@mike salem is correct! I wasn’t born until the mid 90s lol.. We played Dunbar in Lynchburg my eighth grade year which would have been in the Fall of 2007. I still remember going down that HUGE hill to play them. The school was absolutely gorgeous, looked like a castle on the hill. We lost 12-6, no scoreboard, nothing to show how much time was left in the game or even what quarter it was. No complaining, a couple of “they cheated us” but what can you expect a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds to say when we’ve been taught since the old Danville Optimist League to hate Glass! It was serious. Of course I don’t mean hate as in being nasty, but to respect the rivalry! We were just happy that we were “next up” to play our rivals, of course Glass moved out of the Western Valley In 09??? Though I don’t remember David Wilson and company playing Glass in 07 or 08? When Glass left for the Seminole... GW didn’t play them yearly. A lot has changed since then with kids in general. Social media was sorta born then but parents were still parents and had at least some control of what we did. We may not have liked the coaches but we listened and respected authority. Lastly, we had some pride about ourselves. Working with kids now (of various socioeconomic backgrounds) I see that we were probably the last of that. My point is, it’s saddening that most kids today doesn’t understand the meaning behind certain things (like the GW/Glass rivalry and of course life in general). Most won’t take time to research or even care cause they’re too caught up in Instagram drama, having a significant other, what rapper is hot or smoking that junk they smoke. That’s a good number of kids in general! This isn’t directed at any particular kids, but I just wonder how many kids that played last night actually knew the history behind GW/Glass?