I absolutely do not think the game should have been at Tech. As for spring break, didnt know that, but doesnt matter, you still get 6K for GC and Mville if Mville wins. Now, as for the 1000 that didnt get in, I learned a long time ago about why I vote a certain way. Life isn't always fair my friend. I have been in the receiving end of unfairness and fairness. I learned this early on, you can never please everyone and when we attempt to do so, we often do more damage. See the recent healthcare act a few years ago.
Again, the atmosphere at Tech would have been crap, and I place more weight on the atmosphere than the folks that didnt get in, AND the folks that did. My point is.......try to make it fair and best for all WITHIN reason. So, make sure you can fill a place up that holds the most amount of people thst can watch it, without having 4000 empty seats. Life isnt always fair, but there are things we can do to make it fair. One of those is THINK. You and I know Mac is drawing a crowd and Desmond aint huge, so like the 3500 or so that got in, they left early. Sometimes in life to enjoy or a get a benefit, you have to Work hard to get that. You see, you arent Entitled to have the luxury to leave when you wish and or put the amount of work in that you see fit to get that benefit. In summary......leave earlier next time.