Dinwiddie 42 Hopewell 0

Louisa and Dinwiddie actually match up pretty well with each other this year. Both teams have weaknesses that the other can exploit that I won't get into here. Louisa is already much improved since the first game. They're executing much better on offense and moving #12 to MLB after kicking the other player off the team is already paying off. Louisa has the defense to go far. If they could limit Dinwiddie's big plays and keep Dinwiddie's offense off the field and rack up TOP, the Lions have as good a chance as anyone. That 2013 Dinwiddie team was stacked, and I won't compare this year's team to them until I see Sadarius Williams and Rashad Goodwyn stroll onto the field.
I will respectfully disagree, with the part about Louisa matching up and there defensive prowess. However I did sAy if they are as good as 2013.
Ok guys here is an honest take on Dinwiddie. We are 4-0, have played well and are playing the schedule dealt. Who knows or really cares if this edition of the Generals is as good as the 2013. This is 2016 and although the two teams have similar qualities they will never be the same. If the stars line up and the Generals continue to win then we can debate the matter. Until then the men in Navy better be concentrating on another heated rival Matoaca.

Its not what you did yesterday, but what you do today. One step at a time. That goes for every 4a team. With the way some of the teams are playing in our district (points) we could win 9 or 10 games and be a 8 seed come playoff time.
Wahoogen are you really from Dinwiddie or just posing? Just wondering, because the Navy Nation guys who post on this board dont talk smack like you are. Relax and lets see how things play out. We could be easily humbled this week or next.
Im from Dinwiddie. Im an educator in the county. Born and raised. Im not talking smack. Relax guys. This is a message board. These things were invented for this purpose. These are my opinions. This team is stacked and I like what I have seen so far.
Any place south or East of Richmond or , East of Of the Blue Ridge Mountains is not country to me. why don't you go ask how many players on your team have spent a whole day in a hay field? Or even driven a tractor. My guess is about two or three. I would go with Rural Richmond Boys, LOL
Whaaat? East of the Blue Ridge?! There are a ton of kids and people like that haha. Yes Dinwiddie is pretty country.
Any place south or East of Richmond or , East of Of the Blue Ridge Mountains is not country to me. why don't you go ask how many players on your team have spent a whole day in a hay field? Or even driven a tractor. My guess is about two or three. I would go with Rural Richmond Boys, LOL
Hammy all due respect but there's some COUNTRY places south of Richmond lol!! Go down to Mecklenburg County (South Hill, Clarksville, Boydton area), Brunswick and Greensville Counties...COUNTRY!! I thought I was a country boy. I'm half Danville, half Martinsville so I'm COUNTRY, but I think some of the kids from Greensville and Mecklenburg has got me beat :D..Me and Hoos had this conversation this summer which is funny lol
I dont know Hamspear. Have you ever heard the phrase BFE? Well you have to pass BFE to get to DP's house.

Ham, there are twice as many homes in my areas as is in BN's part of the county. Of course, he lives on an estate, so that accounts for a lot the open land near him. Huge fields of golden grain as far as the eye can see. His driveway is 1.5 miles long, lined with 75 year old pecan trees. I can't tell you what his mansion looks like, because I have never been allowed there. And it's just as well, because I just don't know how to act around the "upper crust" of society.

So, if he considers living about 300 yards of of US 460 as being BFE, then what would we call that far away land he lives in? Maybe Camelot?
Hamspear did DP tell you we where city slickers or what? With the exception of of the Northern end of the county that adjoins Petersburg and Chesterfield Dinwiddie is very rural. There are numerous farms, tractors and yes hay. Most families South and West of 460 own larger lots 5-25 acres. Tobacco, peanuts, cotton, corn and soy beans are the major crops. In fact, we are right in the heart of where a majority of the peanuts come from in Virginia. I promise you there are no gated communities in our world.
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Hammy all due respect but there's some COUNTRY places south of Richmond lol!! Go down to Mecklenburg County (South Hill, Clarksville, Boydton area), Brunswick and Greensville Counties...COUNTRY!! I thought I was a country boy. I'm half Danville, half Martinsville so I'm COUNTRY, but I think some of the kids from Greensville and Mecklenburg has got me beat :D..Me and Hoos had this conversation this summer which is funny lol

DSH/Hoos, you are dead on the money. It is unbelievable how rural most of that area is. I had to go to a cell tower site in Mecklenburg a couple of years ago. I swear, if it wasn't for the occasional tobacco field, you would have a hard time convincing me the land had ever been settled. But I will say this, you will never find nicer people anywhere. Just genuinely good people.
Dinwiddie does have Amazon, Walmart Distribution Center, and VA Motorsports Park though! I've been to VMP a few times.
I was mainly talking about the I95 corridor as not being country, And Dinwiddie is right there. I realize south central va. and there are some places of which could be considered country east of the blue ridge. I do travel most of state all week long, country just means something different to me. If Dinwiddie players like calling themselves country boys , who cares. It's just funny to me. James wood- country, Luray- country, Fort Defiance- country, Dinwiddie not so much.
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DSH/Hoos, you are dead on the money. It is unbelievable how rural most of that area is. I had to go to a cell tower site in Mecklenburg a couple of years ago. I swear, if it wasn't for the occasional tobacco field, you would have a hard time convincing me the land had ever been settled. But I will say this, you will never find nicer people anywhere. Just genuinely good people.
Same for the Charlotte County, Amelia, and Nottoway County area. Very nice people but very rural. No cell phone service from Keysville to the Chesterfield County line on 360, which is probably <52 miles.
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But you really would be surprised how honestly rural most of Dinwiddie is. Near 85 and 460, where the industrial park is, is by far the most developed. Like Navy said, the majority of the homes scattered across the rest of the count are on larger tracks of land. Dinwiddie did not jump on the residential development band wagon in the late 80's and trough the 90's. The zoning is pretty darn restrictive. The citizens did not want to become what Chesterfield became. Many of the homes built in the last 20 years are on old family farms. As farming became a large scale operation, and kids that grew up on the farms had no interest in farming, so little by little, the fields went fallow and an occasional home was built. But don't confuse rural with a depressed area. We are not. We are not on the order of Northern Virginia, but truthfully our county is pretty prosperous.
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I have got a question for you, when you go to a Dinwiddie game, are there more men watching games in full camouflage like the are going hunting? Or are they dressed more like a regular sports fan in team colors? The answer to that question will settle the country thing. Haha

Except for Navy showing up in his camo European Speedo, everyone else is dressed normally.
Hamspear, hunting is more popular than football in Dinwiddie. They used to cancel school the first day of hunting season. Here is a little data for you.

Dinwiddie County,Virginia


Number of Farms

Land in Farms 92,429 acres

Average Size of Farm 256 acres

Market Value of Products Sold $14,695,000 -

Crop Sales $8,263,000 (66 percent)

Livestock Sales $4,327,000 (34 percent)

Average Per Farm $40,707
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DP you are trying to mess with Hamspear. Don't try and deny the cammo gear. Lifted trucks, tractor pulls, mud bogs and pig pickings are weekend traditions. You are in denial, because you are hopeful that someday there will be a community with a homeowners association and a club pool. The closet thing we have to that is the neighborhood on Lake Chesdin in Sutherland. What would you call Dewitt, Carson, Sutherland, Ford and Darvell's? New York City. Lol....... Don't be ashamed DP. Be proud to a member of the BFE Ruritan Club. That should answer your question Hamspear. We have five different Ruritan Clubs in the County and even a Future Farmers of America Club at the high school.
Back before school shootings, every kid drove a pickup to school with a shotgun or two in the rear window. They all carried Buck knives on their belts in school. And yes, they did schedule the first day of deer season as a holiday or teachers work day. One of the reasons football was so bad in the 60's through th 80's was because of tobacco. Kids, (boys and many girls), had to go straight home during the first two months of school to help on the farm. No time for football practice.
Actually, agricultural is growing in the county. The FFA is very successful at DCHS. It's not our dad's or granddad's farming anymore, though. It's high tech and scientific.
Hoos, you should hear my wife talk. You would swear she came from SWV. But she grew up literally about 500 yards across the line from Petersburg. One of my best friends told her one day that she was the only person he knew that made a three syllable word out of "oil"! (Not making this up, she really does).
Are you speaking of yourself Hoos? Lion country is in the boonies too.
mineral is country, OK OK be country !! :D
You notice Clarke being awful quiet this week , he must have took that Central game hard. That's a country county for the most part, let's let him weigh in on the " what's country and what's not "'discussion.
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Are you speaking of yourself Hoos? Lion country is in the boonies too.
Not me, but my father and others, haha. It's an act of Congress to get him out of Louisa nowadays! Louisa County has the benefits of being a nice, quaint dent in the world with wide open spaces, but close enough to three cities. Our house is 30 minutes from Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, and Short Pump. Zion Crossroads is on the come up though! We have Walmart, Lowes, Tractor Supply, gated communities like Spring Creek with a top notch golf course, with Taco Bell and Popeyes about to open. LOL. Lake Anna is a beautiful area too with lots of growth.
The team don't call themselves the country boys. That's a name I made up for them that I think has a nice ring to it! Rural Richmond boys is ok......but im sticking with country boys. I remember standing at the bus stop at 6:00 am. I am constantly stuck behind farm equipment every summer. There are school buses with the top cut off hauling tobacco. I remember so many guys showing up at school with guns in their trucks because they just got done hunting or were going after they left school. I believe all that could be considered country. I love it here. Like I said before born and raised and came back to teach. Beautiful area and oh yea we have a pretty good football team!
mineral is country, OK OK be country !! :D
You notice Clarke being awful quiet this week , he must have took that Central game hard. That's a country county for the most part, let's let him weigh in on the " what's country and what's not "'discussion.
I'm a country wannabe. Born in Coronado, San Diego while my Dad was in the Navy. Moved to Appalachin, NY when he went to work for IBM. Moved to Manassas in the 70's when Manassas was IBM. Met a sweet girl from Clarke County in 91, and begged her to marry me. I moved out here and love this place. I volunteer at the Clarke County Fair gates every year for the past 12 years. There are people that come to that fair that look like they haven't seen daylight all year long. They save up for the fair.

If you come to the Clarke County Fair and watch the guys with the chainsaws do intricate wood carvings with them, and you enquire about having them fashion you a new set of're country.

If you buy a 25 cubic foot deep freeze and fill it with a steer you bought from a 4-H kid at the Clarke County Fair, you're country. (I do that)

If said deep freezer decides to fail on you and you neglect to clean up any blood that may have thawed and leaked because the freezer failed during a rainstorm and you spent the day frantically calling neighbors and transferring 600 lbs of still frozen beef to their freezers and forgot about the blood only to remember it a week later when you are sitting at your computer wondering what the hell that smell is while you read up on High School football, you're a country wannabe.

No febreeze to be found in the house, and I'm bacheloring it today!!!
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I'm a country wannabe. Born in Coronado, San Diego while my Dad was in the Navy. Moved to Appalachin, NY when he went to work for IBM. Moved to Manassas in the 70's when Manassas was IBM. Met a sweet girl from Clarke County in 91, and begged her to marry me. I moved out here and love this place. I volunteer at the Clarke County Fair gates every year for the past 12 years. There are people that come to that fair that look like they haven't seen daylight all year long. They save up for the fair.

If you come to the Clarke County Fair and watch the guys with the chainsaws do intricate wood carvings with them, and you enquire about having them fashion you a new set of're country.

If you buy a 25 cubic foot deep freeze and fill it with a steer you bought from a 4-H kid at the Clarke County Fair, you're country. (I do that)

If said deep freezer decides to fail on you and you neglect to clean up any blood that may have thawed and leaked because the freezer failed during a rainstorm and you spent the day frantically calling neighbors and transferring 600 lbs of still frozen beef to their freezers and forgot about the blood only to remember it a week later when you are sitting at your computer wondering what the hell that smell is while you read up on High School football, you're a country wannabe.

No febreeze to be found in the house, and I'm bacheloring it today!!!

I can't imagine why your wife is gone so much!!!
Ham, there are twice as many homes in my areas as is in BN's part of the county. Of course, he lives on an estate, so that accounts for a lot the open land near him. Huge fields of golden grain as far as the eye can see. His driveway is 1.5 miles long, lined with 75 year old pecan trees. I can't tell you what his mansion looks like, because I have never been allowed there. And it's just as well, because I just don't know how to act around the "upper crust" of society.

So, if he considers living about 300 yards of of US 460 as being BFE, then what would we call that far away land he lives in? Maybe Camelot?
I think if Dinwiddie wins state, Bleeding Navy should invite all these people on here down for a big party out in his " country estate". DP don't worry , we will send a driver to pick you up if you have lost your license to the DMV by then. They have that new law now for old drivers who lose it in the latter years.:D
Holy sh*t!!! Why oh why did you have to put that image in my head??!!! For the love of God and a gallon of brain bleach, please don't ever do that again!
Holy sh*t!!! Why oh why did you have to put that image in my head??!!! For the love of God and a gallon of brain bleach, please don't ever do that again!
He forgot to mention the matching muck boots and gilly cap.
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I heard he just got indoor plumbing. Electricity is still an issue though.:D
You would think a man in the electric business would have power, but he will not allow them to put in a breaker box. I found out why last week. He has 12 boxes of surplus screw in fuses. At least he lets his wife quit peddling the self propelled windmill to come in and fix dinner every night.