Best athlete you've seen on the football field

DP, if I were to ask you about baseball, would you say Babe Ruth or Ty Cobb was more entertaining to watch in person? If you can recall that far back sir.

Hardy har har, (or however the heck you spell it).

Of course I wasn't around them. Navy was, but he doesn't usually like people to know that. He loved Ty Cobb. Me, I was always a Lou Gegrig fan. I liked his quiet humble attitude.

Though not great because he was a player, here is a link for what I believe is one of the greats coaches that ever lived. I am proud to say that I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Coach Day when I was a young man. And even better, I am close friends to this day with his daughters side of the family. And for any of you that happen to know the name Billy Russell, the long term AD and coach from Prince George, Coach Day is his Grandfather. Mighty good gene pool.
didnt know Bradshaw came from graham

Yeah Ahmad was basically unstoppable in SWVA in the early 2000's. I think he graduated in 2004 before going to UVA then to Marshall then to the Giants and then scoring the game winning TD in the 2012 super bowl. I looked at the VHSL record book not long ago and he's listed in the top 5 in a few different categories.

He's one of the more accomplished players from SWVA in the last couple decades along with Heath Miller (honaker) & Thomas Jones (Powell Valley).