Will there be a season?

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It used to be about, "flattening the curve". Now people are scared of their shadows and don't want to live and enjoy life and with cave like little snowflakes to what society expects one to do.
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@Coach Joe73 like someone else said, politics determine if we have a season this year. Everything that happens in the world is based on politics and geopolitics, and it starts at the top. Except the person at the top of our country said "I don't take responsibility for anything". So it's every state for itself, especially if they make the "Leader" mad, except if they're led by Republicans.

The longer people share the HooSprings mentality, the longer all this mess will go on, the worse things will get in the fall and winter, and the longer kids will be out of school. Some countries are making kids wear masks in schools. That's not going to fly with the geniuses in America, and protesting will get worse. I wanna see Martinsburg play Highland Springs like crazy, but it's only going to happen if more folks get common sense and listen to the doctors.

Nor should he take responsibility for a broken system that he inherited from close to a half dozen former presidents. And they're not to blame either. It's typical government red tape issues that need to be resolved in one fashion or another. He's right. Just as it's not his fault Cuomo forced nursing homes to take patients who were testing positive for Covid 19.

As it should be, the decision to have a season or not falls in the hands of your state. And your beloved leftist himself, Northam. Maybe he can decide when he's on vacation at his second home in NC..
@mmqp like I already said, go be a guinea pig, volunteer and be part of that research, and get back to us.

Will I get paid for it? Yea sure, why not? I've assisted with the VA in DC in the past.

I'm not going to do like your fellow ignorant leftists out in Arizona did and chug fish tank cleaner.. typical "smart" leftists.. But as previously stated the wife in that is now being investigated for murder.
It used to be about, "flattening the curve". Now people are scared of their shadows and don't want to live and enjoy life and with cave like little snowflakes to what society expects one to do.

AKA "moving the goalposts" which is something I got falsely accused of earlier in this thread.

We see leftist governors on all sides of this nation moving the goalposts almost daily now as they attempt to find an excuse to keep a lock down in place.
I don't even care for Northam and plenty of leftists, but try harder.

I thought her opinion didnt matter anymore?? You stated that in the thread that you whined and cried to have taken down. Anyway, I see nothing in this video that supports what you're attempting to say. Try harder Karen lol.
It used to be about, "flattening the curve". Now people are scared of their shadows and don't want to live and enjoy life and with cave like little snowflakes to what society expects one to do.
Some of your society wants grandparents to be willing to die to save the country. Thankfully most of those grandparents are not caving. They're not as dumb as society wants them to be.

You don't understand how science works, do you? Our curve still isn't flat. Hundreds of other countries (other countries have states and counties too, and some are real democracies/republics) have flat or declining curves now. They had a variety of legit plans to achieve it fast as a nation, we still don't have a plan.
I thought her opinion didnt matter anymore?? You stated that in the thread that you whined and cried to have taken down. Anyway, I see nothing in this video that supports what you're attempting to say. Try harder Karen lol.
No one wanted that thread taken down, Curly. Stop the right wing lies. And yeah you see nothing because you're willfully ignorant. And yeah she still lost her credibility, because she chose not to speak up and sat there making faces instead.
No one wanted that thread taken down, Curly. Stop the right wing lies. And yeah you see nothing because you're willfully ignorant. And yeah she still lost her credibility, because she chose not to speak up and sat there making faces instead.

No, you said she lost credibility when she agreed with your and my President on something. Remember? You spit your coffee out. Hopefully not on your poor, sick mother.
Some of your society wants grandparents to be willing to die to save the country. Thankfully most of those grandparents are not caving. They're not as dumb as society wants them to be.

You don't understand how science works, do you? Our curve still isn't flat. Hundreds of other countries (other countries have states and counties too, and some are real democracies/republics) have flat or declining curves now. They had a variety of legit plans to achieve it fast as a nation, we still don't have a plan.

The man said he was willing to die to save the country and that he had no doubt others his age felt the same way. Far cry from what you're implying.

Once again, the only folks who seem to be okay with grandparents dying are leftists like Cuomo and the "Boomer Remover" crowd that you claim ignorance on.
@mmqp yep Birx lost it then, and lost more while sitting there. And naw but I'll spit it out on you next time and see what happens. For science. Just copying your mentality.
Willful ignorance, and STILL scared to say why you won't wear one. Other than you don't care if you intentionally or unintentionally get someone sick or killed from your nasty ass mouth during a pandemic.
The only thing I need to say is it’s my right to not wear the ****ing thing and I don’t give a damn what happens.
and I can see we learned nothing from the first thread. you guys went right of topic and started bashing each tell me who is really the ignorant ones in this thread. I apologize for my poor grammar ahead of time.
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Nor should he take responsibility for a broken system that he inherited from close to a half dozen former presidents.
Obama literally went through three virus outbreaks, including Ebola, literally had a team in China to help with potential outbreaks, literally left a 69 page pandemic playbook for Trump when he left office.

All while dealing with Mitch McConnell and a Republican-controlled Senate. All while Trump had daily b1tch fits and abused Obama on Twitter.

Trump ignored the playbook and disbanded that team. And here we are today. Thanks Trump.

You'll say it was because of a bunch of corruption and blame Obama.
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This just happened today:
Trump declares houses of worship 'essential,' pressuring governors to let them reopen

Maybe our president should listen to you, STFU for once, and let the governors do their job then.

Freedom of Religion. I know that bothers you when it comes to Christianity being considered essential. Lest we forget the anti-semitism from your beloved socialist mayor De Blasio.
@mmqp so we're throwing separation of church and state out the window now? Or it's just fine when Trump does it?

By the way, South Korea's outbreak started in a church.

American pastors have already died after reopening their churches.

Speaking of anti-semitism, Trump praised Henry Ford's "bloodline" yesterday. Ford was a Nazi sympathizer and Hitler loved him.

Wake up! I know you'll find a way to spin that too though. Sad.

Stop lumping me with all leftists, I can think for myself, thanks. I don't care for Cuomo, DeBlasio or especially Bloomberg. Many of these people are lite Republicans anyway.
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@Coach Joe73 like someone else said, politics determine if we have a season this year. Everything that happens in the world is based on politics and geopolitics, and it starts at the top. Except the person at the top of our country said "I don't take responsibility for anything". So it's every state for itself, especially if they make the "Leader" mad, except if they're led by Republicans.

The longer people share the HooSprings mentality, the longer all this mess will go on, the worse things will get in the fall and winter, and the longer kids will be out of school. Some countries are making kids wear masks in schools. That's not going to fly with the geniuses in America, and protesting will get worse. I wanna see Martinsburg play Highland Springs like crazy, but it's only going to happen if more folks get common sense and listen to the doctors.
I'm beginning to really like you LionNation!
By the way, Kaepernick threw 30 interceptions during his whole career.

Jameis Winston threw 30 interceptions last season. 88 over his career.

Maybe Kap just needs Lasik eye surgery.

Or maybe folks shouldn't act like Kap's play on the field or being upset about losing a starting job is the reason he's not playing now.
And lest we forget, hospitals are coding deaths as coronavirus regardless, as Birx straight up admitted weeks ago. I have a feeling that that is where flu deaths are being tossed right now, which would explain why flu numbers are down this year.

I believe it was San Diego where out of 194 deaths coded to coronavirus, only 6 were acknowledged as being caused by the coronavirus. Yea here it is
Flu deaths are down because of social distancing for Corona. I am not arguing with your other points, though.
Flu deaths are down because of social distancing for Corona. I am not arguing with your other points, though.

Flu deaths are also down because the vulnerable are simply dying to the more contagious disease right now. That article he linked also didn't say what he thinks it did, it simply said of the 190 people dead in San Diego, only 6 didn't have underlying conditions, COVID-19 still killed the other 184 people as well, it was just "easier" due to underlying conditions.
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