
VaPreps Varsity
Oct 26, 2012
I'm a number kind of person so I looked at the numbers fpr Riverheads high dating back to 1999 to 2016 and here are the results
year attendance
99 519
00 519
01 517
02 518
03 495
04 493
05 536
06 561
07 579
08 526
09 496
10 496
11 512 division 2
12 512 division 2
13 494 division 2
14 474 division 2
15 474
16 474
so from a high in 07 to a low in 14 15 16 you lost a 105 students did they lose at least 4 teachers per subject also just looking at the numbers they look fishy no growth or loss in 3 years and by all other years the enrollment moves
In a startling turn of events, Giles, Gretna, Buffalo Gap, Lebanon, and Glenvar are all now reporting an ADM of 474. And Carroll County has chosen to leave the Three Rivers District to join the Pioneer District.
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If this is really happening it is quite sad. But, winning football game is the only thing that matters. I can understand why RH would want to stay in 1A though, they would get their doors blown off by Appo and Richlands.
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Woodlayer and pioneerstats, I can clearly see where you are coming from by your research.
Back in the 1990's when I was on the local school board, I brought the subject up at a Retreat
We had with the State Board of Education. The subject being, schools not reporting accurate
ADM numbers. Needless to stay, it fell on deaf ears, but some members of the State Board
Did express concern about the issue. I did not name any particular school.

If someone is interested in getting the State Board of Education to look into the issue of accurate
ADM numbers, you must need your local State Delegate or/and Senator on your side, and for
Them to lead a investigation of the subject in coordination with the State Board of Education
And the VHSL. The problem is, the VHSL is full of " Good Ole Boys ", who generally side with the
Local school(s) in question on most issues like this.

Just my two cents worth on this issue. I want to make it clear that I personally am staying
Neutral on this particular matter at this time. It is a very serious matter, and should be taken
Seriously by everyone involved. Your first move is to contact your local representative, and discuss
The issues with them. Best of luck !
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the problem with vhsl is its rule recommend body not much of a inforcement body meaning the don't penalize anyone leave it up to districts, Ads and principals to inforce
Pioneerstats, you must understand that this is exactly what I was referring to about the
VHSL being full of " Good Ole Boys" that usually side with the school in question. The
VHSL is a very weak origination when it comes to issues such as this. The VHSL does not
Want to get involved in these type issues, it puts them in the middle. They just report the
Numbers that are reported to them.

The issue is serious because the numbers are tied to funding. It would seem only common
Sense for a school to want higher numbers; if so, you get more State money for each student
You report. That is no problem for schools that is not near the 475 cap. But, it is hurts a school
If they report numbers less than 475, when in reality they have more than 475, and they report
474 in order to stay in class A1, and not go to A2 if they report say 500, if the correct number
Is 500. I would hope this is never happening at any school, but this is why a true numbers
Count by an independent official is critical for everyone.
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They very well may be fudging the numbers...but our district has also seen what I feel is an usually high number or relocating school zones the past 10 years.
Trevor, I would think if your local school board, or any one is constantly changing school
Boarder lines, this is a local matter, Your local school board. This matter should be discussed
With the local board, and with your local Board of Supervisors.
Children should not be moved around for the sake of athletics. If that is happening, the effected
Students parents should bring their issue to the local boards.
It's amazing that when people lose a ballgame, th
If this is really happening it is quite sad. But, winning football game is the only thing that matters. I can understand why RH would want to stay in 1A though, they would get their doors blown off by Appo and Richlands.

They'd probably get their doors blown by Appo.....not so sure about Richlands though. Richlands beat Stuarts Draft 24-23.....Draft beat Riverheads 13-10 in OT.
I'm a number kind of person so I looked at the numbers fpr Riverheads high dating back to 1999 to 2016 and here are the results
year attendance
99 519
00 519
01 517
02 518
03 495
04 493
05 536
06 561
07 579
08 526
09 496
10 496
11 512 division 2
12 512 division 2
13 494 division 2
14 474 division 2
15 474
16 474
so from a high in 07 to a low in 14 15 16 you lost a 105 students did they lose at least 4 teachers per subject also just looking at the numbers they look fishy no growth or loss in 3 years and by all other years the enrollment moves
If you used VHSL Reference page as your source then not a single school I looked at had any growth for 3 years. Find another source for your numbers or maybe lets just give credit where credit is do a good football program that is successful year in and year out and plays where ever the VHSL puts them.
I'm a number kind of person so I looked at the numbers fpr Riverheads high dating back to 1999 to 2016 and here are the results
year attendance
99 519
00 519
01 517
02 518
03 495
04 493
05 536
06 561
07 579
08 526
09 496
10 496
11 512 division 2
12 512 division 2
13 494 division 2
14 474 division 2
15 474
16 474
so from a high in 07 to a low in 14 15 16 you lost a 105 students did they lose at least 4 teachers per subject also just looking at the numbers they look fishy no growth or loss in 3 years and by all other years the enrollment moves
Did these numbers come from the VHSL reference Site?
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Just read some stats that state RH is projected to have 436 students in 2018-2019. Looks odd in Augusta County, Fort Defiance and RH seem to be losing kids while SD, BG, and Wilson are projected to have high enrollments. Who knows.....
Just read some stats that state RH is projected to have 436 students in 2018-2019. Looks odd in Augusta County, Fort Defiance and RH seem to be losing kids while SD, BG, and Wilson are projected to have high enrollments. Who knows.....
Is this as a result of the county redistricting plan?
Thanks Gtown for making the point that Riverheads and Richlands would be an evenly-matched game. The Tornado has come up this way twice now, and gone right down to the wire each time, whereas during that same time period, Riverheads had its own tight games with SD and WM. Therefore a Richlands/Riverheads game would be a crowd-pleaser for sure.

As for Appo, Saturday's results would certainly seem to prove that they are the cream of the crop in 2-A, so I would not claim that RHS could play with them. However, in our two most recent scrimmages, they were each within a touchdown and last year, Riverheads actually came out on top over Appo. But before anybody blows a gasket, yes we all know that you experiment with a lot of different line-ups in a scrimmage instead of using only your starters.
Is this as a result of the county redistricting plan?

No clue. It seems as if the numbers just keep dwindling every year. It's a travesty that RHS was built to accommodate 600 students and it seems they almost got there with a couple years in 570's, yet now, all the space will go to waste because of the dwindling population. I did see that the amount of teachers at RH has grown, looks like in 2007 RH had 579 students with around 38 teachers, in 2016 they had 474 students with 40 teachers. Seems odd that the faculty would grow while the student body shrunk by close to 20%. Wonder if they will shrink the faculty when they drop all the way down to the 430's.
How does a school have the same number of students for three years straight ?? That is kinda weird if its true.As if no one graduated from the school..anyway have no problem with any of these schools, just never seen or heard anything like it.School size matters sometimes.But in this situation i dont think its that big of a difference.
The school districts have been rezoned a lot lately.

Most of this I feel has to do with facilities. For instance Wilson Memorial had the brand new middle school built. Also had the elementary school completely redone. I feel that has resulted in more kids being funneled our direction.

Also Fishersville is an area that seems to be steadily growing. Just look at Teaverton. Whereas Greenville doesn't really seem to have much going on. Not really surprised in the drop off of numbers out there.
Riverheads doesn't have the fastest team in 1A or the biggest team. What they do have is a program that puts in work all year long and it shows. Some I think are just jealous of their success so they complain about the enrollment. I can tell you in all 4 of their playoff games they weren't the faster team and weren't the bigger team in probably 3 of them. Yet they won because of execution and playing fundamental football not because they have more students than anyone in 1A. Heck the 2nd biggest school in 1A is Windsor and they didn't win a game yet I hear no one complaining about them. Just face it. Jealousy is a terrible thing. This is from a Region A guy with absolutely no ties to Riverheads but is someone who actually respects the program and what they have accomplished throughout the years. Many of those being when they weren't necessarily the most talented team nor had the superstar athletes. Comes down to basic football. Blocking and tackling and they do that better than anyone
Riverheads doesn't have the fastest team in 1A or the biggest team. What they do have is a program that puts in work all year long and it shows. Some I think are just jealous of their success so they complain about the enrollment. I can tell you in all 4 of their playoff games they weren't the faster team and weren't the bigger team in probably 3 of them. Yet they won because of execution and playing fundamental football not because they have more students than anyone in 1A. Heck the 2nd biggest school in 1A is Windsor and they didn't win a game yet I hear no one complaining about them. Just face it. Jealousy is a terrible thing. This is from a Region A guy with absolutely no ties to Riverheads but is someone who actually respects the program and what they have accomplished throughout the years. Many of those being when they weren't necessarily the most talented team nor had the superstar athletes. Comes down to basic football. Blocking and tackling and they do that better than anyone
well said, where was all this talk after last years loss to galax, GO BIG RED
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Last year they were happy that RHS lost so they went in their rooms to put on their panties and skits ! Just like a bunch of little girls , cry , cry , cry .
I think many schools "hide" kids. This isn't an isolated thing. I have also heard of school "finding two students" to put them over the 2A cap (I was in on that meeting and voiced my concern then), because they didn't want to drop to 1A. All I can say, is that the problem is much larger than Riverheads. We can hate it, but they were still be far the best team in 1A...and as of last Saturday they were 1A.
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In a startling turn of events, Giles, Gretna, Buffalo Gap, Lebanon, and Glenvar are all now reporting an ADM of 474. And Carroll County has chosen to leave the Three Rivers District to join the Pioneer District.
Carroll County has 1200 students and no is complaining about them. Play sports in 2A, someone explain that.
Oh, there are complaints about it. Most schools are going to beat them anyway in the TRD, but many don't like it. I wouldn't be shocked if they still don't win district in any sport next year...except wrestling as none of the TRD schools have it. I know two schools (Pulaski and Christiansburg) have some folks pretty high up who think it is the dumbest thing they've heard of in a long time. Can we make a 1/2 A division now for schools that struggle to be competitive in 1A. I'm sure Holsten and Craig would like a fighting chance in all sports.
They are, but they can't compete with other 4A schools. After years of losing to 3A schools, they have decided to play a mostly 2A schedule. It's really sad.

Yes, Carroll County has been less than impressive IN FOOTBALL since moving to the RRD. The admin pushed for the change in districts because of football. but Carroll County sports haven't been all bad since moving to the RRD and playing 3, 4, 5 A schools.
Looking at maxpreps and the VHSL website,
Their basketball team had an 18-7 record over the 2013-14 season, The girls basketball team just had a 22-5 run last season, girls volleyball had a winning record last season, and most noteworthy is the softball team's 4A state title in 2015 and their undefeated regular season in 2016.

So those TRD schools may not have any trouble with their football team, but I wonder how many teams will stand a chance against their softball or basketball teams.
No one is debating the schedule, we are debating the playoffs. VHSL has a "rider point" system, if a 2A school wants to play 1A competition all year, they can, they just won't be AS ready to compete in the 2A playoffs as well as not receiving as many "rider points" as they could. If RH was 2A and they wanted to continue to play their schedule with a majority of 1A teams on it, let them, but they would play in the 2A playoffs (this is all accepting that RH doesn't have 474 students, if they do, they should play in 1A.).
Carroll County has 1200 students and no is complaining about them. Play sports in 2A, someone explain that.

They are considered 4A. They played Floyd County, Grayson County, Patrick County, Blacksburg, Salem, Hidden Valley, Cave Spring, Pulaski, Christiansburg, and Patrick Henry in football. They play their regular season schedule based off geography and then IF they were to make the playoffs, they would play in the 4A bracket. The regular season isn't what folks are worried about, it is the playoffs. VHSL implemented the "Rider Point" system for this very reason. Again, the regular season doesn't matter. Please...stop referencing it.
They won't complete in volleyball and that cycle of softball aces is over (they'll still be great, but so will a lot of TRD teams). As for basketball...that is their best shot, but even then...I doubt it.
Not eligible for playoffs. Are you sure about that? Now playing in a 2A district will make it hard for them to get enough points,but I think they still can.
Carroll because they do not play a district schedule is not eligible for playoffs

How so? They played the RRD schedule this year. Next year they will play the TRD schedule. They would be eligible.
And as for the not having enough points due to playing lower class teams, don't teams playing in district games get 2 bonus points per class difference for higher class teams playing lower class teams? Effectively making a win over a 2A district opponent the same as a win over a 4A opponent? Correct me if I'm wrong. This is just the way I read it.
I'm pretty sure they are not eligible for post season did one team in central va drop district play also as for bonus points it is awarded to lower class team
And as for the not having enough points due to playing lower class teams, don't teams playing in district games get 2 bonus points per class difference for higher class teams playing lower class teams? Effectively making a win over a 2A district opponent the same as a win over a 4A opponent? Correct me if I'm wrong. This is just the way I read it.
You are correct. The bonus points are awarded to the HIGHER classification team.
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I'm pretty sure they are not eligible for post season did one team in central va drop district play also as for bonus points it is awarded to lower class team

Nelson County will not play a district schedule for the next cycle. Other than that, Chincoteague, Cumberland, and Rappahannock County are the only others that I know of that are ineligible for the playoffs for not playing a district schedule.

Carroll County definitely played the RRD schedule for the past 4 years. Of course they didn't win enough to get in. If they manage to win 8 or so games next year in the TRD, which I doubt they will, but if they did they would probably push for a playoff spot because of getting the bonus points for playing district opponents in a lower class.

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