GW vs Marion thoughts


VaPreps All District
Aug 30, 2012
Last Friday night GW looked sloppy against fc. A win is a win but we could've done much better. We had 5 starters who had to set the 1st Q for acting a fool. But this is a new week and so far everyone is toeing the line. The kids I've spoken to are none to happy with the way the team preformed. The kids feel like they have a point to prove and a statement to make. If the same pass D shows up for GW then marion can keep up for a little bit. If they play to the level they can then it's going to be a long night for the canes. So far this season our D line and LBs have lived in the opponents backfield. I don't expect Friday to be any different and our O basically has done what it wants when it wants. Marion likes to air it out a bit and that will help them in this game. But i honestly dont see them running on us with much if any success. With that said I think Harner and the kids will show up and actually play a full game this week. So you know I gotta go with MY MAROONS
GW-56 Marion-17
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