J.I. Burton hammers Covington

I will have to say that J I Burton has the largest Offensive line that I have seen in high school football. The line is NFL size. I am talking 6'4" 300+ across, and they can move. No kidding guys, these guys are the real deal. I am talking guys with thin ankles, no rolls of fat. You college scouts know what I mean. Burton has 3 backs that run hard, and that QB is good. Burton will be a tough out in D1 West.
Really hope everything plays out and Burton and Galax meet. I'd like to see Harris run up against those big boys all game.
I think Burton is a tough match up for Galax, but they both have to win this week and I don't think RR or Hurley are push overs. I'm looking forward to this week's games and hopefully Galax gets another w this week.
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Harris is a good back, but the line play will determine the success as always.Rural Retreat is playing well as is Hurley, so Burton and Galax better bring their (A) game.

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