Winning close games is a sign of great coaching. The 2016 Appo team wasn't touchable at the 2A level. But, it wouldn't be far fetched to say Appo very closely only has one state title. If Richlands in 2015 gets 1 more, maybe 2 more (2 would have done it for sure, maybe even 1) first down in the late fourth, then Richlands would have won the game and ran out the clock. Last year, Lee led for much of the game and 1 play here or there and Appo is beat and only has one title.
The above are what could have happened, but they didnt happen. They didn't happen because Appomattox made it not happen. Appo iis extremely well coached and they are winners in every sense. That is the reason they won three in a row. Making a key play here or there or getting a key stop here or there is part of what makes a team a champion. Whether Richlands in 2015 or RE Lee in 2017, Appo was able to make one more play late to seal the deal.