VHSL Schools Name Changes in 2021

Slavery WAS the worse thing this country practiced. Never should have started it. Should have been stopped during Constitutional Convention but it was not. But one thing people like YOU need to know is the ante bellum South DID NOT START SLAVERY!! But we had to deal with it. Lee was a man of his time so understand that. Practically every civilization has had slavery in some form and one could argue that we still have it today. Actually we do if you keep up with what is going on in some of the under developed parts of the world. I also have read a book titled Up From Slavery by John Hope Franklin and have read articles by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., both of whom are Black that talk about Black involvement in the African slave trade. So there is a lot of guilt and shame to go around. Not a simple issue at all. Hope you enjoyed this garbage post. You may reply to this or not but it will be my last post on the subject. Back to high school sports. PS. The South Shall Rise Again. Rebel yell in background.

The South can rise again and lose yet again in embarrassing fashion in less time than it takes to get a bachelor's degree. Imagine being proud of that part of your history lmao.

The rest of your post was predictably terrible, of course. Imagine going "we didn't start it but by god we murdered our fellow countrymen for the right to continue it".
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Griffith, a 1996 graduate, participated in football and track at Lee. He was a high school all-American and all-state in football his junior and senior years.
He was also all-state in his junior and senior years in track, where he threw the discus and shot. He was state runner-up in the shot both his junior and senior years.
Garbage post. Lee was not a "man of his time". Let's dispel this crap logic right now: millions of people in the 1860s were against the notion of owning other people both in the US and across the world. The fact that trash garbage from the South thought otherwise doesn't make them "men of their time". Our ancestors weren't so stupid as to think slavery was just how things worked back then, plenty of them knew it was wrong and we literally, not figuratively, went to war over stopping it.

The fact that Lee lived the rest of his life in opposition of racial equality and the ability for blacks to even vote speaks to his character or lack thereof and your excuses of his actions speak to where you stand on the matter of that war.

Isn't it weird that the US was bringing up the rear on abolishing slavery and they needed a war costing millions of lives to figure out it was a bad thing? It's sad and pathetic that the rest of the modern world at that time not only beat America to the punch but they managed to do so without shedding blood.

I feel like you or someone else ITT is two inches from "muh states rights" argument for the war, I hope to see it.
Lol and I'm the angry one..

Back to the original point, want to change the names of the schools? Fine, but they need to be named after the town they are in or in the area they're in. Much like Justice High should have been named Lake Barcroft, which is what the students voted for the name to be changed to. The schoolboard wanted to "make a statement" and chose their own name to please the Washington Post and certain politicians.

Want to change the names to inventors and business leaders? Sure, I'm fine with that as well and would much rather have that than say named after contemporary politicians or school superintendents as long as we choose names regardless of race. And their accomplishments need to be focused on, and everything else needs to be cast aside. And I say that last part because as is very obvious from this thread and more importantly from what I've seen here in NoVa, the side pushing for these name changes is more than happy to overlook the past and views of their beloved choices while deep cavity searching anyone else. Need I mention that schools named after Abraham Lincoln are being forced to change their names...

And I ask again, where does this end? 15-20 years ago the push was to change the nicknames of schools. We're at the point where we have to change the school names. Does the future involve changing the names of cities? This has got to stop. No one alive now had anything to do with slavery and we cannot change the past.

I do know that, among far too many things, if you have an apple device you are supporting slavery and child labor in the present though, whether we like that or not. And we're all guilty of that in one shape or another.

Ah, Charlie Garner - J.E.B. Stuart. Lit up the hated Cowboys in 2000 as a 49er.
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John Engelberger, Class of 1995 – defensive end for Virginia Tech, San Francisco 49ers and Denver Broncos.

RE LEE Fairfax
I migrate back to the original narrative, I think we really should keep an open mind and think about "to what degree" we should pass judgement on names from the past. Think about the names of most of our cities, towns, counties and communities. Even the names of our states. I guarantee that we can find something agregious about the person or event that is the root of each and every name.

Here are a couple examples in my area. Dinwiddie County was named after Robert Dinwiddie. Dinwiddie was a British colonial administrator and a Lt Governor. He vehemently believed that Britain should reign supreme over the colonies. He also was in the forefront of the movement that directly led to the French and Indian War.

Now, as an American with very strong beliefs in self rule, should I not be highly offended that my home county is named for a leader in a British Monarchy that was determined to keep my forefathers subservient to England? Or how about the fact that he led a movement to expunge our nation of the hated French, (of which I can trace my lineage)? Or the fact that he hoped to rid the country of those pesky Indians, (whom I happen to hold in very high regard)?

I live in Church Road in Dinwiddie. If I was an atheist or agnostic, or even Jewish, I could easily be offended by the connotations that my community is named after a symbol of religious dogma that I may disagree with and would not want my children connected to.

So what is my point? My point is this. EVERY name has perceived or factual negativity associated with it. Where do we stop? Really..., where do we stop? Can't we just accept that most, if not all of our namesakes are imperfect? Does it matter to me that I live in a county that was once, long ago, named after some British guy that was a product of his upbringing? HELL no. I've got a heck of a lot better things to do with my time than to worry about such nonsense.

And most of all, would changing the name of Dinwiddie change history? Of course not. So why, dear God, should something like a name be such an issue. Oh no, I did it. I used the name God. I should be banned from these boards for all time.

From the mouth of a troubled, tortured soul came a few words that we all need to remember, and put in practice.
"Can't we all just get along?"
How about if you mention a school you have to mention a great player from that school. A great coach from that school. A great game that involved that school BEFORE any political diatribe? Since we talkin’ history we might as well put a lil’ football in it.
I just want to say Robert E Lee high school had Kevin Madden, was a great athlete ! But I am all for getting rid of the names . Regardless of what side you are on , it was a disgraceful time in our history . Why celebrate it with naming schools after a terrible time in our history where we killed our own brothers and sisters.
This is not bringing people together. It divides us further.
you forget the point. the majority of the folk who live in the jurisdiction and have kids in the schools get to decide. And frankly it is no one else's business. We have folk who don't live there anymore and don't have anybody in school there still wanting a say so - don't work that way.
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you forget the point. the majority of the folk who live in the jurisdiction and have kids in the schools get to decide. And frankly it is no one else's business. We have folk who don't live ther anymore and don't have anybody in school there still wanting a say so - don't work that way.
Dont lie.

The students at J.E.B. Stuart voted the keep the name as it was. The school board was not satisfied with that so they decided the parents would vote. Parents voted to keep the name. Not good enough. So the school board voted to change the name.

So then came time to decide what the new name would be. Students voted to either name it Stuart or Lake Barcroft. School board said NO. Let the parents vote, parents voted to name it after a hispanic war's a majority hispanic school mind you...NO!!! So the school board decided the name would be "Justice"...justice for whom? Treyvon and Big Mike of course according to the school board members.

So do not act like it has anything to do with the citizens in said jurisdictions. And I'm real sure you are a-okay with say, Hurley's nickname and whatnot. I have a feeling the "no one's business" point you make is out the door there. And you certainly didnt mind hopping on Ididntgetbanned when he dared say Redskins. Hypocrite.
Dont lie.

The students at J.E.B. Stuart voted the keep the name as it was. The school board was not satisfied with that so they decided the parents would vote. Parents voted to keep the name. Not good enough. So the school board voted to change the name.

So then came time to decide what the new name would be. Students voted to either name it Stuart or Lake Barcroft. School board said NO. Let the parents vote, parents voted to name it after a hispanic war's a majority hispanic school mind you...NO!!! So the school board decided the name would be "Justice"...justice for whom? Treyvon and Big Mike of course according to the school board members.

So do not act like it has anything to do with the citizens in said jurisdictions. And I'm real sure you are a-okay with say, Hurley's nickname and whatnot. I have a feeling the "no one's business" point you make is out the door there. And you certainly didnt mind hopping on Ididntgetbanned when he dared say Redskins. Hypocrite.
I don't care Hurley even have the doors to the school painted with the rebel flag. The fact that folks did not get to decide (in the Stuart case) is another issue that they can correct at the polls.
Andrew Lewis became Salem when the new high school was built changed colors and mascot.
Andrew Lewis became Salem when the new high school was built changed colors and mascot.
That was because when the school was originally built it combined Glenvar and Andrew Lewis. They thought it would be better to come up with a name different than both schools. Later Glenvar was reformed when Salem Schools broke from Roanoke County schools. Today Salem high school serves the exact area that Andrew Lewis served and Glenvar is back being a separate high school.
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That was because when the school was originally built it combined Glenvar and Andrew Lewis. They thought it would be better to come up with a name different than both schools. Later Glenvar was reformed when Salem Schools broke from Roanoke County schools. Today Salem high school serves the exact area that Andrew Lewis served and Glenvar is back being a separate high school.
Whew! that was a mouth full.
As an educator would you be comfortable working in a school called Auschwitz HS? Do you believe that every student would feel included, welcome, or safe? At a point we have to become civil about things that make common sense, if it could offend someone and there be a valid supporting argument for their need to take offense why is it deemed PC or that it’s an overreaction. Also the high schools in New York gave names aside from the PS #. In an area like Nova or metropolitan areas some schools are separated by a half of a mile so the neighborhood or town idea works some places but not others where it’s more populous.
"As an educator..." I knew where your post was going before I read it. I subbed for four years in middle and high schools in two jurisdictions. There's a reason why our education system is the laughing stock amongst developed countries around the world. Changing the name of a high school isn't going to help an American kid become more competitive in math versus an Asian kid when it comes to applying for a job out of college.
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Man, well if you subbed for 4 years, you’re essentially a veteran teacher, right?
Got to change Hopewell it will bring back
Bad memories of Kepone

Thomas Dale can’t be Chester because the Enon people will get mad
Colonial Heights has to go the word Colonial in it has anyone researched Prince George or
General Dinwiddie
Colonial Heights has to go the word Colonial in it has anyone researched Prince George or
General Dinwiddie
Thats what we're headed towards.

You give the socialists an inch and they'll take a mile.

Mascot changes-->School name changes-->Next up? Changing the names of cities and towns.

We could throw in the push to remove AP classes from schools as well among many, many other things on the agenda.
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Man, well if you subbed for 4 years, you’re essentially a veteran teacher, right?
Is he wrong in what he says? Or is there a requirement to have taught for X amount of years before one can formulate a commonsense opinion on the matter. I say look at the push to remove AP classes from schools because of "diversity" as an example of a failing system.
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Doesn’t NJ have a Malcolm X Shabazz HS
Yes they do. It was once known as South Side High School.

Which, I have no problem with naming it after Malcolm X. He had his faults just like anyone else in this world. But this is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the cancel culture crowd. If he can have a school named after him why are we having to change the names of schools named after others?

*Also only fair for me to mention that it was renamed to Malcolm X High nearly 50 years ago now.
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I’d selfishly love AP classes to go away. Would help boost enrollment in my classes. I do think it’s a stretch to compare yourself to a teacher when you’re subbing. Truth is, you’re babysitting. Not trying to denigrate the efforts of subs with training who try to teach, just speaking to the reality of the situation. I work hard to be great at my job, and I’m skeptical about a substitute teacher with none of that training (most scenarios) matching my teaching ability/performance. If a sub is just as good, why are they paid less?
I was just being informative as I like to keep up with all the VHSL schools and mascots.
You do and you have always done a good job. I need to tell you to don't take my criticism as personal. It is just my opinion. I don't like the names of people that I have always cared about being dragged thru the mud. You did not do anything like that.
You do and you have always done a good job. I need to tell you to don't take my criticism as personal. It is just my opinion. I don't like the names of people that I have always cared about being dragged thru the mud. You did not do anything like that.
Thank you. On another note, do you see the possiblility of Altavista and William Campbell eventually combining?
Thank you. On another note, do you see the possiblility of Altavista and William Campbell eventually combining?
I see WC being phased out. The money savings are real. I have heard much talk/rumors on this. Rustburg might be the receipient of those students and not Altavista!!! There was a study done a few years back to eliminate two schools. Substantial savings. None of the four schools wishes to give up their identity. Their communities would also suffer. Poor Brookneal has lost most of its industry and it would be a blow if WC were to be closed.
As for Rustburg one hitch was their Middle School could not handle the influx of students from WC if it was closed. NOW RUSTBURG IS BUILDING A HUGE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL !!! Do I know anything? No, not really but it does make one think.
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I see WC being phased out. The money savings are real. I have heard much talk/rumors on this. Rustburg might be the receipient of those students and not Altavista!!! There was a study done a few years back to eliminate two schools. Substantial savings. None of the four schools wishes to give up their identity. Their communities would also suffer. Poor Brookneal has lost most of its industry and it would be a blow if WC were to be closed.
As for Rustburg one hitch was their Middle School could not handle the influx of students from WC if it was closed. NOW RUSTBURG IS BUILDING A HUGE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL !!! Do I know anything? No, not really but it does make one think.
I've wonder how they would do consolidating in Campbell county. In Pittsylvania County - you have the four high schools but with varied enrollment - Tunstall , Dan River , Chatham, and Gretna (. If they ever consolidated here (which now I don't think they will) - Dan River/Tunstall would combined (forming a city/county rival with GW-Danville) and Chatham/Gretna would combined.
I've wonder how they would do consolidating in Campbell county. In Pittsylvania County - you have the four high schools but with varied enrollment - Tunstall , Dan River , Chatham, and Gretna (. If they ever consolidated here (which now I don't think they will) - Dan River/Tunstall would combined (forming a city/county rival with GW-Danville) and Chatham/Gretna would combined.
I really think we missed the boat on this. IMO we could/should have done this instead of renovating the four high schools we should have went to two. As for Campbell County I would think Rustburg would get the lions share of WC students with Altavista picking up some. But what do I know.
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I really think we missed the boat on this. IMO we could/should have done this instead of renovating the four high schools we should have went to two. As for Campbell County I would think Rustburg would get the lions share of WC students with Altavista picking up some. But what do I know.
I agree 100%. Tunstall and Dan River combination? They’d win the state championship every single year in basketball, football, baseball and volleyball… BUT… That’s a heck of a lot of territory to cover. Hypothetically, where would this high school be located? Tunstall’s school zone is huge. Almost Callands to Tuscarora to the orphanage side of 41 back to MT. Cross to 58 to Brosville/Cascade to Axton. I’d like to see the sq mileage on that. Dan River’s sq mileage isn’t far behind. Kind of puts me in the mind of this new Mecklenburg High School being opened near Kerr Lake. Covering a lot of land.
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At one time (2015) Campbell County considered building 2 new schools. A West (Rt 29) school that would basically serve Brookville/Altavista & an East (Rt 501) school that would basically serve Rustburg/WC. That plan was abandoned because of cost. Then they considered shutting down WC and moving students to mostly Rustburg. (3 schools) I think they are mulling options, but have no immediate plans that would shutter or merge schools that I'm aware of.
Mountain View will be The Generals and will honor many Generals that have died for the country

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Slavery WAS the worse thing this country practiced. Never should have started it. Should have been stopped during Constitutional Convention but it was not. But one thing people like YOU need to know is the ante bellum South DID NOT START SLAVERY!! But we had to deal with it. Lee was a man of his time so understand that. Practically every civilization has had slavery in some form and one could argue that we still have it today. Actually we do if you keep up with what is going on in some of the under developed parts of the world. I also have read a book titled Up From Slavery by John Hope Franklin and have read articles by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., both of whom are Black that talk about Black involvement in the African slave trade. So there is a lot of guilt and shame to go around. Not a simple issue at all. Hope you enjoyed this garbage post. You may reply to this or not but it will be my last post on the subject. Back to high school sports. PS. The South Shall Rise Again. Rebel yell in background.
Up From Slavery was Booker T. Washington. John Hope Franklin wrote From Slavery to Freedom.
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Up From Slavery was Booker T. Washington. John Hope Franklin wrote From Slavery to Freedom.
You are correct. We used Franklins book in my college African American history class that I took. My mistake. Heat of the moment. i got fired up.
Where's the line? I know of hundreds if not thousands of schools/buildings/streets that are named after a known habitual adulterer. Is that acceptable? Is naming these things after someone who ruined a lot of relationships/families not bad enough?

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