But real families are dealing with crap like that every day now. But screw them, right? MAGA, KAG.

IMO, the thing everyone should be doing right now? Invest in stocks. Be smart, make money when the economy eventually does bounce back. Oil, gas, airline, car company shares are dirt cheap right now. Go buy some. The app Robinhood is a great place to start.
If Virginia and the US wasn’t so incompetent in regards to testing , by now over three months into this everyone would be tested to know who has it and who had it and those who pose no risk to anyone. Because of these failings we have social distancing and ineffective non surgical masks worn to give comfort to people. These are merely questionable stop gaps due to the Government’s failure to ramp up testing to acceptable levels which is where the real anger of citizens should be directed. Not putting floor decals in food stores.
I still wanna know what's wrong with wearing a mask during a pandemic and how it hurts anyone. For such passionate people that are against it, you can't seem to answer that.



Looks pretty badass to me.
The answer is non surgical masks really don’t prevent very much. It doesn’t prevent the virus from entering your body as it is a loose fit. Though it stops some particles from the wearer from spreading it still allows plenty of virus particles from exiting. If it’s not a surgical level mask it is more for mental comforting than a solution. The Cdc did not recommend them in the beginning but caved in later on due to pressures as testing, the real solution was a total failure and still is. Something needed to be done to comfort the less than knowledgeable public.
Many scientific papers, including one by the authors, have been published recently supporting the efficacy of face coverings for “source control” — that is, stopping an infected person from passing on infection to others. Simple cloth masks appear to stop over 90% of the droplets that transmit the virus.
Austria Has 90% Drop in Coronavirus Cases After Requiring People to Wear Face Masks
Social distancing a week earlier could have saved 36,000 American lives, Columbia University study says

If more people understood or cared about the science, we'd be almost back to normal already and would be more confident about fall sports starting on time. Thankfully Virginia has done a decent job compared to other states, so it still might happen. Never thought I'd see the topic of wearing a mask during a pandemic be so politicized, but thanks America. This is just one reason why other countries just laugh at us and pity us now.
These are merely questionable stop gaps due to the Government’s failure to ramp up testing to acceptable levels which is where the real anger of citizens should be directed.
Amen. This all comes down to this admin wanting to politicize every little thing, and keep the official case count low, just to please egos, give a false sense of comfort to the (shrinking) loyal sheep, and keep us divided. Knowledge is power, which is why they try to keep the people dumb and confused, switching their stories up every day. Everyone would be much more comfortable today if they knew the truth back in February or early March, and the right precautions were taken then. Thankfully the majority of America has Trump Fatigue now, regardless of party, going by his approval rating dropping weekly.
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Man - there is no place to get away from ugly deep Divide in politics - positives - clearly the great experiment is alive and well advanced citizenship is also alive and well , nice passion - just wish the conversation stayed more on what we agree on vs taking sides again and again - Dems love the clintons they love the golden age of Bill and Hillary GOP same for Ronnie and Nancy - each accomplished great things without a
Majority in the Senate but had opposing party leaders in there to work with and all ALL - compromised to make good things happen without a massive use of executive orders unlike both Trump and Obama - argue excuses all you want when people decide to focus on common ground vs polarization shit gets done - name calling generalizations etc simply get the base out to vote - I believe Americans are smarter than politicians give them credit for - though some days we don’t show it well

My opinion - personal freedom and trusting your fellow Americans to use their personal
Freedom wisely -While always assuming (even if you disagree) they are doing what they think is best not just for themselves is something we should never lose- I personally believe everyone in my community is doing the best they can-there will always be that guy on both sides but the vast majority will not let you down -

hope we can get back to talking football and community- how about what kid on your team is showing the greatest improvement in the bigger stronger faster categories?

Or the NCAA announcement this morning about on campus training?
Austria Has 90% Drop in Coronavirus Cases After Requiring People to Wear Face Masks
Social distancing a week earlier could have saved 36,000 American lives, Columbia University study says

If more people understood or cared about the science, we'd be almost back to normal already and would be more confident about fall sports starting on time. Thankfully Virginia has done a decent job compared to other states, so it still might happen. Never thought I'd see the topic of wearing a mask during a pandemic be so politicized, but thanks America. This is just one reason why other countries just laugh at us and pity us now.
The key word is appear , no knows for certain. And 10% is plenty of virus to spread.
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Congress has a 29-31% approval rating by Americans. And that's the highest it's been in many years. So yes, Americans overall are smarter than politicians think, but the intellectually challenged Americans are the loudest ones. So if Congress ever starts catering to the people like they're elected to do, and not make everything an overblown soap opera, we'll see some real progress.
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Yeah, but cut that 1.5 million official cases we have today by 90%, and see what the number is.
I’m not so sure that the 10% wouldn’t still result in about the same number of cases eventually, it doesn’t take a lot of virus to spread. That 10% spread over 12 months exposure with no vaccine is like 100% anyway. That’s why in the mid term masks are useless. To be honest if high risk and long term care patients would be totally isolated for one month and let the virus spread normally for herd immunity this would all be over in about a month.
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The problem is, having a football season depends on a virus that has been extremely politicized since early March. So to attempt to talk about whether or not there is a football season without politics becoming involved is basically not feasible.
Everybody and their brothers and sisters should already know that! Everybody and their brothers and sisters should know that we will have to wait and see. Everybody and their brothers and sisters should knows that it will be up to the officials in charge. Everybody and their brothers and sisters should realize that there might be a season and there might not be a season! Let the politics that be, be the deciding choice... Some folks, a lot of folks come here to get away from all of that stuff. How are the kids/parents preparing for what might not be? What do they do if in fact we don't have a season at all?
Does it all have to be about this drug, that drug, what's effective and what's not, what our State, Local and National governments do and don't do?
We'll get and answer whether we have a season sooner or later, so let's get ready for what might or might not be. This thread has become more about the virus than football.
I’m not so sure that the 10% wouldn’t still result in about the same number of cases eventually, it doesn’t take a lot of virus to spread. That 10% spread over 12 months exposure with no vaccine is like 100% anyway. That’s why in the mid term masks are useless. To be honest if high risk and long term care patients would be totally isolated for one month and let the virus spread normally for herd immunity this would all be over in about a month.
The problem is, again, this virus is a novel virus related to SARS. If it were closer to influenza, herd immunity probably wouldn't have been a bad idea a month ago. But this virus can cause permanent lung and organ damage as well, keep that in mind, and who knows what else.
Today the DP newspaper had big article on VHSL and fall football. VHSL will not approve of football until Northam declares phase 3, 10-12 weeks, maybe. I would wager phase 3 in Nova is a lot later and football there is probably not happening.
The problem is, again, this virus is a novel virus related to SARS. If it were closer to influenza, herd immunity probably wouldn't have been a bad idea a month ago. But this virus can cause permanent lung and organ damage as well, keep that in mind, and who knows what else.
Just today a very detail report from Japan on the virus on the Princess Cruise. As these persons were quarantined in Japan for quite long it allowed a far better study of the virus per the Authorities. It was surprising to them the large number of asymtonstic persons and those with mild effects. It now appears based on this over 3,000 person study it is not as dangerous as first thought. Far fewer got pneumonia as first thought. Summary: 3711 people, infected, 19%, of those asymtonstic, 57%, IC, 6%, died, 1.7%. Average age was over 70.
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@Lafayette there have even been reports of some 100 year olds fully recovering. At the same time, some kids and 30-somethings like me are dying. Without looking at that study, I wonder how healthy those folks were before. Just gotta keep studying and learning. Most of America is overweight/obese and unhealthy in general.
@Lafayette there have even been reports of some 100 year olds fully recovering. At the same time, some kids and 30-somethings like me are dying. Without looking at that study, I wonder how healthy those folks were before. Just gotta keep studying and learning. Most of America is overweight/obese and unhealthy in general.
So true about adult obesity these days. I work out every morning. With closed gyms I still have my weights, sit up mat, 5 spring lift bar , etc. also take 10,000 icu D3. Recent reports from reliable sources says it helps!!
Haha polls worked out real well for you leftists in 2016.. so well in fact that you have spent the better part of the last 4 years crying. Those protests that you're showing photos of? 100% peaceful AND legal protests. Freedom, it's a beautiful thing we have here in this nation. Lets keep it that way.

Now, run along and put your little pink pu**y hat on and sit in the corner sucking your thumb at this big, bad virus.

I’m not one to get into politics on a football forum but if leftys have cried for the last 4 years about trump what on earth did the rightys do during Obama’s 8 year tenure? So my question to you is about Kaepernick, did he exercise his freedom to have a peaceful and legal protest or was it grinding your gears he chose to protest in the manner in which he did? I’m just confused because it seems that many individuals gerrymander their argument to fit their points but overlook the exact same argument being used against them with the same rationale and omit them or dismiss it.

By all means identify wherever you would like and vote for whomever you see fit but there’s a reason great leaders and molders of men don’t shy away from criticism and blame in difficult times. It’s easy to pass the buck but difficult to stand up in adversity for what’s right.
We have a treatment.. Hydroxychloroquine. But because "orange man bad" and since big pharma stands to lose billions you socialists do not want to even give it a chance.

That’s not a cure or a vaccine it’s similar to a bandaid, it might stop it from getting worse but doesn’t mean infections or other issues can’t arise from using them.
I’m not one to get into politics on a football forum but if leftys have cried for the last 4 years about trump what on earth did the rightys do during Obama’s 8 year tenure? So my question to you is about Kaepernick, did he exercise his freedom to have a peaceful and legal protest or was it grinding your gears he chose to protest in the manner in which he did? I’m just confused because it seems that many individuals gerrymander their argument to fit their points but overlook the exact same argument being used against them with the same rationale and omit them or dismiss it.

By all means identify wherever you would like and vote for whomever you see fit but there’s a reason great leaders and molders of men don’t shy away from criticism and blame in difficult times. It’s easy to pass the buck but difficult to stand up in adversity for what’s right.
This will be mmqp:


This will be mmqp:



On the contrary, I have sat here and taken you leftists on for the better part of a day now and watched as you get more and more triggered in your replies. I'll give you this though, at least this time you didnt go whining to the admins to shut down the thread. Good boy.

@mmqp I bet most of you sheep will fall in line now, huh?

Universal Orlando will start their reopening with mandatory masks for everyone. If you don't have a mask, they're gonna give you one. So I guess y'all aren't going there anytime soon.

Let's make a bet that Trump will lose in a landslide in Nov. When I win, I'll send you my PayPal and Square Cash app links for easy payment.

And soon you will learn all about his transnational money laundering.
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Wanna know what happened the day after this peaceful and legal protest in 1969? I'll tell ya: Washington State Congress passed a bill that would make it a crime to exhibit firearms “in a manner manifesting an intent to intimidate others.” I wonder why. Now your cousins are out here with rocket launchers, wearing armor, and peacefully screaming in cops' faces inside a capitol building during a pandemic. What a beautiful, tremendous thing. Bigly beautiful. I bet their social media says "devout Christian". KAG though.

I dunno dude. Washington State congress passed it? Umm, yea, one of the most leftist states in the union... maybe things were different there 50 years ago? We're talking 51 years ago now, the next logical step will be to start blabbering about the Civil War and then how Jefferson had slaves. Down this path we go.
I dunno dude. Washington State congress passed it? Umm, yea, one of the most leftist states in the union... maybe things were different there 50 years ago? We're talking 51 years ago now, the next logical step will be to start blabbering about the Civil War and then how Jefferson had slaves. Down this path we go.
I rest my case.

@mmqp I bet most of you sheep will fall in line now, huh?

Universal Orlando will start their reopening with mandatory masks for everyone. If you don't have a mask, they're gonna give you one. So I guess y'all aren't going there anytime soon.

Let's make a bet that Trump will lose in a landslide in Nov. When I win, I'll send you my PayPal and Square Cash app links for easy payment.

And soon you will learn all about his transnational money laundering.

Lol, you are all over the place. The TDS is strong in this one. So now that he wore a mask for a few minutes, does that mean you'll stop wearing them because "orange man bad"?

And no, I'm not planning any trips to Universal Studios anytime soon, went there once and yea whatever, not that big of a deal. So no mask for me.
I rest my case.

... what case exactly did you rest?

An unconstitutional law in Washington State has no bearing on what happened in Michigan. And you seriously dug up dirt on one of your beloved socialist states to "make your case".

You are NUTS. LOL
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That’s not a cure or a vaccine it’s similar to a bandaid, it might stop it from getting worse but doesn’t mean infections or other issues can’t arise from using them.

The same could be said of Remdesivir.
There is one key theme running through this thread and this video - a severe lack of objectivity. The host, Kevin, Press Secretary McEnany, the reporters, and most people on here are only hearing and using the information and facts that support their particular point of view, and in some cases twisting that information as well. Yes, it is human nature to be subjective but subjectivity injects bias into everything. With regard to the studies referenced, most studies have inherent shortcomings and unless the reader fully understands those shortcomings the study itself can be biased or flawed. That is not saying the study outcomes might have some validity, but it does say the results are NOT definitive.

@mmqp I bet most of you sheep will fall in line now, huh?

Universal Orlando will start their reopening with mandatory masks for everyone. If you don't have a mask, they're gonna give you one. So I guess y'all aren't going there anytime soon.

Let's make a bet that Trump will lose in a landslide in Nov. When I win, I'll send you my PayPal and Square Cash app links for easy payment.

And soon you will learn all about his transnational money laundering.
I still ain’t wearing no mask! People are scared...stay your ass at home!
In the absence of moderators removing material that’s against site rules, I recommend people check out the ignore function in your account settings. It works well!
There is one key theme running through this thread and this video - a severe lack of objectivity. The host, Kevin, Press Secretary McEnany, the reporters, and most people on here are only hearing and using the information and facts that support their particular point of view, and in some cases twisting that information as well. Yes, it is human nature to be subjective but subjectivity injects bias into everything. With regard to the studies referenced, most studies have inherent shortcomings and unless the reader fully understands those shortcomings the study itself can be biased or flawed. That is not saying the study outcomes might have some validity, but it does say the results are NOT definitive.
The thing is, the free press is in the Constitution. So if you're going to stand on international TV and embarrass yourself playing games with them and attacking them every day, and attacking them on Twitter calling them the "Enemy of the People", then you're being unconstitutional and not fit to be a leader. You don't have to like them, but whining and attacking them constantly, while making up new lies as you go along, is cowardly.
You've spent the entirety of this thread whining about how you hate the President. You then follow that up with basing all your opinions off of that hatred. A cure could be found today and you'd reject it because of that hatred. How pathetic are you and the other leftists on here?
Anyway, post the video where yours and my President tell everyone they need to inject bleach or whatever. I've never seen that video before, and neither has anyone else. So be brave and post it.
I posted the video on page 2, kid. And I never said that he said "everyone needs to inject bleach." He said they should look into injecting disinfectant into the lungs. Learn to read, kid.
I still ain’t wearing no mask! People are scared...stay your ass at home!
Willful ignorance, and STILL scared to say why you won't wear one. Other than you don't care if you intentionally or unintentionally get someone sick or killed from your nasty ass mouth during a pandemic.
As a good friend of mine constantly reminds me all the time - NOBODY CARES!! Really nobody cares about your opinion you will not change their opinion.

Lets get back to football and stop with the CNN / Fox News BS propaganda. Keep it on football. NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT POLITICS!
@Coach Joe73 like someone else said, politics determine if we have a season this year. Everything that happens in the world is based on politics and geopolitics, and it starts at the top. Except the person at the top of our country said "I don't take responsibility for anything". So it's every state for itself, especially if they make the "Leader" mad, except if they're led by Republicans.

The longer people share the HooSprings mentality, the longer all this mess will go on, the worse things will get in the fall and winter, and the longer kids will be out of school. Some countries are making kids wear masks in schools. That's not going to fly with the geniuses in America, and protesting will get worse. I wanna see Martinsburg play Highland Springs like crazy, but it's only going to happen if more folks get common sense and listen to the doctors.
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I posted the video on page 2, kid. And I never said that he said "everyone needs to inject bleach." He said they should look into injecting disinfectant into the lungs. Learn to read, kid.

Ah, "look into it".. meaning, do medical RESEARCH on such a treatment. So what is wrong with that? I have a feeling such a thing has already been researched.. and if such a treatment proves successful? If not, keep looking. The narrative being pushed at that time by the left and MSM was that "OMG, Trump wants us to inject ourselves with bleach!".
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