16 Teams or 12 reasoning inside..........


VaPreps All District
May 29, 2001
Here's what I discovered in the VHSL executive committee minutes regarding the number of teams eligible for regional play in football:
68‐4‐8 Regional Playoff Representation‐There shall be two regions for each classification consisting of no fewer than 12 and no more than 16 playoff teams in each region.
Rationale: Some regions are considering a smaller number of playoff teams in football due to such factors as the quality of teams making the playoffs in the lower seeded positions, mismatches, poor match‐ups and noncompetitive first round games. Staff recommends approval.
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The most used catch-phrase by VHSL: "staff recommends approval" Basically, all of the good, bad or whatever decisions made come from educators (principals, ADs) who in the span of a few meetings, could not possibly know what all will transpire unless the process is put to work. (ie 16 or 12 teams...or even going to 8). The tinkering of state basketball cost a six-figure loss in revenue so its on to plan B. Unlike our government, the VHSL isn't afforded the luxury of those six-figure or more consultant studies to peer into the future. Now it appears that conferences will be ditched as the state somewhat returns to the 4 region setup that once was. Details to be determined.
BTW, after a long tenure, Ken Tilly is retiring as VHSL exec. director in 5 months. Now, before the bashing starts, the guy helped bring about some good changes over the years as the state tries to catch up to the 21st Century in the world of HS televising events, doing corporate fund-raising, etc. with a meager budget and lack of a truly effective business structure. One PR person (McCall) cannot due justice in this media-driven society to get proper publicity generated (stats, previews, recaps, interviews, programs) for numerous state events.
But I understand the main mission is EDUCATION AND THAT'S WHERE THE TAX DOLLAR$ FLOW. Most of Va. isn't (and never will be) like Texas.
I liked the above posts because they were well written and informative. I am a consumer of information (as many are on here) and do not mind even being in disagreement, as long as the details are explained and presented in a timely manner to all (before a season or school year begins would be helpful). Bad or unusual calls, just explain them and all is well (usually :) or at least better understood.

"Now it appears that conferences will be ditched as the state somewhat returns to the 4 region setup that once was. Details to be determined."

Interesting. I think that I will like that. The old region setup was a simpler time and full of rivals and history. To the VHSL and other decision makers, please have the information of big changes widely distributed. Post on here and have emails sent out, (that can be forwarded to all regions, conferences, districts, and then down those who are impacted by other's decisions). Also, and/or send to all Media outlets so they can present it to the public.

Transparency is the key to understanding, respect, and less controversy and anger towards misunderstood policies.
I agree with the 6 classifications for all sports for both genders (while the breakdown between the classes by enrollment is difficult to please all, it seems that the VHSL got it as good as possible, maybe a little tinkering needed here and there.)

I like the ratings system for football. While it may be not be perfect, it works very well. Our democracy may not be perfect, but what other government s better?

Now, where I have an issue is with the different classifications and their seeding criteria for the OTHER sports (basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, & baseball). It allows for too many mistakes and weaker teams getting higher seeds and/or conference/district foes having to knock each other out. This has happened in almost all sports in 1A East since the realignment changes and leads to much anger, suspicion, and frustration, especially when no one knows the criteria an/or when changes are made without notice.

Unless their can be a system for NON football sports based on head to head, common opponents, Strength of Schedule, better conferences get more points, bonus for Conference Tournament Titles, etc., there needs to be a new system. (It is too hard to seed correctly like Football for all sports so the current seeding procedures are biased and often make no sense to many, whether knowledgeable sports people and the general public at large). Then the VHSL gets the blame even when they were not even involved in the process.

Who needs more complaining without suggestions for improvement. So here is mine: It will be simple, easy, fair, published and rotates (similar to like it used to be in some areas). Let's look at 1A East (you could just as easy replace with 1A West or any other classifications' region).

4 current 1A East Conferences- Each conference regular season winner gets an automatic birth in the Region playoffs. as a deserved reward. Then you play the conference tournament to EARN the Conference #1 seed. If it is the conference winner, it goes to the runner up who will be #2, etc. Makes tournament exciting and worthwhile.

Now the 1A East Region Tournament- Each conference plays another conference (so no more repeats in the next round for region play) that is predetermined and published. It will rotate every three years to be fair. For example:

Conference 41 #1 seed plays Conference 44 #2
Conference 42 seed #1 plays Conference 43 #2

other side of bracket

Conference 44 #1 plays Conference 41 #2
Conference 43 #1 plays Conference 42 #2

winners play in region semis, then the top two play for the 1A region title and seeding in States (top two from East and West go to states).

The next year conference 41 plays 43, the next 42, then back to conference 44. Fair. Simple. No biases.

I am open to suggestions, ways for improvement, or to be convinced the current system is better.
That is exactly how it was originally set up... The conferences were cross seeded in a predetermined schedule. For example if 42 & 41 were matched up in this year. The champion from the conf 41 tournament would play the runner up of the conf 42 tournament and vice versa. It changed at the beginning of last year in a region vote.
Thanks ArfulOne, you may certainly be correct. I was under the impression that since conferences took place, seeding has been the policy. While seeding can be useful, it seems to have caused more confusion than corrections. For example, more 1st round rematches in have taken place between conferences or teams that won head to head may flip flop or weaker conferences rewarded with higher seeds. 1A teams with many losses to weak 2A or 3A teams etc. ranked or seeded higher than stronger 1A teams. I basically took what the old region A format was and applied it the new conference/region system but maybe that is how it was.

I do think that the suggestion on the including the Conference tournaments is different than what has been done and could improve the system and add more excitement. Also, current strength of schedule criteria is not based on head to head or strong opponents, just from playing higher classes regardless of quality. Just try to adjust scheduling is the current answer I suppose.

It does matter where you are seeded though as the two teams that make it just often depends on which side of the bracket one is on.

Sorry for the long viewpoint lol (did not mean to ramble on so) but a one page word document is kinda short compared to my college research days ha.
Cross bracketing, while it makes fans happy and eliminates successive rematches, usually results in increased travel times. If I had to guess, that was why the region voted as it did. With conferences so far apart, as they are in 1A East, I can understand this, even if I don't like it.
Every region or whatever they're called today, needs to stick with 16 teams. The format works good. granted there are a couple of crybaby schools who will always cry unless they can play EVERY playoff game at home.
What they did the first year under the conference alignment was have the automatic pairings for the first round and then reseed the teams based on their power rating for the semifinals.

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