@Hokie1Pokie I am up because you will not get the last word unless this thread gets locked before I can reply. I am your huckleberry cuz. You have an opinion and that’s great but you see it necessary to stomp back on to the thread anytime you feel like someone is forgetting what you said. We get it, you think Graham should have beaten Radford when they played and would have killed Riverheads. The reality is Radford won and Riverheads and Graham didn’t play. Hypotheticals are all you got, it isn’t facts.
I have tons of respect for most all of the teams in 2A. And Graham has rings in 2A and has a great program, I have never discounted that. I got back on this to acknowledge that a kid made a gesture and that as much as some want to make a big deal, it isn’t. You took exception to the statement I made which is a fact. Riverheads is the class 2 runner up. Loser to Radford if that fits your narrative better but there will be hardware in the trophy case in G’ville, not in Bluefield.