Abandoned Stadiums

I agree. It’s neat to look back and see the origins of some of the schools we are failure with today. I’m sure there are many many more across the state and across the country.

At Fort Barfoot, formerly Fort Pickett, in Blackstone Va there is an old stadium on the base. I’m sure it was built in the late 40,s. Pickett, at the time, was huge. It was built as WW2 escalated. It probably housed 40-50k troops. I’m sure they built the stadium just after the war as part of providing activities for the troops. The bleachers wrap around three sides, are probably 20 runs high, and completely made from bricks.
Our team spends a week on base every August. They practice twice a day on this field. I doubt that the kids can appreciate the nostalgia, but us old guys do. We actually held a scrimmage one year up there against Mills Godwin. That was super neat.
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In Staunton, for decades the old Lee High football field sat in front of the high school on Churchville Avenue just before you enter Gypsy Hill Park. There was one set of concrete bleachers built into the side of the hill. The school itself closed in the 1970s and today it is an apartment complex with a theater where a local group produces plays. As for the bleachers, to be honest I have not even looked over in years to see if they are still there. After a while it just became one of those things that you could ride by and not even notice. The current football stadium is in Gypsy Hill nearby and has been in use for as long as I can remember, so I am not sure when they last played on this old field.
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Bob, I trust your Coach is still in remission and doing ok?
I spoke with him a few weeks ago and he was doing great. He still has a small hand in with the boys with weight room and maybe a day or two after school here and there. He at DUKE for check ups and treatments at times but still loving life and as he would put "giving God all the glory".
I spoke with him a few weeks ago and he was doing great. He still has a small hand in with the boys with weight room and maybe a day or two after school here and there. He at DUKE for check ups and treatments at times but still loving life and as he would put "giving God all the glory".
That’s great news. He is a wonderful human being and your community is lucky to have him mentoring your kids. The next time you see him tell him that Dinwiddie holds him in their prayers.

Thank you for the update.

Oh, and by the way, one of my best friends recently bought the Toll Keepers house on Bent Creek in Gladstone. It was built in 1820. He has been working on buying it for several years. It didn’t have a deeded right of way and he was able to negotiate a solution and finally closed on it a month or so ago. I’ll be headed out there soon to see what needs to be done to the wiring to make it safer. Incidently, this same buddy owns Fork Inn in Sutherland VA. Google it, it’s got quite the history.

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