Slavery WAS the worse thing this country practiced. Never should have started it. Should have been stopped during Constitutional Convention but it was not. But one thing people like YOU need to know is the ante bellum South DID NOT START SLAVERY!! But we had to deal with it. Lee was a man of his time so understand that. Practically every civilization has had slavery in some form and one could argue that we still have it today. Actually we do if you keep up with what is going on in some of the under developed parts of the world. I also have read a book titled Up From Slavery by John Hope Franklin and have read articles by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., both of whom are Black that talk about Black involvement in the African slave trade. So there is a lot of guilt and shame to go around. Not a simple issue at all. Hope you enjoyed this garbage post. You may reply to this or not but it will be my last post on the subject. Back to high school sports. PS. The South Shall Rise Again. Rebel yell in background.
The South can rise again and lose yet again in embarrassing fashion in less time than it takes to get a bachelor's degree. Imagine being proud of that part of your history lmao.
The rest of your post was predictably terrible, of course. Imagine going "we didn't start it but by god we murdered our fellow countrymen for the right to continue it".