N NNDman VaPreps All District May 29, 2001 3,899 399 83 Oct 9, 2016 #1 Mathews 25, King and Queen Central 6 Luray 20, Page County 8 Fort Chiswell 31, Galax 20 Auburn 49, East Montgomery 8
Mathews 25, King and Queen Central 6 Luray 20, Page County 8 Fort Chiswell 31, Galax 20 Auburn 49, East Montgomery 8
obguthr VaPreps Honorable Mention May 29, 2003 1,886 783 113 Staunton, VA Oct 9, 2016 #2 Is that Fort-Galax score right? That doesn't make any sense. It can't be.