Northumberland game??

The Northumberland at Northampton game (The Battle for the North for any Game of Thrones fans out there ha) is an intriguing game to me. I would think the Indians should win. I certainly hope that NHS plays to their potential and makes the long return trip home victorious.

However, the Indians do not want to go in overconfident. Northampton (once a sure easy win on the schedule) has greatly improved (won 3 games last season) and again, its a long trip which changes some variables.

Northampton just dropped 46 points on Mathews in a victory last week. Last night, Mathews jumped to a 25 point lead over Middlesex before winning 33-25. (If I remember correctly, Mathews is the team that derailed a promising season for Northumberland last season.) West Point started the season with a big win over Northampton, who defeated WP last year.

Go Indians! Take care of business...
Just heard that Northumberland at Northampton has been moved to next Friday September 9th due to the coming storms.

Wise move as no reason to chance a long trip over to the Eastern Shore with unpredictable weather coming (17 miles of trip is over and under the Chesapeake Bay!). How convenient that both NHS' had a bye next week. Excellent timing all the way around.

Better start cutting that grass...

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