VHSL re-classification?


VaPreps All District
Oct 13, 2014
Lots of talk on SWVA board about the proposed 4 division alignment and what that would mean. Has this new 4 division alignment been ratified by the board or is this still just talk? Curious as to what it would look like? And for the record I could care less where the Gladiators end up just so long as this isn’t a two or four year experiment. I find it hard to believe that this will solve the issues that most people discuss when talking about realignment but again I am not as versed as I should be to speak on that part. Someone in the know please enlighten the masses here.
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From what I read they would only count kids from grades 9 through 11 which makes no sense to me but someone might be able tell us why they want to do it that way that makes sense. I'm just going by the little bit i read over on the other board.
Schools with enrollment of 375 and below would be class 1
376-751 class 2
752-1199 class 3
1200 and above class 4
@MT FAN 91 thats what I have gathered as well but my question is does that actually move many schools? It would appear that it adversely affects the smaller schools even more but that’s just going off of the schools that someone on the other board said would be moving.
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Yeah it looks to me like it puts some current class 2 teams back down in 1 which will really sucks for the much smaller schools....I know the current system needs work but I personally don't have the answers
I did see it looks like school such as Graham and Radford would drop to 1A
I hear ya and I don’t have the answers either. I actually like the East/West split and I could care less about what division but I think that gave some interesting crossover games in the semis. All due respect to a great Galax program but I would like to see us play someone else from SWVA as well. Maybe they could have it be where the cross over games are for all the way around this time. So the 16 in the East travels to the 1 in the west and vice versa. It would certainly have some interesting trips for teams and provide matchups we haven’t seen before. I just can’t see how reducing to 4 divisions makes sense if you end up with two championships within those divisions. At that point we end up with 8 champs unless I am misreading some of this stuff that’s in the multiple articles written in the subject.
that is an old article on a report from the Ad Hoc Realignment Committee. The Executive Committee deep six that report last February along with a 5-Class Report that followed it. There will be no Class changes in the forseeable future.

If you want to know what killed it, it was Class 1 and 2 wanting the four classes to each crown two champions. That would be 8 champions, two more than we have now - so status quo prevailed. The 5-Class Report wanted to leave Classes 1 and 2 the same and divide Classes 3-4-5 equally.
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Thanks @EPJr , I started back through the meeting minutes to see where this was at and honestly only got through a couple before I gave up and figured someone would know.
that is an old article on a report from the Ad Hoc Realignment Committee. The Executive Committee deep six that report last February along with a 5-Class Report that followed it. There will be no Class changes in the forseeable future.

If you want to know what killed it, it was Class 1 and 2 wanting the four classes to each crown two champions. That would be 8 champions, two more than we have now - so status quo prevailed. The 5-Class Report wanted to leave Classes 1 and 2 the same and divide Classes 3-4-5 equally.
Thanks for the update on this