Louisa and EV filled the bleachers at Dinwiddie last year. Louisa more so than EV but I’m sure that’s the most visiting fans that’s been at Dinwiddie in some timelouisa might have had as many fans at the Dinwiddie game last year.
Yeah the EV attendance was around 3800 and the Louisa game was right at 4000. The 2016 Lafayette gate was around 3900 and the biggest gate I can remember was suprisingly Monacan in 2016 4100. Our game with LT in 2013 was crazy loud, but mostly a home gate of 3000.Louisa and EV filled the bleachers at Dinwiddie last year. Louisa more so than EV but I’m sure that’s the most visiting fans that’s been at Dinwiddie in some time
Culp, I once made a totally innocent reference about "Salem", of Roanoke, to be sure everyone knew I wasn't talking about Salem in Virginia Beach. Man, I was vilified. I know how that guy felt that interfered with the ball at the Cub's game years ago.I remember last year several people said PH-Ash would hang with EV in the 1st round. It's called Richmond-bias....or I guess the Dems would call it Richmond-privilege.