Schedule for Salem if there was no district

I was referring to fundraising that provides basically all their needs uniforms supplies (i.e. Balls equipment and such). It provides their food for travel. A lot of other local boosters are raising funds through bingo. I know that Byrd does it for other sports other than football that provides for all needs uncluding travel for buses. That's how christiansburg wrestling does all the funding thru wrestling. They bought their own travel bus from it. I help coordinate bingo for my sons travel soccer group. We have raised enough to purchase fields that currently are in works with lighting and 2 full fields with turf. So if your looking for ways to raise that's the way to go!
I was referring to fundraising that provides basically all their needs uniforms supplies (i.e. Balls equipment and such). It provides their food for travel. A lot of other local boosters are raising funds through bingo. I know that Byrd does it for other sports other than football that provides for all needs uncluding travel for buses. That's how christiansburg wrestling does all the funding thru wrestling. They bought their own travel bus from it. I help coordinate bingo for my sons travel soccer group. We have raised enough to purchase fields that currently are in works with lighting and 2 full fields with turf. So if your looking for ways to raise that's the way to go!
Understood but here's the deal, I don't qualify fundraising as boosters. Every team has fundraisers. Amherst had to do that to pay for their trip to Fla. cheerleaders do that to compete in State and National competitions. nothing unusual about that. A school has 1 Booster Club. Everyone shares Booster Club funds and rightfully so.
Like shsfan said each individual sport raises its own money, but the band indeed has its own booster club.
I can accept the band has its own booster club. Though unusual, even the Salem Website confirms this. The rest seem to be covered by a single entity. Though I agree that the Football program produces the most revenue, Booster money should be allocated to all programs. Fortunately, it's the Admin that decides how to allocate funds raised by the boosters. If actual Boosters or fans have a say in the distribution of these funds, it is the definition of corruption.
I know of several schools that have separate booster clubs for each sport.
Thanks for the info but I still think allowing boosters or fans to influence the distribution of any funds, no matter what their source, is corruption. This is the type of thing that causes the NCAA to place sanctions and other penalties on schools.
Not saying I disagree with you, but I know at the places where I have worked that did have separate booster clubs the argument was _________ program's parents don't work/volunteer as much as we do.