Galax 46- Grayson 7..… Galax has been playing a lot of freshmen and sophomores
I suppose Galax didn't have anything to do with forcing the turnovers... Grayson flat out over matched. Score could've been a lot worse.
If you lose by 40....gotta take the whooping and give real with the outcome...I mean a couple lbs of air pressure didnt kill the colts...n those turnovers ain't all that killed Grayson...galax is that much better..
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Sorry but I know football. Not just a football dad. I'm talking pro and college staff as friends. I know football!
Happy for you but Galax is just flat out a better team....plain and simple. Once again have a good night.
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Funny to quote your coach "You can teach a kid to play football but you can't teach him how to be a man" you got that right Mr. Dixon.
I'm know football guy and certainly haven't seen either Of these two play all year.

But i know this. You're an idiot.

Galax has one kid (spurlin) who will play division one football probably for an ACC school. Numerous others who will play in lower divisions collegiately. Has a kid already at an ACC school seeing reps as a freshman.

As far as the backhand stab at Dixon, GTFOH dude. Dixon has personally changes the trajectory of countless young men's lives. Sometimes it's been a bed to sleep on at night because some of those kids have no where to go. He invests in these men far beyond the football field and that is why he is successful.

You can claim to know football all you want but no way in hell are you gonna bash a dude whose sacrificed so much for the benefit of so many.
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Not bashing Dixon he is a great coach. Ad aresilt we get a real mature name calling from you. We are all adults here. Grow up quit trolling. Opinions are like buttholes we are all gonna have them. Maybe spurlin can play beamerball. But I seriously doubt he's goes D1. Decent player but not an awe kinda player. Peoples was an awesome kinda player and so was Dixon.
Actually talked to one of his asst. last night before the game giving him props. Dixon is an honest guy too. He has the experience to break down film and exploit your weakness. In no way am I "bashing" him. I know him!
My apologies then, that's how I took your comment about teaching men. I have no connections to Dixon, never met him. Just heard of the stories and the type of character he has. That's why I said what I said.
He is a great coach he knows the game inside and out! Awesome talent who should be at VA Tech coaching right now. He will not leave the area until his daughters graduate or that's his plan anyway. He was offered the pulaski job and actually took it but then turned it down because of the distance away. Although not that far too far for him.
Everybody in the twin county area knows Dixon is in the area because of his daughters and will more and likely be gone after they graduate. He is a heck of a coach and will probably have a job coaching college ball in some capacity when he decides to make the jump. He has turned the Galax program around and without him they're not a contender year in and year out. If and when he decides to leave the staff will have to take what he has taught them and move forward and hopefully continue his winning ways. As for the game last night Galax was far the better team....
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Stats are in Roanoke times. Harris had 12 carries for 208 and 2 TDs. Grayson receiver Phillips had 7 receptions for 209 and 1 TD. Just a little comparison between the two primary players from each team.
Not bad for someone who doesn't like contact.... Sorry jdphil2 had to throw that
He did run run over a 6-2 140# db ha-ha. He still got the tackle though. Harris had a few good runs but never ran up the middle.
I was pretty sure a couple of his longest runs were up the middle and he broke lose but I've been wrong before.
He did run run over a 6-2 140# db ha-ha. He still got the tackle though. Harris had a few good runs but never ran up the middle.
A few good runs huh....averaged 18 yrds a carry according to your seem like an ok guy...and you definitely have a little deep seated disdain for galax...I watched galax this year and as I giles fan I still thought Harris could play anywhere...
A few good runs huh....averaged 18 yrds a carry according to your seem like an ok guy...and you definitely have a little deep seated disdain for galax...I watched galax this year and as I giles fan I still thought Harris could play anywhere...

Grayson really doesn't like Galax too arrogant from the most people there. But I will say this all the players with the exception of one was respectful during the game. The one that wasn't is NOT from Galax. Congrats to them. Harris ran off tackle all night not up the middle.
Grayson really doesn't like Galax too arrogant from the most people there. But I will say this all the players with the exception of one was respectful during the game. The one that wasn't is NOT from Galax. Congrats to them. Harris ran off tackle all night not up the middle.
That's kind of funny because most fans from Galax will tell you that Grayson is very arrogant and cocky. Don't know many from Galax that doesn't want to stick it to them every year.
It's a rivalry, so your saying Grayson doesn't want to stick it to Galax every year? I don't believe that for a second. We want to beat Grayson every year. So if my response makes us arrogant because we want to beat Grayson every year I guess I am arrogant. Not sure how my response was much different from yours but if you don't think so that is some what telling in it self.
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I from Galax so yeah I have a dog in the fight. (MT FAN 91 SHORT FOR MAROON TIDE FAN 91) And we also want to beat fort every year but Grayson is 15 minutes up the road an most consider them as our rivals.
Charles Harris done a great job running where coach had played called.And yes he probably didn't run up the middle but about 6 times.
Dixon is an amazing coach and person he came to Wytheville and helped our line in the preseason and he did this for nothing more than the love of the game and a passion to help and teach these young men. And as far as Galax they are so much better than 90% of 1A and at least 60% of 2A they are the hardest out in 1A West and the worst match up anyone could get.

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