I understand that and its a legit issue. It's absolutely ridiculous when school systems get into the business of legislating hair styles. It's absolutely absurd and it's undoubtedly one of the most prominent ways subtle racism shows up. I understand being sensitive to it man, I do, especially if you're a black guy. But I wasn't saying he should cut it, or change it, or anything of the sort. In a locker room, I would tease him about his hair being somewhat feminine and he would come back something about my fat neck or ridiculous mustache. It wasn't serious and I'm sorry if it came off as being racially insensitive.
styles are for sure changing. I'm not a fan of tattoos at that age, people change and may regret some of them if they aren't particularly meaningful and all races face issues in job interviews if they have a lot of exposed tattoos in areas not easily hidden, but I don't believe a school system has any right whatsoever to make problems for kids over them unless they are gang related.