Don Holter Record at Salem


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Feb 23, 2013
I believe it is 68-11
1 state championship
1 runner up
4 regional championships
I won’t generalize because there are many great Salem fans but a couple of fans that are being an armchair QB or naming players or numbers are simply either cowards or simply riding emotion. Coach Holter, former Marine and great coach has done a great job.

Stephen Maghenbauer was 169-27 with 5 state titles over 15 years

Obviously before him was Willis White, one of the greatest.
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I believe it is 68-11
1 state championship
1 runner up
4 regional championships
I won’t generalize because there are many great Salem fans but a couple of fans that are being an armchair QB or naming players or numbers are simply either cowards or simply riding emotion. Coach Holter, former Marine and great coach has done a great job.

Stephen Maghenbauer was 169-27 with 5 state titles over 15 years

Obviously before him was Willis White, one of the greatest.
I took a 10 year hiatus before going back to another Salem game after graduating. Was very disappointed with what I experienced when I came back as a fan. I have to sit by myself most of the time or do a good job of shutting the voices of the fans out. Makes me very upset.

I knew the offense and defense like the back of my hand as the coaches taught anyone willing to learn the logic of the pro-I offense paired with sound defense.

Last nights counter play success was evidence of the art of the pro- I. Everylinebacker cheated to the strong side, playside o linemen get dirty with sealing the linebackers from correcting their mistake of cheating strong side. Guard kicked out a helpless weak side d end and Persinger was off to the races, untouched. There is an art and a deception To the pro-I offense that modern football fans simply do not have an education on. Had the defense played it correctly and the play had only gone for a two yard gain (a possibility on any play no matter how exotic your playbook is) you would hear at least 4-5 fans grumble about the play calling on this statistically high success play for Salem.

Every play is just a “run up the middle” to many of the Salem loyal. That could be iso, trap, dive, outside iso, counter, off tackle. It’s all just a “run up the middle”. Despite the diversity of concepts there, all they see is a one to three yard gain that they despise. Then they get quiet really quick when we hit those plays big like we did last night. You can bet as soon as another two yard run happens, they begin groaning “another run up the middle” again and again.

Don’t mean to sound bitter but people talked about mag the same way between 2005 and 2015. Saw it all over Facebook back then, and thankfully I don’t have a Facebook today. Said it before, but I guess I just drank the koolaid: every Salem game that I played in that we lost was due to lack of player execution, never coaching. Facebook and Virginia preps at the time would disageee, and thankfully I couldn’t hear the fans in the stadium.

It’s hard because I love Salem fans’ diligence to the program and attendance to the games, but I really wish they trusted the process more and strived to learn the game they watch every Friday night.

It is probably a only a vocal minority of Salem fans, but the amount of 40-70 year old people at the games disrespecting the coaches is noticeable to this one.

I love watching coach Holter and his crew coach these kids up week after week, the stats that freeatlast13 brings up are just the icing on the cake.
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I agree with you on learning more but maybe, they just need to learn to be adults and I would add that that most are very good fans but the few ones making some of the loudest noise are the bad ones.
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FYI, whoever on here called out a certain member of the defense specifically in that thread (I cba to go find out who) just know that said info got regurgitated on the GW broadcast so you helped their color announcer single out a kid as "the weakest player on the defense".
FYI, whoever on here called out a certain member of the defense specifically in that thread (I cba to go find out who) just know that said info got regurgitated on the GW broadcast so you helped their color announcer single out a kid as "the weakest player on the defense".
I heard that too.

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That kid had a great game to be proud of too. Shut that guy up
The numbnuts that are often most critical on message boards are likely people that never got any closer to a field than the Xbox on their couch. Usually, not always, fairly easy to separate the emotionally critical from the analytically critical as people that actually played and/or coached and understand what is involved are much more measured in their criticism and analysis.
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Oh boo hoo, maybe the kid read it on hear and stepped his game up, maybe Arrington covered for him last night!! Go back and watch the film. Y’all need to quit being such hippocrits. Y’all have been bashing the defense all year, some of you even wanting a coaching change. And yall gonna single out 1 comment?? The announcer said why are we running towards #34 when he’s the better end? And that’s what they did. The few times they ran the other way they gained decent yardage. Good lord, it’s football, let’s talk about it!! And quit the antics. Y’all are no better with all your rhetoric this year!!
He had his best game because they didn’t run his way most of the night. Those are the facts!! When y’all were talking about coaching changes, I believe I said no, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Dang yall are rediculas with this mess
Salem's win-loss record over the past THREE DECADES looks like a typo.

That there are evidently people who have issues with the coaching is mind-boggling.

Good Lord, people. You guys have EASILY one of the top five programs in the state...possibly the best.

Look at the big picture and relax.
I was playing in college and was fortunate enough to watch a W. White coached Salem team beat a Mickey Thompson coached PV team. That is why HS football is awesome! Years later we had the good fortune of beating a Don Holter coached Salem team and then losing to one a few years later. Salem football is awesome! Coach W, Coach M, and Coach H are knowledgeable and successful and anyone who knows football would be lucky to sit down and pick their brain. Salem fans are very lucky.

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