Sad world we’re living in: TeeJay @ Huguenot game closed to public

@schoolboard It's not the teachers fault. Higher up maybe. Just once I would love for the people who criticize teachers, police, and other front line public servants to take a week off and spend the week with us. Most wouldn't last a day. I look in the mirror everyday and ask why I continue to bang head against the wall. I know why because I still have hope and care about the kids. If anybody thinks it's easy come join me or @BoKnowsSports for a week.
Unfortunately, Bleeding Navy and Bo can’t speak candidly about what they witness, and what they deal with daily. Believe me, what information that makes the news is only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of what is dealt with is so absurd that it ranks up there as “I couldn’t even make this shit up!”

We all know of the problems, the issue is how do we change things?

I told someone earlier today that the only possible solution I see for the short term is to incarcerate offenders appropriately, but make incarceration such a miserable existence that offenders will believe returning is their worst possible choice.

I don’t want the United States to become a police state. But to me, it’s better than the citizens living their lives in fear.

Breaking news, two people were shot at a convenience store in South Richmond a little while ago.
@WP02alum, I may have my teams wrong, but it was discussed on preps last season and it was in the Fredericksburg general area. It was related to threats. I will do some more research.

@WP02alum. You are correct one of the games was Massaponax vs. King George. My apologies. I know there was another game.
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Fact is discipline starts in the home. There was never a time I was not far more worried about what my behavior might draw when I got home than anything they did to me in school and this was BEFORE teachers and administrators had their hands tied in discipline matters. Also, if home was not enough of a deterrent there was always a coach waiting as well to administer their own special brand of discipline.
100% correct
If I got a bad grade or was acting up I would either get paddled or they would call home. My parents would then discipline me. We need as a society quit putting the responsibility of child rearing on the schools.
Free, I was raised similarly. I was loved, housed, fed, clothed, and shown the example of living an honest productive life. The price that I was charged was very simple…, accountability. (Which included treating everyone with respect)! Man, what happened after our generation?
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I do not know. All I know is everybody is an expert and our children are cuddled and not allowed to experience basic human emotions like failure and and getting back up after failure and disapointment. Men have been left out of child rearing.
Free, I was raised similarly. I was loved, housed, fed, clothed, and shown the example of living an honest productive life. The price that I was charged was very simple…, accountability. (Which included treating everyone with respect)! Man, what happened after our generation?
I don’t disagree with most of what you posted. But be careful patting yourself on the back too hard there. Your generation literally raised the generation that is supposedly causing all these issues. Isn’t it the parents that we are holding responsible??
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No read the news parents want supposedly more political wins with their children. Unfortunately, they are way off. Raise your kids or don't care.
Free, I was raised similarly. I was loved, housed, fed, clothed, and shown the example of living an honest productive life. The price that I was charged was very simple…, accountability. (Which included treating everyone with respect)! Man, what happened after our generation?
I'm the next generation, and I was raised the same way. No fear struck me like this simple phrase, "Wait till your dad gets home." I learned not to behave in such a way that would warrant the utterance of those words from my mom.

As far as my kids, I told them they could act like the devil at home, but when they left the house they better be angels. They knew not to test me because I'd make them go get my belt. I can honestly say they never really tested me much and they respected me enough when they got older that they didn't cause trouble.
Well, they had already blamed wokeness, who else could it be but the teachers. Some of these posters need to look in their own mirror.
I am a teacher. I'm not blaming teachers. Teachers write students up and then way too often those kids just get sent back to class. This happens all over the state (probably country), regardless of community.

Agree with those saying (many) parents not disciplining their kids is the ultimate problem. People say schools are afraid to get sued, can someone provide some backup to that? Just curious what grounds parents have sued school districts for disciplining students.
Well if you are a teacher then you should be able to do research yourself. I am not going to do it for you. Believe me you will find everything unless you are just looking for research which supports your view.
According to a WRIC news report Huguenot was placed on lock and teach today. Apparently repeated social media threats have led to numerous fights inside the school. Thank the Lord they have left the gun play at home. It must be very difficult for parents to hear about an incident like this. Crazy world we live in!
According to a WRIC news report Huguenot was placed on lock and teach today. Apparently repeated social media threats have led to numerous fights inside the school. Thank the Lord they have left the gun play at home. It must be very difficult for parents to hear about an incident like this. Crazy world we live in!
Just look in front and behind you at the games. All you need to know is presented right in your eyes.
Hey yea, I'll stop by and say beating your kids is a poor substitute for actually raising them correctly and you're an inferior parent if that's what you had to lean on to "get the job done". Raising your hand to your kids or spouse (high odds you also did this) just means you're not an actual man with the ability to solve problems that don't cause you to burst into emotional fits of rage because you yourself were not properly prepared for life's struggles by your own parents.
@1MoreHokie are you referring to me or @oldfool2? If this message was intended for me then please note that I was actually being quite genuine as one of my employees has a son who attends Huguenot and was a mess. She received an alert and that's it. No text assuring her son was okay and her attempts to call the school went unanswered.
Bring back public shaming. Anyone underaged caught with a firearm gets mandatory 10 years hard labor. No tv. No internet. No weight rooms. No hot meals. Make jail/prison a living hell. 2nd offense...mandatory 25 year sentence. Caught shoplifting? No matter the cost of merchandise, 5 years hard labor. 2nd offense? Mandatory 20 years hard labor. All prisoners will learn a valuable skill to become productive members of society. If they can't or won't, theres plenty of islands they can be dropped off at and left to rot. Zero tolerance. Period.
Bring back public shaming. Anyone underaged caught with a firearm gets mandatory 10 years hard labor. No tv. No internet. No weight rooms. No hot meals. Make jail/prison a living hell. 2nd offense...mandatory 25 year sentence. Caught shoplifting? No matter the cost of merchandise, 5 years hard labor. 2nd offense? Mandatory 20 years hard labor. All prisoners will learn a valuable skill to become productive members of society. If they can't or won't, theres plenty of islands they can be dropped off at and left to rot. Zero tolerance. Period.
That is the most ideal solution. The communities most affected by this mess would reap the rewards.

Unfortunately, those in positions of power do not agree. Even IF prosecutors do their jobs these days (and that's a big IF in certain areas) the judges hand down lenient sentences or nothing at all. The politicians sit back and gaslight if anyone brings up rising crime... look at the mayor of Chicago for example. And that plays itself out all across the country these days. This corruption trickles down to the schools now. Just look at some of these schoolboard meetings when parents try to speak up about what is going on in their schools.... magically the cops that these same schoolboard members and politicians hate are called upon to drag said parents out of the meetings when things start taking a shift towards reality...

Of course as we've seen from the 3 self proclaimed woke types in this thread... rather than acknowledge there are issues in the schools and in communities they repeat what you've said with 3 or 4 question marks at the end and an "LOL".. it's all they have
Navy, the behavior in the past 3 years has gotten increasingly worse. Things have been getting bad but it’s no let up. We’ve lost discipline and structure with our youth. People will blame it on COVID, I blame it on politics and the media.
I blame, younger sets of parents that weren't ready to be parents. Not all but I think it plays a role.
I saw today on Channel 8 Noon News. These 'new rules' have been going on for several years (since Covid started) in Henrico and Chesterfield Counties, probably other counties too. The City of Richmond officials need to pull their heads out or the sand and maybe take a look around where the success is and follow that path! Ridiculous!,be used for personal care items for infants.
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I saw today on Channel 8 Noon News. These 'new rules' have been going on for several years (since Covid started) in Henrico and Chesterfield Counties, probably other counties too. The City of Richmond officials need to pull their heads out or the sand and maybe take a look around where the success is and follow that path! Ridiculous! game tickets must be purchased in advance,be used for personal care items for infants.
Too much like sensible.
Who raised these current bad parents?
Grandparents who, more than likely, still act like children to this very day. Too bad their feet were never held to the fire, much like their kids feet were not held to the fire with their own delinquent children, etc etc..

But have no fear woke weirdos.. the courts side with you and so do the politicians. So as long as said delinquents stay out of the judges neighborhoods and the politicians neighborhoods they can and will continue to be delinquent and the only people suffering any of the consequences will continue to be the victims. And to add to that the media will even portray the victims to be at fault. And to add even more, dare to stand up and fight back and the courts will make sure you pay even more.

Nice attempt to deflect though
I’m never quite sure what you’re ranting about, so let’s not pretend like you and I are having any sort of coherent discourse.

I just get annoyed at boomers who did a bad job parenting, but rant about personal responsibility like they didn’t raise the bad parents of today.

Now please carry on calling me names or whatever.
@MMQP 6.0, I have seen a huge change in VA juvenile justice policy in the last year. I don't think it will ever return to the extremely punitive days of the George Allen administration, but trust me some accountability is creeping back into the justice system. If things change in the general assembly we may see some additional positive changes. The lock them up and throw away the key doesn't work, nor does the slap on the wrist approach. There has to be a balance. You have to encourage public safety, accountability, and competency. If you have all three you can have success. I don't know your age or occupation, but after 35 years of working with kids I feel very confident in my knowledge of what works and what does not.
As I said, all the woke weirdos are good for is deflecting and playing the whataboutism game.
@MMQP 6.0, I have seen a huge change in VA juvenile justice policy in the last year. I don't think it will ever return to the extremely punitive days of the George Allen administration, but trust me some accountability is creeping back into the justice system. If things change in the general assembly we may see some additional positive changes. The lock them up and throw away the key doesn't work, nor does the slap on the wrist approach. There has to be a balance. You have to encourage public safety, accountability, and competency. If you have all three you can have success. I don't know your age or occupation, but after 35 years of working with kids I feel very confident in my knowledge of what works and what does not.
I think some sort of bootcamp/school may work. Something to get these kids out of broken homes and off the streets and put them in a situation where their freedom depends on their own personal actions. While getting a taste of bootcamp they can be going through school at the same time. Granted, this is not for kids who are violent offenders, they need to be dealt with harshly by the law. But petty stuff like vandalism and what have you? .. not sure how you'd feel about such programs.
@MMQP 6.0, Boot Camps were tried under the Allen and McDonald administration and unfortunately they didn't work. They have also failed miserably across the United States. Physical abuse and other negative factors initiated by boot camp facilitators have led to their demise.

@WP02alum, I am not a boomer, but parenting is a huge part of the problem and as you stated it goes back several generations. I started my career during the crack wars in the late 80's. Even though dealers were shooting one another for $40.00 and a street corner there was a mutual respect between leo's and criminals. If you caught someone and treated them with respect it was all good. The problem that has evolved is the lack of respect on both sides. The challenging and fun days of cops and robbers are over! The justice system has also failed to maintain the ability to have common sense and has caved into political and financial pressures. The job of attorneys, judges, probation officers and service providers is to make sure offenders do not reoffend or return to court using the least restrictive action to get the job done. The problem is everybody is making bank and no one is being held accountable. The old adage of it takes a village to raise a child will still work, but unfortunately our own narcism prevents us from giving a damn.
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I just don't understand why people need to bring up Chicago or places like that, when we had a game canceled last year between Strasburg and Skyline, two rural schools where 70-75% of the population votes consistently Republican. These are places where the parents are extremely strict and there is very little "woke" parenting. I don't have the solution, but you guys need to stop taking your personal experiences and applying it to all schools everywhere.
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@schoolboard, you have made some very sound statements and yes crime has no political affiliation. The only thing I don't agree with is your statement of taking our personal experiences and applying it to schools everywhere. Right now I work with six different school districts and for the 27 prior years worked with five others. Each community and school system I have worked with is different, and they all had their good and bad. Some are/were urban, while others are/were rural. Some were economically, racially, and culturally divided while others worked harmoniously together. Some of the communities valued education and were invested (not just the wealthy areas) while others did/were not. The one thing they all had/have in common is Friday night football. During a brief 3 1/2 months each year people can come together on a given night to show their community pride and root on the hometown team. I say this because that's what this thread was originally about. It was not about a school system or kids being bad, but the problem of allowing bad people to interfere with the one thing that brings us all together. "The boys of fall". Peace out!
@MMQP 6.0, Boot Camps were tried under the Allen and McDonald administration and unfortunately they didn't work. They have also failed miserably across the United States. Physical abuse and other negative factors initiated by boot camp facilitators have led to their demise.

@WP02alum, I am not a boomer, but parenting is a huge part of the problem and as you stated it goes back several generations. I started my career during the crack wars in the late 80's. Even though dealers were shooting one another for $40.00 and a street corner there was a mutual respect between leo's and criminals. If you caught someone and treated them with respect it was all good. The problem that has evolved is the lack of respect on both sides. The challenging and fun days of cops and robbers are over! The justice system has also failed to maintain the ability to have common sense and has caved into political and financial pressures. The job of attorneys, judges, probation officers and service providers is to make sure offenders do not reoffend or return to court using the least restrictive action to get the job done. The problem is everybody is making bank and no one is being held accountable. The old adage of it takes a village to raise a child will still work, but unfortunately our own narcism prevents us from giving a damn.

Who is making bank, while not being held accountable. Would love to hear more about that. Attorneys & judges?
Was definitely not talking about you, Bleeding Navy. Talking about the people who turn every football post into their own political diatribe. And also, to reinforce the point I was making, somebody blamed younger parents, clearly a personal issue. Since average age of becoming parents has never been higher than it is today. So while it may not be ideal to be a young parent, that is not the cause of this sudden uptick in chaos. Tik Tok challenges have caused more vandalism and hoax lockdowns that have really disrupted schools nationwide.
@WP02alum, I will not address everything, but I can give you a few examples. The cost of Substance abuse treatment, counseling, in home services, mentoring, private day schools, and speech pathology have tripled since COVID hit and a lot of these service providers sit at home behind a computer in their pajamas and have no personal interaction with the kids. $125.00 an hour for speech pathology via webcam. Private day schools charging $125,000 a year per student with very little if any progress noted. Grant providers giving politicians kickbacks to implement softer justice laws and programs. Judges who are not qualified being appointed and commonwealth attorneys (it's in the news) making weak plea deals when they do not need to. Both letting repeated dangerous offenders back on the street to prey again. Yes these people get paid, sleep well at night, while others have their hands tied. I have said enough. Not being rude, but if you don't see it I am sorry. I live it everyday and it's just tough right now!
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I don’t disagree with most of what you posted. But be careful patting yourself on the back too hard there. Your generation literally raised the generation that is supposedly causing all these issues. Isn’t it the parents that we are holding responsible??
I'm going to disagree "slightly" with you.
I'm part of that generation also. I raised my sons to know that my foot was going to planted squarely in their turd cutter if they got out of line and disrespectful behavior was never tolerated. The parents that "free wheeled" have been given the constant, nonstop free pass. The "hold them responsible" party has been drowned out by the "we need to coddle and understand them" party. No one takes responsibility for their own behavior or choices anymore. You and I and everyone else on this message board CHOOSE to do the right thing everyday.... it's a simple concept. Right vs wrong. The ones cutting up KNOW. They just choose that life because they've never been held accountable.
I saw it happening 20 years ago when my oldest was getting ready to hit high school sports and it didn't matter what neighborhood they were from.... Section 8 or $$$$ was happening all across the spectrum.
Society AND the courts have taken away the ability to correct/curb the issues.

Someone mentioned teacher shortages... here's my take...they get disrespected by the kids, for crap pay, and have administrations that won't allow them to discipline in the classroom or other avenues. So they quit, often times for more money and definitely a lot less stress....I speak that from experience of having a load of friends that are or were teachers...those words came from them....

The tragic part, I don't know if we can recover from it now. It looks to be too far gone.
I was at the HS/Manchester game last night and there was probably 5-6 fights in the crowd. Kudos to HS’s admin, Henrico PD and their AD for their quick responses. Law enforcement and educators are priceless in this society we live in.
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@WP02alum, I will not address everything, but I can give you a few examples. The cost of Substance abuse treatment, counseling, in home services, mentoring, private day schools, and speech pathology have tripled since COVID hit and a lot of these service providers sit at home behind a computer in their pajamas and have no personal interaction with the kids. $125.00 an hour for speech pathology via webcam. Private day schools charging $125,000 a year per student with very little if any progress noted. Grant providers giving politicians kickbacks to implement softer justice laws and programs. Judges who are not qualified being appointed and commonwealth attorneys (it's in the news) making weak plea deals when they do not need to. Both letting repeated dangerous offenders back on the street to prey again. Yes these people get paid, sleep well at night, while others have their hands tied. I have said enough. Not being rude, but if you don't see it I am sorry. I live it everyday and it's just tough right now!
I don’t disagree with you at all. Just didn’t know what you were specifically referencing. I agree strongly. Commonwealth’s Attorney giving pedophiles in Powhatan 7 years in prison under the guise of a “30 year sentence”. It’s disgusting.

I think there’s quite a lot of assumptions made about opinions on here when I am frequently just looking for honest conversation. I appreciate your civil approach even when people disagree.
I'm going to disagree "slightly" with you.
I'm part of that generation also. I raised my sons to know that my foot was going to planted squarely in their turd cutter if they got out of line and disrespectful behavior was never tolerated. The parents that "free wheeled" have been given the constant, nonstop free pass. The "hold them responsible" party has been drowned out by the "we need to coddle and understand them" party. No one takes responsibility for their own behavior or choices anymore. You and I and everyone else on this message board CHOOSE to do the right thing everyday.... it's a simple concept. Right vs wrong. The ones cutting up KNOW. They just choose that life because they've never been held accountable.
I saw it happening 20 years ago when my oldest was getting ready to hit high school sports and it didn't matter what neighborhood they were from.... Section 8 or $$$$ was happening all across the spectrum.
Society AND the courts have taken away the ability to correct/curb the issues.

Someone mentioned teacher shortages... here's my take...they get disrespected by the kids, for crap pay, and have administrations that won't allow them to discipline in the classroom or other avenues. So they quit, often times for more money and definitely a lot less stress....I speak that from experience of having a load of friends that are or were teachers...those words came from them....

The tragic part, I don't know if we can recover from it now. It looks to be too far gone.

Yup. Good teachers don’t want low pay AND students with no accountability. Gotta get at LEAST one of those two corrected. I teach in a building with accountability, so I’m happy to only worry about the $$ side.

All we can do is try to impact those around us positively by having civil conversations. No one’s ever changed their mind through insults. That doesn’t mean coddling people who do wrong. It just means conversationally leaving the anger and aggression at the door.
Yup. Good teachers don’t want low pay AND students with no accountability. Gotta get at LEAST one of those two corrected. I teach in a building with accountability, so I’m happy to only worry about the $$ side.

All we can do is try to impact those around us positively by having civil conversations. No one’s ever changed their mind through insults. That doesn’t mean coddling people who do wrong. It just means conversationally leaving the anger and aggression at the door.
And I argue with coworkers, friends and family constantly about paying taxes to support SCHOOLS...we MUST support our educational system. I know several outstanding teachers that have left the teaching ranks. We have to figure out a way to stop the bleeding.
A now retired Principal at Smithfield High told me years ago that she couldn't get parents to respond to her UNTIL she suspended their child, then they showed up fighting mad. She would explain to them that she was reaching out to them for help but they wouldn't help her... deal with starts at home.
Boy, I wish I knew the answer. The problem is simply that human rights and freedom collides with accountability and responsibility.
DP... that same Principal told me that the parents would blame her and the school for their inability to control their child.
It's a different world, my parents told teachers they had permission to tear my rear end up if I stepped out of line....that action will get a teacher put in jail and free exposure on every major news network.
I can remember my oldest son telling me that someone of his friends were afraid of me...the problem was....there wasn't going to be anything BS going on at my house. My security clearance and job and sense of moral turpitude and the responsibility of having someone else's child under my supervision caused me to play bad cop. Tow the line or hit the bricks...and they only one or 2 chances.

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