VHSL sticks it to LT and Lafayette

Re: It's just one game

As the good Judge used to say, "I've heard you testimony and seen your evidence, now I will render a verdict"

1). If LT is home team, they are the home team. That should mean home side of the field, and home team locker room. Anything less is a farce and a slap in their face.

2). VHSL could never satsfiy everyone with a location. Never! So it is what it is. It is one day, one game, one trip. Enjoy the experience, for Pete's sake.

3). I once made the the mistake, innocently enough, to say "Salem of Roanoke", on this board. Not being from the area, I truthfully did not know. I was more than adequately corrected, I certainly appologized, and I believe all was forgiven.

4). Regardless of what anyone thinks, "the road less travelled", is the smart choice to get to Lynchburg. 460 from Dinwiddie is four lanes, devided, and very few areas that the speed limit is less than 60mph. Liberty is literally a stones through from 460. Same deal if you are going to Salem. Easy, scenic drive for the vast majority of the trip. A heck of a lot more relaxing.

5). One requirement. You must stop at our stores and resturants in Dinwiddie. And not just to pee. You are required to spend $100 per person, on both trips through. That is the rules, thank you.

I'll see everyone Saturday, at least those of you at Liberty U. Safe travels to all.


This post was edited on 12/11 3:49 PM by DinwiddieProud
LT fans dont come to their own home games their stadium wasn't even filled when Monacan came to play them for the rights to go to 4a title game, whats the crying all about lol
Devils, you and I agree about the VHSL being complete BS. Until high schools band together and come up with a better alternative we're stuck with them!
Re: It's just one game

I would say not quite as good offensively ( better team of RBs in 98)but better and faster on defense. But I think this team is more mentally prepared to be in a final- the 98 team had 1st jitters until they calmed down in the 2nd half - but that cost them the 10 point loss. This team is ready to go!
Your words "glenvar is from salem" that is an incorrect statement. You have been corrected but refuse to listen. Best thing we can do is let you wallow in your ignorance. You can lead a DA to water but you can't make em drink.

This post was edited on 12/11 6:40 PM by southbottomU
Re: It's just one game

Salem's defense that year gave a lot of teams the jitters. Gave up 64 points in 14 games. Kind of wish we had that defense this Saturday. Lafayette 98 was the best team salem saw that year. D1 kicker and tight end. Good fast running backs. Played tough.
I'm pretty sure every "fan" was at the Smith/OL games that night. I've said it up here numerous times a lot of fans only show up for the big game. Do I need to bring back the 2012 homecoming crowd vs. the 2012 state final crowd? At the homecoming game you could have a conversation and the other side could hear the whole thing.
I didn't post what you have in quotes. Go back and read you DA. HR6 said what you have in quotes.
Oh my goodness! No need to call names. Yes, Salem is a city. No, Glenvar is not a part of Salem City. Glenvar has black trashcans and the snow doesn't get plowed. Salem has green trashcans and heated streets.
People are very clear about Glenvar being a part of Roanoke County. Glenvar has the same zip code because of the post office. Roanoke County boarders Salem. Glenvar is a section of western Roanoke County. People in Salem do not like to be called Roanoke City/County residents.

As to the home/away side of the stands, I will sit on any side. I always do! ha! I sat on the home side of a Pulaski High School game because I didn't want to make the long walk to the visitor stands. I would imagine the VHSL is sticking to the rotation between North and South for the stands and locker rooms. It is the North's turn. They declared the home team for uniform purposes only. Just a guess.

If games were played in the Richmond area, it would be 4+ hours for the Roanoke and Salem Area and 5+ for Christiansburg/Blacksburg. It doesn't matter how far the game is away from Salem, their fans will be there in full force!
What is your distinction between in and from salem. I live in salem and I am from salem . my friend who lives in glenvar does not live in salem nor is he from salem.
Re: It's just one game

This years salem team more explosive offensively. Offensive lines about equal. Better tailback this year. 98 slightly better kicking game. Big difference in d line and corners 98 much better. Linebackers close but 98 overall better. This years team has great chemistry and character. If salem wins this Saturday this team will be considered right up there with 98, great group of kids
Salem and Magna Vista are getting the home stands because they have pre sold over 2,000 tickets apiece and have sold luxury boxes for $1k each for the game which seats 16 people. At the end of the day money talks.

This post was edited on 12/11 7:38 PM by DEVILSLB99
Originally posted by DEVILSLB99:
Salem and Magna Vista are getting the home stands because they have pre sold over 2,000 tickets apiece and have sold luxury boxes for $1k each for the game which seats 16 people. At the end of the day money talks.

This post was edited on 12/11 7:38 PM by DEVILSLB99
As it should.
Times are not your forte

There is soooo much wrong in the last paragraph of your post. It's not 4+ hours from Salem to Richmond. It's three hours and around 175 miles (a little more or a little less depending on how you go). And it's also not an hour from Salem to Blacksburg. It's a half hour to maybe 45 minutes at longest.
And all this means what? Other than an opportunity to gripe, what does this mean? Nothing! The locker rooms are good. The facility is good. Regardless is which side of the field you happen to stand on, it looks pretty much the same. It's not your home field, it belongs to nobody. So what the heck difference does it make. This is a helluva lot of hooey about nothing.
OMHDC, this is all crap, just like their coach and team forgot how to talk. Unsportsmanlike is what I call it. Ain't none of them coming anyway. So what's the big deal.
Re: Excellent post

It's a big state; they want to have a great facility for the kids to play in at the end of the season as a reward for them. Unfortunately, you can't just call up the day after the semi-final and reserve one of these places. The kids think it's a big treat to get play at these places. I think making the road trip is a big treat, myself, to be honest, but I like traveling.

Pennsylvania plays all of their finals in Hershey. A lot of states do similar things (If I recall in Friday Night lights they went to Texas stadium and Texas is a BIG state).

Really, Virginia Beach to Charlottesville is probably about as far a trip as the 5A and 6A schools could have. It's also kinda fair to play there because it's really not in anyone's back yard (except Albemarle and Orange and I don't think either team will be playing there anytime soon). Everybody travels.

In 1A-4A the trips can get crazy for schools like Thomas Walker and Nandua, but Salem and Lynchburg probably do pretty well at splitting the difference. It might feel a little unfair with a concentration of power at those levels near those cities, but you've got to have it somewhere.

I like this better than when they used to have home sites.

One other thing, the places you want to play have to agree to let you play there. Not always as much of a slam dunk as you might think. Central Region used to play Regional finals at City Stadium and one year they got cut off for NCAA soccer playoffs or something.
Have you ever traveled in a bus?

I have traveled to Richmond many times from Salem. In a bus, it would take about 4 hrs (give or take 10 min,). I can only get to Richmond in 3 hrs. if I were to speed and drive a car. That is with no traffic or fog on the mountain. Yes, you can get to some parts of Blacksburg in 45 min. (again with no traffic or roadwork on 81). Add a bus as your transportation and you are adding time. My times are for the team traveling to the area on buses. We can squabble over minutes. It doesn't change the fact Richmond is still a lengthy drive for teams from southwest Va and not a central location. There really can not be a central location when it is the STATE championship. Someone will always have a long drive. I brought up the time to travel to Richmond to state that point. I wouldn't care if Salem had to travel to the Eastern Shore, I would still go watch them play and they would be honored to make the trip however long it took to get there.