Calpreps Class 2 Hypothetical Matchups

Oct 20, 2021
King William 22, Graham 41

Graham 38,
Appomattox 21

Appo 34, King William 35

Draft 14 Graham 28

Nottoway 31 King William 40

Nottoway 31 Appo 40

Nottoway 12 Graham 35

Draft 35
Appo 34

Draft 35 King William 34

Draft 31, Nottoway 21

Central 19, Draft 24

Central 27
Nottoway 22

Appo 34 Central 28

Central 8 Graham 31

Nottoway 31
Union 30

Appo 41 Union 31

Draft 34, Union 21

Union 31 King William 40

Central 31 King William 35
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A week ago the projections were much different. Stil gives you something to think about as they are pretty damn close being right on who wins.
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A week ago the projections were much different. Stil gives you something to think about as they are pretty damn close being right on who wins.
I think they are total crapshoot. It's fun to look at, but I would bet Calpreps would have far more inaccuracies this year than any previous year due to Covid. So many early games have been effected by 2, 4, 6, 7 players out due to Covid, and Calpreps computers can't account for that. They are running on the assumption that all teams are fully healthy all games, and that's not the case, so I would bet their results this year are more off than ever before.
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I wouldn’t put too much stock in Calpreps this year either. I’d say their normal 70ish % accuracy is going to be way down. The projections next week could be totally different. I mean on any given day a team could be shutdown. Even the best teams get rusty without practice & during playoffs that’s detrimental.
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one thing i think that made calpreps lower Appo's rating was because we used subs and such in 2nd half and allowed chatham to score 20 some points. So if that affected their rating it's definitely not a true rating. Our subs and dressed jv players have gotten alot of game time in this year.
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one thing i think that made calpreps lower Appo's rating was because we used subs and such in 2nd half and allowed chatham to score 20 some points. So if that affected their rating it's definitely not a true rating. Our subs and dressed jv players have gotten alot of game time in this year.
Yep. Also, Cal Preps doesn't take into account the injuries and Covid stuff you had with Heritage.
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