Any coverage on the net, video or audio? This is the problem when you have two teams traveling 2 and 4 hours away to a quarterfinal game that does not have a kid named McClung in the lineup. The locals at the neutral site won't touch it.
Best bet is probably to follow Tim Hayes on Twitter. BHC sports. I wont be able to go. Get off work at 5:00. Im still a little pissed that this game isnt closer. Graham wins the region and goes to olay in the backyard of Gate City and Union? Allows Martinsville to play at same site as their girls team. I would make it as difficult as possible on Martinsville. Oh well. Guess we will see hiw it works out. Still pissed I cant go.
LOL, mentioned that the other day. Win or lose for Graham, that makes no sense, IF it's reasonable to have the ability to play at a closer place. Never heard of a team driving two hours (if its that far, dont know) to host a game, LMAO. Regardless of who's backyard, it makes no sense. I guess you have a thousand or so GC fans rooting against Graham as well. Just crazy.
Asked this earlier and nobody answered. Doesn't Bluefield, WV, have a National Guard gym or something like that that holds 2000? Why not play it there if Graham plays it's football games in the same town in West Virginia?
This pisses me off even more. Sure they could uave had it at the Armory. Now if they are fortunate enough to host GC on tuesday. I dont think it would be enough.