2013-14 VHSL Basketball Schedules with Results & Standings!


Publisher of (Rivals Network)
Jul 20, 2004
Virginia Beach, VA
See the link below to view 2013-14 VHSL Basketball Schedules with Results & Standings as they happen. The .pdf file is well over 100 pages, starting with 6A-South Conference 1 and going through 1A-West Conference 48.

Please Note - this file is incomplete at the moment as I'm working tirelessly to get it close to 100% done soon. If you have a team schedule, any corrections or score updates, please pass them along to us through the boards, via e-mail at or through Twitter @hatfieldsports. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Hoops Fans Enjoy!

Master Hoops Schedule with Scores & Standings!
Great resource. Will try to help you fill in some gaps from Southside. Brunswick's schedule has changed due to the football success so I will try to get a revised schedule tonight at the tourney. Thanks for all your efforts to keep us informed.
Revised Schedule for Brunswick

Revised Boy's Schedule for Brunswick

1. Brunswick 68, Appomattox Regional Gov. School 20 (Dec. 18 on road)
2. Brunswick 65 Southampton 45 (Dec. 20 at home)
3. Brunswick 53 Park View 50 (Dec. 21 at home)
4. Brunswick 44 Cumberland 33 (Dec. 26, Brunswick Holiday Classic)
5. Brunswick 83 Southampton 23 (Dec. 27, Brunswick Holiday Classic)
6. Indian River 57 Brunswick 50 (Dec, 28, Brunswick Holiday Classic) (3-0, 5-1)
7. Jan. 3 - At Fuqua (Farmville)
8. Jan. 7 - Windsor (Home)
9. Jan. 8 - At Franklin
10. Jan. 10 - At Greensville (Emporia)
11. Jan. 11 - At Highland Springs (Springer Classic)
12. Jan. 17 - At Surry
13. Jan. 18 - Bruton (1:30 p.m., Lawson Classic at VA State)
14. Jan. 20 - Surry (Home)
15. Jan. 22 - Greensville (Home)
16. Jan. 24 - At Sussex
17. Jan. 25 - At Park View (South Hill)
18. Jan. 27 - Sussex (Home)
19. Jan. 29 - Appomattox Regional Gov. School (Home)
20. Jan. 31 - At Southampton
21. Feb. 5 - At Windsor
22. Feb. 7 - Franklin (Home)
Score Correction for Brunswick

Dec. 27 - Brunswick Holiday Classic
Brunswick 83 Southampton 23

The 50-48 score was Indian River over Prince Edward


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