A little help, please...


VaPreps All State
Jun 5, 2001
Orange, Virginia
Not to be a downer, but I consider the people on these boards my friends, even if I've only met a very few of you in person. I'd really appreciate some prayers. I have an MRI on Monday that I really need to come back "negative." That result would make my life significantly less complicated.
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No question about it Matt, you have my most heartfelt thoughts and prayers. May God's grace and mercy be with you every step of the way.

If I can do anything more, just ask and it's done.

Not to be a downer, but I consider the people on these boards my friends, even if I've only met a very few of you in person. I'd really appreciate some prayers. I have an MRI on Monday that I really need to come back "negative." That result would make my life significantly less complicated.
Sending my prayers and my thoughts throughout the course of my day Matt. Don't worry about it because it will be okay. You know God is holding you tight in His hands.
Not to be a downer, but I consider the people on these boards my friends, even if I've only met a very few of you in person. I'd really appreciate some prayers. I have an MRI on Monday that I really need to come back "negative." That result would make my life significantly less complicated.

Count me in on the prayer chain. Thy will be done...
Gilliam I've never met you in real life but we've known one another for years on here, wish you nothing but the best. Saying a prayer for ya pal.
Matt, I dropped you a personal email yesterday, but the address may have been incorrect. My email is above. If you would like drop me a line?

You are having prayers said on you behalf on a regular basis.


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