Dinwiddie Proud

I just got off the telephone with @DinwiddieProud. He wanted to thank each of you for your thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately, the old man is having some non surgery related issues and cannot get his strength back. Hopefully, he will get back on his feet soon. He expressed a desire to go to Lynchburg on Friday and Ohio later in the month, but acknowledged it doesn't look promising. I just hope he gets well soon, because we only have four home games this season and what good is a co-pilot (me) if you don't have a pilot (DP). Have a blessed day and thanks to each of you.
Thank you each and everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I have been through the ringer for the last few months.

With the benefit of your prayers, and the most wonderful wife in the world, I think I’m finally starting to improve, albeit very slowly. Barring any new setbacks, I’m hoping I can make it to a home game by mid-September.

I miss you good folks and look forward to catching up with everyone

BTW, the back surgery was a complete success, but a series of problems occurred that caused a 40 weight loss and left me extremely weak.
Thank you each and everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I have been through the ringer for the last few months.

With the benefit of your prayers, and the most wonderful wife in the world, I think I’m finally starting to improve, albeit very slowly. Barring any new setbacks, I’m hoping I can make it to a home game by mid-September.

I miss you good folks and look forward to catching up with everyone

BTW, the back surgery was a complete success, but a series of problems occurred that caused a 40 weight loss and left me extremely weak.
I'm thinking and praying for you my friend! Stay strong and get well very soon!
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I might be just a soft, sentimental old fool, but when someone takes a minute to wish me well it literally brings tears to my eyes. And I’m being serious, I have to grab a tissue. Thank you so much.

For clarity, I’m not on deaths door, but there were a few times that I could see the grime reaper in the shadows just in case he saw an opportunity.

What is ahead of me is a rigorous, disciplined, professionally managed recovery to lead to full function. Knowing how weak I am, I expect at least three months of pretty intense sessions PT with a little OT on the side. None of it will be easy. Unrelated to my back, (which is doing great), is a very arthritic left ankle. I fell 24’ and landed on that foot about 20 years ago. Had surgery to take out some bone chips recently, but it didn’t help much. I’m going to beg for max cortisone shots to help me get through the early stages of recovery. Down the road, I see a new ankle in my future.

My affected right leg is about 75% as strong as my left leg. And this translates up into the hip socket as well.

I spent 5+ months totally bedridden fighting extreme pain, before surgery. Of course I developed a blood clot that required one of those filters put in my superior vena cava.

My wacky heart arrhythmia required another procedure to implant something called a loop recorder.

BTW, have any of you had the pleasure of IV Potassium? At least that is what they said it was. I’m convinced. It was boiling battery acid. And God help you when they find a blood clot. The medicine is injected in your belly fat, and I thing they use a 105 howitzer.

While I’m whining, I might as well cry about my neck. I’ve got severe cervical degeneration disease. Not much can be done to make it better day to day, so you just suck it up buttercup. Hopefully, way down the road I can get spinal fusion and at least minimize the pain.

But, I ain’t complaining. I did all this stuff to my body knowingly. Mostly during my rough and tumble years in the fire service. But years of electrical contracting work and I messed around farming for a few years.

Bottom line, I was 10’ tall and bulletproof, and protected by youth. Well, youth has abandoned me and now I’m down to about 5’ tall and bullet riddled. Was it worth it? You will need to answer that question for yourself.

Thanks my friends. Talk again soon.