VHSL hit the jackpot in Salem this time.

It doesn't take much to see the changes Glenvar made on "D"....and if Giles had thrown to a wide open 32 on at least 2 if not 3 occasions things might have changed....after halftime panic mode set in...and not trying to stir the pot...but your guys called out our cadence on several occasions causing our guys to happened...twice between the 35 and 30 on big you think the players yelling and pointing after those flags were just happened...your backers shift and your corners coming up at the snap worked...worked well...but do you really think if it wasn't the second bite at the apple it would have happened...Ill say this with confidence....if Union had beat you guys the shoes would be on the other feet...if you think theres a plan to beat us yearly youre wrong....but I have looked at your team....looks like only a few you should be in the mix again next year...we will reload....been there and knocked you guys out of the playoffs when you were 9-0...some close games....good games.....if you look at your qb's performance against us the other times he played us you would see he didn't light us up....Giles coaches should have moved 32 over on Stigall and our backers were useless in the zone they were in and should have moved them got nothing in the middle and if the backers were moved into the lanes it would have made for a tougher throw....but hell he threw 3 perfect throws that day...receiver only had one step and was hit in was a good game plan and our coaches are good but don't change from an original gameplan have a solid defense....and hopefully a state championship team...but Logically 3 players didn't make a 68 point swing and a dismal 47 yrd performance vs a 350 yrd performance...we will agree to good luck on Saturday.....GO GILES
ghs89er....Thank you for answering my question with some very good logical arguments. I appreciate the time you took to do that. You make some very valid points which I agree with. I totally agree that you had wide open receivers on a couple of plays that could have been touchdowns and that Stigall should have been covered differently, and that by halftime panic mode set in. One thing I did appreciate was how hard your stud rb's were trying to bring the team back. They were clawing for every inch for almost the entire 2nd half. I didn't see any quit in anyone.

I don't think we have everything in place to beat you yearly but I do beleive we will be very good no matter what happens tomorrow and all this practicing every week is making us better and better for next year as well as getting this thing done this year. The boys are pretty pumped. Thanks again!