Hurley @ Galax thoughts?


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Oct 19, 2013
Don't know a lot about Hurley other than what I've read on here so that's all I've got to go on. I think if Galax stays healthy and plays like they're capable of playing that they can win by a couple of scores. Guess we will see this coming weekend. Does anyone know if it will be played on Friday or Saturday?
I've heard both sat @ 1:30 and fri @ 7 so idk which is correct. we are finally back healthy and played some of the best football I've seen us play all year yesterday. So hopefully we can make it a good game.
You can never believe max preps. I may very well be Friday at 7 but they are usually wrong more times than not
That's what I figured, safe travels to all who are attending. Hoping for another win by Galax.
Galax high school website calendar says Friday at 7 so who knows, guess the vhsl will let us know before long.
Google maps shows under 3 hours without traffic, but I trust that as much as I trust MaxPreps.

As of right now, it's Friday, but I'm hoping that changes by tomorrow evening.
reb6408, Welcome to this board! I hope you can enlighten us guys on Rebel FB & other sports. I have no idea what or when the start time will be. But, you can bet that this will be a good game, especially if Hurley brings their A game. Make Galax earn every inch of ground. That will be a tough assignment, their backs are great! Best of luck!
Chil - after the game, ppl. were saying Sat., but that wasn't official.
A HHS "title" msg'd me yest, that it's Friday, but I expect a lot of complaining today, so it may change.
Chil - after the game, ppl. were saying Sat., but that wasn't official.
A HHS "title" msg'd me yest, that it's Friday, but I expect a lot of complaining today, so it may change.
Yeah Galax says Friday at 7 but I don't know if that will stick, guess we will see. I wonder if Hurley has agreed to Friday because I figured it would be on Saturday. Regardless of the day it's a long bus ride and I know that the last two years it was a rough bus ride to Haysi for Galax. Hope everyone attending has safe travels.
Our FB page now says that it is def. on Friday.
reb6408, Welcome to this board! I hope you can enlighten us guys on Rebel FB & other sports. I have no idea what or when the start time will be. But, you can bet that this will be a good game, especially if Hurley brings their A game. Make Galax earn every inch of ground. That will be a tough assignment, their backs are great! Best of luck!
Our team has a few good backs, we have the one 2000+ yd rusher and a couple more that can break the big one too, our qb has good speed and he is just now coming back from a broken arm(throwing) he had it all tapped up against PM and was still making some good throws, our line is also pretty good, not the biggest line but they sure know how to block, and on D they were in PM's backfield pretty often. I just hope we can hang with Galax, I won't be able to make it to the game but I'll be listening to my radio! Good luck to both teams and safe travels for my rebels!
Our FB page now says that it is def. on Friday.

Our team has a few good backs, we have the one 2000+ yd rusher and a couple more that can break the big one too, our qb has good speed and he is just now coming back from a broken arm(throwing) he had it all tapped up against PM and was still making some good throws, our line is also pretty good, not the biggest line but they sure know how to block, and on D they were in PM's backfield pretty often. I just hope we can hang with Galax, I won't be able to make it to the game but I'll be listening to my radio! Good luck to both teams and safe travels for my rebels!
Sounds like Hurley has a very solid team, Galax better play well or they will be in for long night. Hoping Galax shows up and plays like they're capable of playing and gets another win this week. Good luck to both teams and safe travels to all who are attending the game.
IMO Hurley needs to live and die with their workhorse running back, Brady Justice, in this one. Just keep feeding him the ball. Play keep away from Galax to attempt to keep the score low and hope for a turnover or two. Just play smart football.

Best of luck to both squads and safe travels for the Rebel faithful.
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Mmqp. Good call on the game plan. I would agree 100% and defense better load the box and hope for the best.
Mmqp. Good call on the game plan. I would agree 100% and defense better load the box and hope for the best.

Run that playclock all the way down and keep the ball on the ground.. you're guaranteed to burn up close to 2 minutes per drive even if it is a 3 and out. Get a first down? Great, you can burn 4 minutes off...etc, etc. I feel like a team like Galax that is used to scoring quick and putting up big numbers, if you can frustrate them by keeping the ball out of their hands for extended periods of time, you have a shot.
Good game plan but Galax likes to grind it out on the ground and if Harris can break one that's great but they're a team that doesn't mind going 3,4 or 5 yards at a time and working the clock . Most of their big plays is a back breaking away. You are right to try and limit their touch's as much as possible. I hope Galax shows up and blocks like they're capable of and opens some holes for those backs and controls the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.
Hey guys, your are right when you try to shorten the game. Limit the number of plays for Galax. Harris is something special. Don't allow him to get up a load of steam. All this is subjective to excellent play by Hurley on defense. The pressure is on Hurley to make the Defensives plays, and not go to sleep, even for one play.
Justice will need to run like a deer, and keep making those first downs. Play like a wild boar!
Sounds stuipid, but the outcome will be beneficial to Hurley. I am sure teams have tried this strategy, with no good results. Galax is sound, and will adjust to this by a continual dose of Harris, until Harris breaks the big one, and use the other backs to keep you honest. In other words, it a cat and mouse game with Galax and Harris.
Best of luck to both teams. I have to pull for Hurley in this one, as the under dog team. The Rebs will need to play an error free game. Don't leave anything on the field, My Friends!
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MT FAN, You Galax folks deserve a thumbs up for giving us folks in SWVA such a strong football program, and where on this dear Earth did you get all those all those talented runin' backs?
My goodness, Santa Claus has been good to Galax!
Thanks Chilwar, we have always had some talent at Galax but until Coach Dixon showed up we didn't have a coach that could get all the talent out of those players. The kids have a great deal of respect for him and shows in their play. He has implemented an excellent weight program and the kids will work hard for him. If he hadn't been there the last few years I think we would just be an average to below average team even with the talent there. As for the backs we have been truly blessed with some great athletes the last 4 years or so and we have a couple of freshmen that should keep this going in the future. Thanks for the compliments on our program and hopefully they can continue their success for many years to come.
I recall playing Galax back several years ago.I remember standing on that bank near the field and taping the game from there. I also remember the athletes you guys had. My goodness, you could just see that those dudes were gifted, but you are right, they did not perform at the level that brought the most out of them. You are also correct that Coach Dixion has brought that program to a new level.I remember standing there and talking to then Del. Carrico who is Now Senator Bill Carrico who is from His ole school of Chilhowie. He is a good man! We in SWVA are blessed to have "Bill" as our Senator in Richmond. I do not want to get political on here, but ole Bill just might be our Governor one day!
Did you mention more Freshmen RB's coming? My goodness My Friend, give us a break. Just tell them you can't handle any more talent, and send them over our way! You will never miss them! Seriously, best of luck My Friend in the playoffs. No offense, but Hurley has been my underdog team all year, and I want to see them do well in the playoffs. Having said that, be easy on those Rebels, they are a bunch of good guys, and play well as a group from SWVA also!!!
Chilwar25. Come on over Friday they will be plenty of room on that bank. Hope some of those young RB's get to run it in the 4th qtr.
Hey Scags, thanks a million for the invitation, but these old bones just can't stand that cold night air. I know it's not that cold, but my health is complicated to say the least My Friend. If those Fresh are runin' in the 4th Qrt, I'm in trouble! Galax has always been nice to me, and going to the Fiddler's Convention was something special! It was great to just go around and hear all the. " Jamin' " going on. Man, let the good time Roll!
Sorry I will not be able to make it to the game, hope the Rebels play the way they are capable of playing and don't get embarrassed. Goo luck to the Rebels & Tide, hopefully there are no injuries and they have a good game. Hope the wind from the North doesn't effect the flight of the ball.
Football weather tonight. Field is not completely dry from the rain that ended Thursday. But both teams play on same field so time to rumble!
These Galax announcers...smh...think I'll stick to score updates on here.

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